Saturday, October 26, 2013


Flower from coach. Nice nice nice :) What's the species for this flower? Isit daisy? I'm not very good with flowers but I do know how to appreciate them hahah :)
Oh yes, this picture was taken using my iPhone4!! Yes, my phone is such an antique right? Hahah but I feel very attached to this phone of mine and if I were to change to a new phone, of course I will be happy but sure will miss my current one and will feel lost using the new one. Ok that's quite normal for most of us right? But i think to me, dont change phone also nevermind as long as i got my current one, I still can use it for a long time you know though it's like 3 years old alrdy? Hahaha it's getting real laggy and irritating but everything that I want is inside you see :P 
Okok but to the point, it's not about the camera or whichever, it's about the photographer yo! HAHA! I'm really keen to learn photography leh, I think I got potential and talent!! :D I just need an opportunity... hmm....

Oh yes, on a random note, I miss this boy so badly :( :( :( We haven't met each other since like.... a month and 2 days already :( That's very very sad I know...
You see, he's in poly, i'm in jc. When he's having his holiday, I'm having school, and vice versa... Our schedule always always always clash... since forever :( boohoo, really hope everything can end soon and we can reunite again, don't like to miss you so badly :( but still am glad that you are always by my side despite everything, constantly encouraging and spurring me on during this really tough period <3

 counting down 30 days more till all my papers are over and till we can meet up again!  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Graduate Lo

Wheeeeee hi guys, I've finally graduated!!!! Actually since last friday! :D
I don't deny that I've been waiting to graduate and get free from the education system for my 8 months holiday. From young till now, I'm never a love-to-go-school kinda person and I cry whenever school's reopening after every holiday/break :( So yea! HAPPY GIRL WHOM HAVE GRADUATED!! :>

However, not till A'levels is officially over, you actually don't feel that you have graduated cause even nowadays, I'm still heading to school everyday to attend lesson, have consultations, do my work, etc... Just that I don't have to wake up as early as normal school day. But... surprisingly, I kinda like these days, going to school to do my own work and study with friends and teachers. In the midst of feeling stress and chionging alot of work, there are always a group of friends who are constantly cracking up jokes to brighten up the atmosphere and make studying more enjoyable :) This shouldn't be coming from me but..... I will miss the school days with my class and friends :( (for the first time I said this, zomg...) :') I love my class, 12S08!! :D Such an awesome class and bunch of lively enthusiastic classmates! You will never feel bored or left out when you are with them, so much love :) <3

For our class's graduation activity, we played Running Man where each of us has our own name tag pasted on our backs, ahah individual's nickname/impression. Quite cool! And it was fun and super challenging, especially when my class's the sporty, lively type haha <3

Also, we had this wish lantern thing (i forgot what it's called). Yea so we wrote our wished on the lantern and............ are not allowed to release them because of the army training thing where they will shoot any foreign objects in the sky? and also releasing of the lanterns may pose danger to aeroplanes so we are not supposed to. But, most of the classes still release it, except a few including our class. Unfortunately, dk which evil person went to toy with our lantern and it flew away with our wishes torned....and my class mentor was super angry and raged at him. tsktsk.... that guy spoilerrrrr argh

Well also, not forgetting our awesome coach and netballers :D

The motivational cake baked by coach was really nice! Like one of the nicest self-baked cake I've eaten!! Yumyum! It's like cheese frosting with chocolate spreaded between each colourful layer. DELICIOUSSS 

And flowers for each of us :')

Though we may not be very very very close but we sure are united and fun! Really love the training days, malaysia trips, chatting session, gossiping session and all the funny crazy naughty fun times we had!
I'm really thankful and blessed with all these fun experiences, lovely memories and awesome people around me! I couldn't ask for more. There's really no reason why PJC is not awesome, i love it! :) You definitely can expect the most caring, compassionate, genuine bunch of people in PJC, <3 :) #pjpride! 

To all my friends and fellow jc peeps, continue working hard for these 13 plus days!!!! JIAYOU!!! Though it's tough but try your best and you can do it :)

"You won't know what's on the other side until you have tried your best" -


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Precious moments

Yay yesterday had a fun day with my family at East Coast Park! It was a really random idea to go there to cycle, partly cause we wanted to find a chance to unwind and spend more time together :) We were really lucky because the weather yesterday was great, not much sun and was kinda windy :) We went to try the family bike which was surprisingly so ex! 1 hour for $40! We were all shocked upon hearing the price, haha. 3 hours for $60 + $40 voucher for the next use and so we bought the $60 deal cause 1 hour is really not enough as you cannot really speed with that family bike so it is likely that we will exceed the 1 hour time which will lead to a penalty of $40 more for the time exceeded. So to be safe and for relaxation purposes, we took the $60 deal, so ex lo!!! >:( However, it was all our first time trying it so no harm :) It was kinda find cause you get to navigate the bike using a steering wheel similar to that of a car.

