Tuesday, August 23, 2016

How do you define love and happiness?

"Successful relationships require a lot of effort. Relationships are never perfect. It's something you're gonna have to work on.
This is why women observe how much effort a guy puts in for her during the courting stage.

But what is the definition of effort?
Effort is not taking you out to dinner and paying for it. It's not picking you up with a car and driving you to certain places. It's not even the random roses on your front door.
Real effort is going out of your way to make someone feel special.
It is saving up for a date to make sure it fits in his budget. Effort is keeping you company on the way home even when he doesn't have a car. It's buying you flowers with the little change left in his pocket instead of spending it on things he likes. This is real effort.
Sure, some other guy could pay for a date every night. But he's making loads of cash and he's only spending 10% of it on you. Sure that other guy could pick you up and take you to the places you wanna go but he already has a car and that's completely hassle-free. Sure he's buying you bouquets of flowers but what's that compared to the money he makes?
So before you become blinded by all the shiny things he can offer, ask yourself the following question.
Take away the convenience, would he still do it?
True effort is not what you give. It's how much you give compared to what you have."

This article tugged at my heartstrings and made me appreciate the little things more. 
Thank you for always putting in effort for me and our relationship but sometimes still get very little credit for it. 
I've been with you at your best (somehow) and at your worst but nothing changes for the amount of effort you put in. Even in times like this, you are already awesome and I know if times are better, things will definitely be better. 
You are just like what the article said, even without car, without roses, without high budget, you still take long walks with me just to send me home, treat me whenever possible and do things just to make me happy because as you said, making me happy and smile is the least you could do. 
Really, nothing is comparable to being happy and laughing all the time when I'm with you. It's priceless and something money can't buy. 
I love you for everything that you are and I truly appreciate it. Thank you for loving me and even loving me for everything that I'm not.

Back after 3 months

Wow this space has collected a lot of dust already huh, 3 months since I last blogged. Even the sign in page of Blogger has already changed haha!

Many things has happened through these 3 months. Obviously, I was away for my pre-exchange trip to Osaka and exchange trip in Korea. I love these 2 countries and the whole trip was really awesome with good company as well :) The memories will always stay with me! Missing japanese and korean food already..... argh!

Too lazy to update about my trip but yes it was a bomb! Period.

Right now, school has already started... again. Week 3 now and I'm already lagging behind as usual haha! Still at week2's content. Also for the semester, there are like 2 projects (1 engine, 1 art) so definitely need to fork out more time on them ugh. But well, all's good so far! Have been having a fair share of fun as well, ok maybe too much fun haha! :P

Oh yes, have to jot down that the current hype is on Pokemon Go now, in case I read it years later and I can still recall about this. Haha it's really quite fun when played together with fun and ahem... using a car ofc. Walking or running about it just not as fun cause you can't catch a lot of pokemon within a short time. With car and the tracker app, wow everything is just wow. We will be like "chiong 3 more minutes, go go go!" :D Have been playing with love and his friends keke, isit like an every friday activity?

Happy to say that time and days with love are becoming more crazy and fun and awesome. I mean we are already 15/10 but now is like 20/10? HAHA! Ok what I mean is that it just gets better and better and that is how it should be! Hoping it will keep getting better forever yay! :) <3 We have also been seeing each other a lot lately cause we are teaching tuition at the same house haha cute hor? Yepppp can always never get enough of seeing each other one lah cause he's my second home <3

Also, gotten myself quite a few weekend of event jobs. Ofc, must work hard right! To build up my "reserve" once again though seriously I can stop working any part time jobs like events and tuition and really just live on the money that people owe me man. Why must I always be a loan shark/debt collector? Lol! The total money that people owe me really.... I won't say ofc but you all will not imagine how much though. I didn't know I'm so rich for my age LOL that I can lend sucha hefty sum to people... say whut. But well, since my money is "well deposited" with them.... I shall just treat it as them helping me to save. Then when they return me... wow.... it will be mind blowing AHAHA! Not even kidding ok :P Before that happens, ofc I need to teach tuition and take up some event jobs when I can. Who doesn't like to have more money? It doesn't hurt hahah!

That's about all. Hope I will work and study more instead of play/work more? Sianzation lah. Yawns bye xoxo.