Saturday, October 26, 2013


Flower from coach. Nice nice nice :) What's the species for this flower? Isit daisy? I'm not very good with flowers but I do know how to appreciate them hahah :)
Oh yes, this picture was taken using my iPhone4!! Yes, my phone is such an antique right? Hahah but I feel very attached to this phone of mine and if I were to change to a new phone, of course I will be happy but sure will miss my current one and will feel lost using the new one. Ok that's quite normal for most of us right? But i think to me, dont change phone also nevermind as long as i got my current one, I still can use it for a long time you know though it's like 3 years old alrdy? Hahaha it's getting real laggy and irritating but everything that I want is inside you see :P 
Okok but to the point, it's not about the camera or whichever, it's about the photographer yo! HAHA! I'm really keen to learn photography leh, I think I got potential and talent!! :D I just need an opportunity... hmm....

Oh yes, on a random note, I miss this boy so badly :( :( :( We haven't met each other since like.... a month and 2 days already :( That's very very sad I know...
You see, he's in poly, i'm in jc. When he's having his holiday, I'm having school, and vice versa... Our schedule always always always clash... since forever :( boohoo, really hope everything can end soon and we can reunite again, don't like to miss you so badly :( but still am glad that you are always by my side despite everything, constantly encouraging and spurring me on during this really tough period <3

 counting down 30 days more till all my papers are over and till we can meet up again!  

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