So we took our time to cycle around the park and it was really breezy especially when going down the slope! It was more thrilling than on a bike haha! Also, we stopped by to take pictures, eat icecream, go toilet, chatted alot, etc heheh! We also tooke turns to control the bike, cooly! It's just like driving a car and I think I've got the potential :D

After a tiring 3 hours ride, we were all kinda tired! It was time to leave and I think it was a well-spent day together :) Not many people get to spend precious times with their family and I think these moments are really like gem. We should all cherish the times and communicate well with our family. After all, they are the most important and nothing else can ever replace the family bond <3

Hope you guys had a wonderful weekends with your family as well. Don't neglect them, don't ever. They are the closest kins to us all and like the saying goes, "Blood is always thicker than water." (they are more important than alvls which is like 20 plus more days, zomggg freakk...)

Have a nice day, xo :)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Food Adventure

{ F O O D H U N T }

Yay went our for a Tuesdate with love today! :) Happy to say that I managed to check 2 food places off my super long to-try food list, hehe! I love to research about delicious food and food places, and ofc love to try them out myself! It's always nice to go try out new food and places that I've never been to before. It's like a whole new experience, whole new anticipating, whole new taste! Who doesn't love that kind of feeling? :) Not to mention, I also enjoy sharing about the food places and experience to you guys, it's always good to share about good stuffs yea :D

So today, we went over to City Hall to try 1 noodle shop and 1 dessert shop. It's easier to comb the food places at one mrt station at a time so you don't find yourself travelling here and there back and forth. I personally don't like to spend so much on travelling fares i also dk why but yea so I prefer to comb one station at at time :)

First up, Nam Nam Noodle Bar!
Raffles City Shopping Centre #B1-46 (City Hall Mrt) 

Fyi, they have another outlet at Wheelock Place. Yep, so we went on a weekday's lunch time at around 12pm plus and there was already a longggg  queue outside! It wasn't a surprise to me because as what I've researched the shop is always filled with customers during lunch time. The reviews about this shop weren't very good so I was quite skeptical about trying it and thought about leaving at the sight of the long queue. BUT I'm glad that I stayed!! It was only about 20 minutes~ wait and we were served with a big, flavourful, delicious bowl of goodness!! Also, they have a lunch set and it is super affordable! $9.90 net price for a big bowl of vietnamese pho, a side dish and a drink! You will definitely be FULL! 

Boy's chicken vietnamese pho

My beef vietnamese pho! I really love it!!! The soup for both are really.... i dont know what to describe! So flavourful till I kept using this same adjective haha! The first sip that I took, my eyes went wide open and kept telling my bf to try it haha! YUMMY INDEED WHEEE! If you are a soup and spicy lover like me, this is a must try! However, the side dish and drinks weren't that nice haha but the main thing is still the pho! Goodness in my belly <3

Second stop, Max Brenner!! 
Esplanade Mall #01-06 (City Hall Mrt)

Bet you are have heard about people raving about this place on twitter and instagram and so I'm here to try it! The place was kinda hard to find so you better go ask for some directions from the customer service. However, you can follow the board and head towards Esplanade Theatre of the song or sth like that. It was a quiet place and there aren't many people there. Wonder how the shops there earn money, hmm...

So we tried the Banana Split Waffle and nothing else cause we were still full from the pho. Wanted to try the Churros Fondue actually but settled for the waffle in the end.

The waitress served us the dish and both of us looked at it and went "wow". It was beautifully plated and filled with everything you see above haha. Tucked in not long later and we were busy eating it silently. However, half way through... we were kinda sick of it already. Chocolate was kinda sweet for my bf and waffle was kinda soft for me. Not a very satisfying dessert I can say but I do love the icecream though it's just normal vanilla icecream haha but the contrast of eating hot chocolate and then cold icecream is nice :)

That's all for out adventure today! There are definitely more to come approx 2 months later after I'm done with my Alevels :) Hehehe stay tune food hunters! :D