Saturday, November 23, 2013

Jump for joy

Wheeeeeeeee it's like 3 more days to liberation which is the end of alevels that everybody is looking forward to! Finally finally finally............. omg......... I survived this torturous 2 years... :( Can I cry? I'm super happy and relieved and glad and excited and whichever! FINALLY I'M FREE!!!! :D I'm super elated though I know that my results will suck big time :'( Well, there's nothing that can be done to change the final grade on my cert next year and I think I did give nearly my best for the exams just that I couldn't change my lazy, heck care, no sense of urgency attitude if not I would done better. But, save the excuses, accept it and move on. There's no turning back. BLAHHHH WHATEVER HAHAHA IM FREEE LIKE A BIRD AND THATS WHAT'S MORE IMPORTANT NEHNINEHNIPOOPOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok sry, ahaha I just need to rant and shout and scream for joy hehehe :) There's so many things that I can do after alvls keke!! And one of the best things is to have the time to laze on my bed the whole day, aww I love it cause my bed is more comfortable than yours :P Oh yah also to watch movies, dramas on computer! Though that's not what I'll usually do but I think I should watch a few more popular ones this time.... since I HAVE FREAKING 8 MONTHS OF HOLIDAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D YAY!

Also, the next event coming up would be Class bbq, followed by Prom, and then the long awaited Hong Kong Trip with my dear friends and sister heheh! I'm gonna try take many awesome ootd there and not forgetting shop + eat! wakaka :P Of course in the middle of these big events, there are already facial appointment booked, followed by working as a tuition teacher for the time being, and mini hangouts with friends, family and beloved boy! :) Hehe just a short update with pictures this time, I'll be back with moreeee! <3