Thursday, July 31, 2014

Next phase

Wow hello guys, I'm finally done with all the camps!!!!!

NTU Sports Unlimited 2014 aka Sports Camp was really hiong!! Intially I really doubted the hiongness of the camp and was really contemplating whether to join it due to certain idiotic issues ugh. But well, didn't regret joining the camp because the activities were all really challenging! I dare to say that I overcame some of my fears like height and water fears! Not really overcame but at least I challenged my own fears. Also, the activities also did push our limits and capabilities to a whole new level! These 7 days camp was not easy at all and it would definitely not be possible without the constant encouragement from the gls and friends!!! Phew what a camp!!! I think the activities easily made the camp the best camp out of all, no wonder it is called the legendary NTU Sports Camp and whenever you tell people you joined that camp before, they will go wow wow wow wow!!!! Cause it's seriously wow!!! Not everybody can really go through this man.My favourite activity would of course be the Banana Boat and the Viper Boat thingy!! I was totally enjoying myself and I was so happy and all :D Hehe super thrilling lahhhhhhhh especially with awesome company too :) Hehe so here are just some photos that people uploaded here and there~~~

This is my cute og! Dory!!! :D

Haha our blur dory faceeeeeeeee

The entire SEAWORLD!!!!! BEST WORLD OF 2014!!! Omgggggggggggggg woohoooo!!! :D We definitely owned the Grand Finale which was seriously the most hiong thing out of the whole camp gosh!!! Not any ordinary human can do that man! Nth can actually describe the activities in sports camp cause you have to experience the whole thing by yourself to actually understand. How I hope all my friends will join sports camp man, but too lateeeeee.

During our SP day, the theme was Pink..... ahaha!

The girlsssssss :)

& yes the Pageants this year and the committee. Yes, I'm one of the pageants... meh. Still not very excited about it cause I didn't join it willingly.. It was kinda a forced thing :( Nvm, I shall find the fun out of it since every ex pageants said that the process was super enjoyable. Also, the pageant photoshoot is coming soon, next monday! The theme is kinda cool so hope it will be a fun one? & PLS LET ME BE LESS CHAODA BY THEN ARGHHHHHHHHHHH :'(

So yes after joining all the camps and getting exposed the university culture, I'm kinda suffering from culture shock haha! I dont know how to explain this feeling but I just feel that the entire environment is so different from secondary school and jc environment. Like at least you can feel at ease and at home in sec sch & jc but in uni, everything is just strange and weird? Even the ppl that you know are like weird? Cause you dk whether they truly want to befriend with you or not. Perhaps I'm thinking too much but that's what I'm feeling. It's filled with so many unreal things and ppl just have too many sides...... SCARY for an innocent me :( But well, all I can say is dont need to care so much and just do what I'm supposed to do. Whatever else is outside just let it be. whatever ppl want to say or do just let it be as long as I am myself. Also, I'm gonna stay rooted man. Just be myself and continue basking in the company of my old friends (if they are still keen in staying in contact with old friends). At most I'll just be a loner kia and just have my boyfriend as my friend? HAHA. at least I know that I can be my real self with him and  he can be there to remind me of my real self if I ever steer towards the bad side. Ok why does this post sounds so serious like as if I'm going to live in an alien world. LOL. Ok just chill bro~~ Nth can be so scary right? Hope so.

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