Saturday, August 17, 2013


Hi guys! Bet most of you are all busy studying for your upcoming examinations right? Omg, the hectic school schedule and all the intensive lessons are drowning me!!! Everyday's like rushing here and there for lessons, to study to attend class and what not. It thus made me so hungry easily nowadays! 3 meals for me a day is definitely not enough :( Furthermore, with all the lessons, intensive, consultations, extra lessons and everything, they made me realised that I'm in deep shitz cause I have a lot a lot to catch up and learn :( Firstly, I'm not smart in academic wise and I'm also not the hardworking type. So, I'm left with feeling scared and panicky all the time. But I guess I start to put everything into actions instead of plan plan plan and plan. I'm trying real hard to catch up :( And prelims, which is the final round of examinations before the real A'levels is approaching like a few weeks time!!!!! IT'S CRAZYYYYY!!!!! :( I seriously need positive vibes, thoughts and energy to keep me going and to stop me from all the shitty 'give up', 'i cannot do it' thoughts :( Somemore, I started attending tuition lessons (today was the first lesson) hahah, never had it cross my mind that I would be taking up tuition ever again cause I always thought it is useless and everything lies in one's attitude, aptitude when it comes to studies. But I;m desperate you see, I'm in deep deep deep deep shitz ever than you can imagine hahah! Okay I need to scram off this laptop and return to my books :( BOOHOO! OK I CAN DO IT I CAN DO IT I KNOW HOW TO DO VERY EASY CHICKEN FEET!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait for 25 Novemeber, the day when everything ENDS!!!! Fack it man! Burn all the books like a happy girl! :D There are already a few plans waiting for me after alvls. One of it will be HongKong trip with my jc clique, ohemgee hehehe so excited!!! :D Also, I wanna work work work and try many jobs!! I want to work hard and pamper myself with lots of goodies ^^ Also, not forgetting travelling around singapore to try many different yummy food with my fav boy <3 I told him I've got a super long list of food to try with him and cook with him already, keke. EXCITED :) 

Right now, I just got to live with it and STUDY LIKE A NERD NO LIFE ASS. 3 more bloody months!!! JIAYOU!!!! I, too, want nice nice alvl cert :( please grant me that... 

Press on guys! <3

Saturday, August 3, 2013

What's up.

HIIIIIIII GUYS!!! :) I'm super happy now because I created my own blog banner! Hahaha yes it's the one on top! Though it's all me me me me and me but it's still cool right? Really thanks to google and picmonkey to help me put tgt everything :) Yippeeee, now my blog's so nice hehe :)

Alright, so nowadays I have been eating lots of yummy food :) Here are some of the food visuals:

This is bak kut teh from Marsiling. Nom nom nom :) The soup and meat are served in generous portion, *thumbs up*

This is chicky rice from Katong. We ate this and went for karaoke after that at Teoheng in the same building. The chicken are so succulent and oh please the soups are delicious! *finger-licking-good* 

Had this korean bbq just yesterday with my netballers :) Very yummy indeed, it's located at Junction 10! It's so convenient for us cause our school's just nearby haha. My friends and I were bbq almost every food as if it's like our stove and our house. We all have pretty high potential of being chefs *winks* Oh yes, I don't mind being one cause I love cooking and I love food!! :D Looking at these food pictures now...... my dear stomach growling alrdy. Imma go get some food after this!


These 2 are random OOTD pictures taken by my younger sister. Hahahaha her shots were rejected by me for quite a few times and finally these 2 were the best among the rest. This was the karaoke day that I mentioned earlier and after that, I went to bf's friend's birthday party. Kinda awkward there ahaha but overall it was entertaining and funny looking at his friends playing alcohol games. Some were even drunk, so epic! :P


And yep, this is today in the noon! I was with my whole big family playing bowling! My nephews were also playing kekek so cuteeeeee :) Any day with my big family is awesome and always filled with love and laughters :) Currently, they are all enjoying their karaoke session while I'm back at home to study.... Life of a jc kid! WHYOHWHY! School's been a bij nowadays with the extra long and hectic pedagogy! ARGH! And i am hating the state I'm in now: DEEP SHIT! :( I've got a lot more more more to catch up, so sad..... :'(  But oops, I just wasted 4 hours on computer, damnit!!!!! GUILTY! Ok ok I got to go and S T U D Y! Pray for me and wish me luck okie! Update next time :)

 Stay tune <3