Thursday, October 24, 2013

Graduate Lo

Wheeeeee hi guys, I've finally graduated!!!! Actually since last friday! :D
I don't deny that I've been waiting to graduate and get free from the education system for my 8 months holiday. From young till now, I'm never a love-to-go-school kinda person and I cry whenever school's reopening after every holiday/break :( So yea! HAPPY GIRL WHOM HAVE GRADUATED!! :>

However, not till A'levels is officially over, you actually don't feel that you have graduated cause even nowadays, I'm still heading to school everyday to attend lesson, have consultations, do my work, etc... Just that I don't have to wake up as early as normal school day. But... surprisingly, I kinda like these days, going to school to do my own work and study with friends and teachers. In the midst of feeling stress and chionging alot of work, there are always a group of friends who are constantly cracking up jokes to brighten up the atmosphere and make studying more enjoyable :) This shouldn't be coming from me but..... I will miss the school days with my class and friends :( (for the first time I said this, zomg...) :') I love my class, 12S08!! :D Such an awesome class and bunch of lively enthusiastic classmates! You will never feel bored or left out when you are with them, so much love :) <3

For our class's graduation activity, we played Running Man where each of us has our own name tag pasted on our backs, ahah individual's nickname/impression. Quite cool! And it was fun and super challenging, especially when my class's the sporty, lively type haha <3

Also, we had this wish lantern thing (i forgot what it's called). Yea so we wrote our wished on the lantern and............ are not allowed to release them because of the army training thing where they will shoot any foreign objects in the sky? and also releasing of the lanterns may pose danger to aeroplanes so we are not supposed to. But, most of the classes still release it, except a few including our class. Unfortunately, dk which evil person went to toy with our lantern and it flew away with our wishes torned....and my class mentor was super angry and raged at him. tsktsk.... that guy spoilerrrrr argh

Well also, not forgetting our awesome coach and netballers :D

The motivational cake baked by coach was really nice! Like one of the nicest self-baked cake I've eaten!! Yumyum! It's like cheese frosting with chocolate spreaded between each colourful layer. DELICIOUSSS 

And flowers for each of us :')

Though we may not be very very very close but we sure are united and fun! Really love the training days, malaysia trips, chatting session, gossiping session and all the funny crazy naughty fun times we had!
I'm really thankful and blessed with all these fun experiences, lovely memories and awesome people around me! I couldn't ask for more. There's really no reason why PJC is not awesome, i love it! :) You definitely can expect the most caring, compassionate, genuine bunch of people in PJC, <3 :) #pjpride! 

To all my friends and fellow jc peeps, continue working hard for these 13 plus days!!!! JIAYOU!!! Though it's tough but try your best and you can do it :)

"You won't know what's on the other side until you have tried your best" -


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