Monday, January 19, 2015


Oh hi there "diary", it has been long since I last chatted with you. HAHA ok sounds retarded!! :P 

So! Quite a few events have already happened in the first few weeks of 2015 :) 

I attended the first 21st bday party of 2015! I believe there are more to come haha!

Adelynn's (the pretty girl at the bottom right) 21st! :) I have to start thinking how am I gonna hold my 21st bday party as well.

So glad to have caught up with the jc friends and teacher!! :) 

It was superrrrrr breezy that night at Marina Barrage! Would love to go there someday in the afternoon and also at night!

The cute caricatures of us haha!!! Mine doesn't look like me right?  

Next, I attended his cousin's wedding! It was a pretty cool one cause the groom is of quite a high rank in the army I think so there were some marching and sword performances LOL! 

Can't wait to attend my cousin's one next month! I'm gonna be one of her bridesmaids wahaha so I get to come up with ideas to bully the groom before he can reach my cousin who is the bride! Wheeeeeee not forgetting my cousin is damn pretty?!?! No kidding. My another cousin showed me her wedding pictures and I was still thinking which celebrity is that, totally didn't think that she was my cousin hahah! Pro!

Also, attended my beloved's POP!!! :) Yay, 2 months are over for him! The whole ceremony was kinda interesting, I like the "dance" most! I posted it on facebook :)

MORNING FACEEEEEE YAWNSSSS!!! Reached there at like 7am +

His parent's couldn't make it so I sort of asked my parents to accompany me there if not I've to go there alone, so awkz and lonely haha!! My mom wanted to go see see as well since she said she don't have a son so she won't have the chance to attend a pop, LOL. 

Yes it pains me to see that he had definitely lost some weight but army what, no choice! :( Always proud of you :) It seemed like I've been through a lot of milestones with him and I'm thankful that I get to grow up with him :')

Oh yah many also asked if he was smelly, HAHA! But surprisingly he not smelly AT ALL leh! Only sweaty and they looked at me in disbelief as if like I bluff them. Haha but he really not smelly at all. I can smell the other people's odour though. Teehee but it's true that my beloved is always very xiang one! :P

Silly lovable boy :) Now, he's on to his new army vocation as an Artillery Gunner! Sounds pro? Haha but heard that it is very hiong, sigh don't want him to lose more weight and be sick again! Hopefully he will up his pes and go command school. That's what he told me haha. I've never pushed him to be an officer or whichever because I guess they are the ones who are going through army and whatever decisions should be made by them? They are the ones "suffering" and if they are not enjoying army and just wanna faster end it then it's no point to force them to go for higher ranks. Though it will be good if they wanna achieve something for themselves out of this 2 years of army :) 

& then there were many other small events here and there and AHEM!!! School has started again........ semester 2...... zzz.

I'm so stressed about school even though it has just started because I know that either I make it or I break it for semester 2. I really need to pull up my socks and get that particular gpa you know you know!??! If not I'm in deep shit lol. That's why I'm so stressed about school and nothing about school or any happy thing related to school or whoever in school can make me happy/smile when I'm in school. Hahaha school school school LOL. It's just a very stressful and threatening place to me. I don't look like I'm stressed cause who wants to look like that? And if people asked, it will totally make me feel x100 more worse than what I'm already feeling. So please, just don't ask :) I know that I have to work my ass off for this semester and really can't joke about it but hmm..... I can foresee that the modules are gonna get tougher as weeks go by. I hope and I hope and I hope that I can manage and please just let me do well :( Really desperate! Saying is so easy, thinking is so easy but the effing thing about doing that is so hard. ARGH!!! Just have to jiayou already, nobody can help me but myself. Hahaha!!! Thankful for my boy who is capable of making me forget all my sorrows and worries temporarily and just making me happy without much effort. Always looking forward to the weekends to free myself alil' and to seek solace and happiness from him.

May this semester be smooth-sailing and fast! I know it will be damn fast, even faster than last sem cause there are a lot of events this sem, like cny is one haha! So just have to tahan and then I will be going overseasssssssssss yay!!! :P Can't wait keke! :)

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