Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

One fine Saturday afternoon, dad decided to bring us to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve to see see walk walk. He knows lots of hidden gems/food in singapore! We were like clueless about how it looks like? I don't think a lot of people go there before? Because there is like nothing to do haha but.................................. just pure nature. Nothing but pretty.

The sky was super pretty as usual! There is a cafeteria there so we had our lunch and then went to explore around. The whole place is filled with greeneries, nothing much but just fresh air, good weather, some trails and "playgrounds". Dad said he saw baby crocodile in the river last time when he visited but mehhh we didn't have the luck to see one that day :(

After eating, we went into the "forest" to explore the trail! There were quite many different routes to take, we didn't even finish them all cause it was gonna rain and we had to leave.

Peggy photography :P 
Haha all these sceneries just had to make me create a photography account. Love them so much???? Feast to the eyes, soothing and calm the nerves.

Scenery/Nature Lover 

HAHA went ahead to take the typical "hold my hand" photos with sisters :P People thought it was my boyfriend holding my hand on my insta??? Kekek 

Hehe mini adventure? *TICK* :) <3

See see!!! Beautifulllllllllllllllllll *shakes head, thumbs up*
Definitely a potential place for ppl to explore the trails and then have a picnic at the sheltered areas or even on the grass patches. Mmmm not bad :)

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sugar spice and everything nice

First few gatherings of 2016! Talked for a few hours with food gurus over bingsu and it feels like home, everytime. Sharing of personal stories/troubles/creepy things/health issues/plans/ etc etc. Always thankful for all the constant effort in organising meetups occasionally! Big love :) 

Also went to meet the jc netballers over lumch. Haven't been meeting up with them for eons so I thought I should! Everybody's so involved/happy with their lives, talking about future plans and all, wish all of you all the best and only the best :)


Hyde&Co with sisters! Super long didn't go cafehopping already because so lazy, quite ex, wont really meet expectations so..... normal hawker/foodcourt food still da best?

Surprisingly this was goood!!!! I especially love the one on the bottom right of the above picture but forgot the name of it.

Next up, finally tried Saveur!!! It's a french bistro which serves affordable french food without burning a hole in your pocket. The food photography for the above pictures nice hor???? I love it? Hahah!! Yup food is delicious! We ordered the duck confit, dory and signature pasta(not captured) which are all chef's recommendations and no disappointments!!! YUMYUM :D Go try go try :)

Had been shopping for cny clothes whenever we can, haha!! Need like at least 6 sets of clothes, formal + informal~

Boho style with my punk phone cover, sadly it's so ruined already tsktsk! But so lazy to change phone coverrrrrrrrrr since I'll be changing phone either this year or the next. 

By now it should be apparent that I don't really like to change new things except clothes? I always use my things till they are spoiled/ruined to their max or use them for a very long time already, then I will contemplate to get a new one. Like so lazy to change what I'm already used to already!! Mom kept scolding me for still using my charles&keith wallet when the skin has already peeled off.... oops..... but I seriously dont care much? but sis got me a new kate spade wallet so yay, can change already lo, without me having to decide what to get :P (bonus)

Who's also a lazy hoarder like me? :P

Sourcing for my bday decorations~~

My plaits kinda suit the viking style hahaha!


Doggies everywhere!! Both of them girls are so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee <3

Then usual time with love :) Movies, sleepovers, meals, crazy stuff! <3
Busy us :(

Not forgetting, every weekend my whole big family will go dine at our usual zichar place cause the adults kept striking lottery!!! LOL! HUAT AH SO DAMN LUCKY LAH WTS???? So it's like consecutively keep going back there to eat hahah damn joke, the zichar stall must be thinking we siao? :P Hehee up till now still will have treats, next weekend gonna eat some atas dimsum! Woooo cant wait :P HEHEE LADYLUCK CONTINUE TO WERK IT :D

Monday, January 11, 2016

Hello 2016

11/366 (leap year)
Woo means people whose birthdays fall on 29 Feb can celebrate their bday again and if they happen to be 21st this year, wow confirm major celebration! Really damn cool :)

Since 2015's end of year holiday was pretty hectic..... so for 2016 up till now, the days were spent catching up on my dramas, going on gatherings with friends, some I've not met for quite some time, quality time with loved ones and the usual big family time. Very relaxing but not relaxing enough cause am still busy for certain stuff :(

Oh the conversations we are having with our friends at this stage of life...... marriage, weddings and 21st parties..... we have reached that stage of life.... It's just too fast. Though I would say we are still young.... but people are actually already planning and on their way towards their adult life, gotta chill man.

Yes, 21st bday party.... having headache over it these days as well, thinking planning and discussing!!! Need to go order my decorations online asap, email companies about my bday cake, think of colour scheme for my theme, my bf even helped me do up excel sheet LOL and telling me to cut cost cause erm..... sure will be quite expensive given that I'll be inviting almost 100 people, THAT IS MADNESS. Too many already man, I was expecting a 60-70. However, my family already takes up 50+ ppl, and then friends....... The thing about inviting friends is that for me, I would really only want to invite those that I'm really close with cause it is only apt and comfortable for me to do so. But I have to invite some groups of friends cause they invited me during their parties last time as well, and then it will all add up to a lot of ppl :( 

Firstly, having too many people is a headache cause the place will be very packed and crowded. It will also be quite difficult to mingle around cause too many people, too chaotic! Moreover, I will only organise a 1 day celebration and not 2 days whereby family and friends come on different days. Too troublesome.
Secondly, it will be more expensive. The buffet itself already very pricey, no joke.
Thirdly, I wanna minimize awkwardness? Hahah!!

Right now all the way till the day of my party, I will be busy over this......... wanna faster settle it!!!!! Hahah hope it will turn out niceeeeee :) Thinking about having mini games and bf was like "it's just a bday celebration, you think what?" HAHAHA and when I tell him maybe a lucky draw? and he looked at me with the WTS? face! AHAHA OOPS :P But with so many ppl, also very hard to organise mini games already lo~ Now it's all about cut cost cut cost!!!

We shall see how, I'll be sending out my invitation during the later part of cny period so do stay tune ;) Wheee cny, already kinda excited :D 
Kekek 2016's gonna be exciting *flying kisses*