Friday, April 4, 2014

2 Degree Ice Art Museum 2014

Yay finally visited the Ice Art Museum yesterday with love <3 :) He said that he will bring me there since last year when nobody actually knows about it.... but then dragggggged and we went there just yesterday, BOX HIM!!!!!!!!

I can say that the entire museum is really small, and you can finish walking the whole thing in like 5 minutes or even lesser? Hahah if you don't stop to take pictures. So for us ofc we stopped to take pictures and all, so we went out of the place after like half an hour to de-freeze ourselves !! The coldness is really no joke, just 3 minutes in there and yr hands will start to be numb and painful!!! Nose and lips will also be numb and freezing cold, BRRRRRRRR!!!

So upon stepping in, you will be greeted by the Ferris Wheel and I straightaway requested to take picturesssss!!! :D It's so pretty and really makes you feel like you are overseas/in front of the real Ferris Wheel.


Sir Stamford Raffles.

All those we seen upon stepping in. COOLY~~

So we took a turn and,
Saw this palace entrance~~

His tolerance for cold is really low and I don't know why his ears were painful hhaha! 

It was really hard to smile after awhile cause your lips and nose will just be numb!

Eiffel Tower and us!! Hehee actually the photo was super dark but after some pro editing, tadah brighter picture! :) Not bad ah, he will hug me to take the picture...... :P quite a pity cause the person who helped us to take the picture doesn't know how to fit the entire Eiffel tower into the pic :(

Flipped out my new baby to take selfies cause my camera can! :D These are the better quality pictures and after these we decided to use our phones to take pictures instead cause our hands were so numb and couldn't bend alot so it was quite tough to use the camara. Somemore I'm afraid my camera will freeze to death so it had to return back in my baggie!

The Buddha sculpture.

And so we stepped into the playing area, haha ok actually not much things to play. There are just 3 slopes, 2 that doesnt require the floats and 1 that requires the float.

The area was superrrrrrrrrr crowded and there were only 4 floats to use so we had to take turns and it never seemed to be our turn cause everybody sure will play quite a few times!! So we took some pictures while waiting.....

Hi we are the modern version of Little Red Riding Hood and her Red Prince :P

My pillar of support and strength <3


Sweetest boy award goes to him!! Haha he's always willing to take silly pictures or expressions with me :) 

By then, we were freezing alrdy so we decided to go out first and then play the slope later!!
On our way to the exit!!! More sculpturesssss :) Him with the Egyptian statues 

and me with some animals? Lol!!

We went out of the room and took quite a long time to finally feel warm again!!! Hands also took a long time to be able to move around like normal, tsktsk!!! :( 

And we straightaway aim for the food!! We were quite hungry then and decided to eat some hot food!! The curry fish balls and the curry are really yummy!!! Drank all!!! :D

The Triple Cheese pizza that smell damn bad but taste damn good ahaha! But it was freaking oily......

After filling our stomach and warming ourselves....... we went back in there for round 2!!! to play the slopes!

Hehe glad that there weren't many people in there alrdy so yeshhhh slopes to ourselves! :D & idk why for the second round we felt colder than the first round goshhhh!!! :( He is literally shivering and his whole body shook so hard I thought he was acting but it was real. I had a great great laugh!!! I think the whole museum can hear my laughter oops!! :( Thankfully he doesn't judge me or get a shock when I laugh damn loudly, sorry lah big family genes :P only thing is that he will mini complain that I talk super loudly and that everybody around me is watching me.......... LOL OOPS.

WHEEEEE my man helping me to carry the fatty floats up the slippery slope! WOW it rhymes! :D 

and also preparing everything for me, awwwwww! sometimes I really think I bully him too much in the way that I always leave him to do and prepare everything for me, sooorwieee :'( 

HEHE ready to slide down! Haha the slope is pretty short so it wasn't fun enough but there is a mini bump in the middle so more exciting~ 

Here's a mini video of us playing it!!! :P

Always willing to do silly faces with me ^^

Thanks for being who you are and I'm sooooooo glad that I got to know you silly :) Thanks for being sucha sweet bf and a caring big brother who always take care of me in every aspect!!! I never need to worry about anything when I'm with you cause I know you will have a way to fix everything! It's quite a bad thing cause it will make me rely on him too much and then I won't bother to do things or think or plan or whichever cause I know he will solve/prepare it for me :( But luckily I'm still not at that stage yet!! Hahaha!! Still, I think he is really too niceeeeeee (ofc he also has his super mega idiotic self....) and I don't want any other girls to have a chance to be with him and take him for granted!!!! :'( 

Next, we went to check out the Ice Bar!!!

What a cool lounge! The ice couch and ice seats, haha so cute!

Love anything furry :)

We ordered the 1-for-1 Ice Mug for $15 so that we can throw later. Quite lame though... haha!! But for the experience you see :D

Eskimos!!!!! :D I prefer this coat to the previous one keke

Your lips will be dry or numb so that explains why he is always licking his lips in alot of pictures haha! Pardon him!

This idiotic ass who makes me wanna hug him everytime I see him :D *squishhhh*

SMASH HARD! *piang*

So the whole thing took us around an hour? or maybe 1.5 hours~ didn't keep track of the time. After that we went to Old Airport Road to makan dinner :)

Prawn mee and side dishes :) Thanks so much for everything love!! :) Glad that we can still be so sweet and cute to each other even after 3 years!! We do have our ups and downs but I really like it when we passed our downs tgt and return back to the joyful,playful,mushy stage!! <3 The honeymoon period in your relationship can last for as long as you want, so long as you put in the effort :) 

Always have, always will. 

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