Sunday, October 13, 2013

Precious moments

Yay yesterday had a fun day with my family at East Coast Park! It was a really random idea to go there to cycle, partly cause we wanted to find a chance to unwind and spend more time together :) We were really lucky because the weather yesterday was great, not much sun and was kinda windy :) We went to try the family bike which was surprisingly so ex! 1 hour for $40! We were all shocked upon hearing the price, haha. 3 hours for $60 + $40 voucher for the next use and so we bought the $60 deal cause 1 hour is really not enough as you cannot really speed with that family bike so it is likely that we will exceed the 1 hour time which will lead to a penalty of $40 more for the time exceeded. So to be safe and for relaxation purposes, we took the $60 deal, so ex lo!!! >:( However, it was all our first time trying it so no harm :) It was kinda find cause you get to navigate the bike using a steering wheel similar to that of a car.

So we took our time to cycle around the park and it was really breezy especially when going down the slope! It was more thrilling than on a bike haha! Also, we stopped by to take pictures, eat icecream, go toilet, chatted alot, etc heheh! We also tooke turns to control the bike, cooly! It's just like driving a car and I think I've got the potential :D

After a tiring 3 hours ride, we were all kinda tired! It was time to leave and I think it was a well-spent day together :) Not many people get to spend precious times with their family and I think these moments are really like gem. We should all cherish the times and communicate well with our family. After all, they are the most important and nothing else can ever replace the family bond <3

Hope you guys had a wonderful weekends with your family as well. Don't neglect them, don't ever. They are the closest kins to us all and like the saying goes, "Blood is always thicker than water." (they are more important than alvls which is like 20 plus more days, zomggg freakk...)

Have a nice day, xo :)

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