Thursday, July 31, 2014

Next phase

Wow hello guys, I'm finally done with all the camps!!!!!

NTU Sports Unlimited 2014 aka Sports Camp was really hiong!! Intially I really doubted the hiongness of the camp and was really contemplating whether to join it due to certain idiotic issues ugh. But well, didn't regret joining the camp because the activities were all really challenging! I dare to say that I overcame some of my fears like height and water fears! Not really overcame but at least I challenged my own fears. Also, the activities also did push our limits and capabilities to a whole new level! These 7 days camp was not easy at all and it would definitely not be possible without the constant encouragement from the gls and friends!!! Phew what a camp!!! I think the activities easily made the camp the best camp out of all, no wonder it is called the legendary NTU Sports Camp and whenever you tell people you joined that camp before, they will go wow wow wow wow!!!! Cause it's seriously wow!!! Not everybody can really go through this man.My favourite activity would of course be the Banana Boat and the Viper Boat thingy!! I was totally enjoying myself and I was so happy and all :D Hehe super thrilling lahhhhhhhh especially with awesome company too :) Hehe so here are just some photos that people uploaded here and there~~~

This is my cute og! Dory!!! :D

Haha our blur dory faceeeeeeeee

The entire SEAWORLD!!!!! BEST WORLD OF 2014!!! Omgggggggggggggg woohoooo!!! :D We definitely owned the Grand Finale which was seriously the most hiong thing out of the whole camp gosh!!! Not any ordinary human can do that man! Nth can actually describe the activities in sports camp cause you have to experience the whole thing by yourself to actually understand. How I hope all my friends will join sports camp man, but too lateeeeee.

During our SP day, the theme was Pink..... ahaha!

The girlsssssss :)

& yes the Pageants this year and the committee. Yes, I'm one of the pageants... meh. Still not very excited about it cause I didn't join it willingly.. It was kinda a forced thing :( Nvm, I shall find the fun out of it since every ex pageants said that the process was super enjoyable. Also, the pageant photoshoot is coming soon, next monday! The theme is kinda cool so hope it will be a fun one? & PLS LET ME BE LESS CHAODA BY THEN ARGHHHHHHHHHHH :'(

So yes after joining all the camps and getting exposed the university culture, I'm kinda suffering from culture shock haha! I dont know how to explain this feeling but I just feel that the entire environment is so different from secondary school and jc environment. Like at least you can feel at ease and at home in sec sch & jc but in uni, everything is just strange and weird? Even the ppl that you know are like weird? Cause you dk whether they truly want to befriend with you or not. Perhaps I'm thinking too much but that's what I'm feeling. It's filled with so many unreal things and ppl just have too many sides...... SCARY for an innocent me :( But well, all I can say is dont need to care so much and just do what I'm supposed to do. Whatever else is outside just let it be. whatever ppl want to say or do just let it be as long as I am myself. Also, I'm gonna stay rooted man. Just be myself and continue basking in the company of my old friends (if they are still keen in staying in contact with old friends). At most I'll just be a loner kia and just have my boyfriend as my friend? HAHA. at least I know that I can be my real self with him and  he can be there to remind me of my real self if I ever steer towards the bad side. Ok why does this post sounds so serious like as if I'm going to live in an alien world. LOL. Ok just chill bro~~ Nth can be so scary right? Hope so.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

9 days / 11 days

Howdy, it's me again :) Another week just flew by like that. It's always so depressing talking about time, cause it is always moving and never waiting for anything/anyone. Like the saying, "Time and tide wait for no one." So idiotic.

Well, for the past week after the camp till now, I've been doing nothing much but just spending quality time with my boyfriend, wahaha :) Here's a throwback picture to many years ago when we first started.......

Something I will not get sick of! Hehe it's a heart collage that he did for me teeheeeeeeee sweet right? He was like a 18 year old doing this for a 16 year old me :) The words are just some spanish words and randome codes that we used when we were in the friendationship phase.

