Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Kiseki Buffet!

Yay, so just yesterday I met up with my Mind Stretcher colleagues who are now my friends!! :) It's so heartening to know that we are still meeting up time after time :D And yes, food brings us tgt, haha we are always going for foody outings!

 This time, it's Kiseki Buffet!!! We wanted to have it the previous outing but as I blogged previously, the queue was toooo damn long so we went for Shabu Sai which was kinda traumatising for us :/ We learnt our lessson and quickly make a reservation for the afternoon lunch buffet!! YAY TOO EXCITED TO CHECK IT OUT! Among us, only Yh tried it before, so it was Rach and my first time feasting at Kiseki :D

Taadaaaa, our first round of buffet!! HAHAHA it's just too funny because we always take alot alot alot like almost everything available on our first round! Just like the previous time at Shabu Sai, joke man :) & we were so happy that we cleared everything!!! Wahahaha, pro right? Rach was alrdy full like after eating half of what's on the table and it kinda shocked me and yh! cause the both of us were just starting to feel the food going down our tummy, haha!!! I really didn't fill full man! 

Yes the food there are yummy!! I especially like the Seafood Pasta and Prawns! I loveeeeeeeeee buffet prawns because most of the time they are damn sweet and fresh! LOVE IT, don't really fancy normal prawns but only buffet prawns and tiger prawns, those high quality ones u see keke!

Yes here you see me devouring the whole plate of fatty yummy prawns by myself ok!!!! That was after a big plate of prawns that we shared, so means I ate more than 10 plus prawns that day. I could have eaten moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee but they were alrdy super full and just resting there looking at me enjoying hahaha!! :P Yep, we had the one pot of soup to ourselves after sharing one pot prior to that!

Actually we didn't really eat alot, but quite alot! HAHA! There are desserts after all these as well, but no pictures cause the desserts section wasn't very nice and wow, which was rather disappointing~ 

However, the food section was not bad, we all thought that it was really worth the money, and quite cheap!! $23 for the buffet lunch, inclusive of all the gst and service charge, good right!!!! WORTH WORTH! :)

I was full but not those uncomfortable full but they were kinda bloated! I like this type of full, like full but not to the extent that you want to vomit and want to bend your stomach like what I experienced at Shabu Sai which was veryyyyyyyyyy traumatising and uncomfortable! So yesh yesh, go Kiseki if you want to have some satisfying buffet :D Will definitely go back there! :> Oh yes, company also matters a lot when you are having buffet <3

After that we just walked around Somerset, Cineleisure, Scape area to digest our foody!!! And shop! hahaha there are sales everywhereeeee and we all bought the same necklace from Forever 21 for only freaking $5! I really love the cutie necklace, ahaha I was like mini screaming at it, so all decided to buy tgt keke! Sort of our friendship necklace? :')

Really love random friendship that lasts unexpectedly <3 Rach and I were trying to do the Yh face, Yh was doing it with us also but she changed expression at the last second, this girl damn mischievous!! & haha Rach was so amazed by my camera, like the wifi function and how clear the pictures turned out even on phone hehe :)

Yep and realised that we were all clad in blue clothing, somehow like we set a theme that day, but ofc we didn't haha!

The 3 of us are quite crazy when we are tgt, like each having different character and different level of craziness, haha!! Here's to many more food outings tgt!!! YAY :D 

Love em'! <3 #pyr


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