It's so rare that we got to spend so much time continuously like 9 days tgt you know. Everyday for nine days :O I think this is the first ever time that we ever spent so many continuous days with each other in our 3 years + relationship. This may sound absurd to many other couples who meet up like almost everyday.... Haha but you know, it's all down to clashing schedule! Our schedule ALWAYS, let me repeat, ALWAYS freaking clash! They clash like nobody's business I tell you, frustrating at times. But well, we still managed to come so far so it just shows thatttttttttttttttttttttt relationship is not built up by the number of times you meet or whatsoever but it's about the foundation you built tgt :) Awww sounds so sweet, BUT it's not always sweet okay!!! There are many bitter moments behind every single relationship, soooooo fairytales and korean love dramas are just bullshit :( 

Ok let me get back to the main point, so yep we spent happy days + a few bitter moments tgt HAHA! Even 9 days, there can still be bitter moments ok!! Ok actually it's just me feeling bitter cause I get angry and pissed with him over small things and he just won't feel angry or anything one. So one sided bitterness, ARGH.

So yes, right after Insinyur camp..........
6 July-7July: I went over to find him at night as he got a news to break to me :( sigh pie. So we practically had heart to heart talks and all till morning~ The next day just slacked at home with him and went out for our meals tgt :)

8 July: Went over to help him dye his hair!!! Woohoo~ I did a fairly good job okay, so easy!! :P

Pardon my face HAHA! & also spammed selfies with his new hair tadah~~~
Just look at his irritating mole HAHA! I called it the cheeky mole, it gets bigger when he becomes naughtier! HMPH!!! 

Yay love this! Love it when he smiles like that, so qt3.142..?!?!? <3

& then I was asking him to act like we are talking to each other, like you know those candid shots? HAHA and here's what he did....... giving me white eyes and tongue! BOX HIM TTM HAHA

We ran out of poses and he decided to be a tikopeh! 100% qualify to be one! IDIOT HIM HAHA! We burst out laughing when we looked at this picture, jokeeeeeee :P

& hehe the collage!! :) Love keeping collages like this. This is like the 2nd one alrdy. 1st one is this...

9 July: Went on a date with him hehe! We went The Cathay for a not very scary Scary movie and went to eat Astons!! I was craving for ittttttt so yay :D

Fish for me & chicken for him!
He also ordered the garlic bread as side to share and wow I didn't know it was sooooooo nice :D Sorry ah me abit suaku, cause I won't really order garlic bread unless it comes tgt with the set :P Actually wanted to eat so many other things as well, like Makisan & 4 Fingers but too full alrdy so we just had Starbucks chocolate chip frappé & checked out the mall. 

10 July: Hehe yes, 10th 10th 10th! It was our 40th monthsary and nope, we don't celebrate our monthsaries but since we were meeting that day so I used it as an excuse for him to cook tgt with me bleh! :D We cooked lunch tgt yippeeee! Stir fry udon cause I was missing the one I ate overseas~

Udon with many many ingredients and scrambled eggs!! I know how to cook those McDonald's type of scrambled eggs okay!! It's just about da FIRE! Ezpz :) Didn't take pictures of us and the process cause our hands were always dirty while preparing the ingredients and sauce :D

We cooked alot so his mom and brothers got to eat it as well. Phew luckily his mom said it was not bad ahahah considering our first attempt on it! It's not as difficult as it seems huh :) & yea it was a really filling bowl of noodles filled with love love love <3

12 July: Mom decided to whip up a sumptuous dinner and invited my sis & my boyfriend over to have it with us, haha super random!

13 July-14 July: Went over to watch World Cup finals with him. He has been asking me to watch it with him but I kept rejecting till the last match haha! Well, he claimed that it will be nicer if I watched it with him. Nonsense!! :P Good that he won despite the team that he supports lost. The next day went for our meals also and then he sent me home to rest.

15 July: Accompanied him to Tanjong Pagar for his interview and then ate at a ramen place! The one that if famous had super long queue so we settled for the not famous and kinda meh one sobsobs!!! :( Tanjong Pagar is filled with cafes but mostly closed during dinner time so it's better to check that place out during the day!! Definitely will go back there to explore again :)

& then today my dear boy is gone, out of singapore to Taiwan for 8 days with his friends :( & also I will be going for my Sports Camp soon so we both will be away during this period and then we will meet in another 11 days time at our friend's bday party! :) 

That's the end of this post, hope I didn't bore you with my week with him haha! :D 