Thursday, January 30, 2014

What I've been up to....

Hi guys, rather dead in this space.... I dont usually use computer that much and furthermore, I don't even have the luxury of time to use it. I normally have work on almost all the weekdays and sunday. Sigh I know, what a boring life. AND I HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY FOR MY MORNING JOB SO TORTUROUS I CANT EVEN :((((( Really dislike 'forcing' myself to wake up early in the morning :'(

So yes, few days back I had class chalet hehe! The first night wasn't very successful but still fun, and then more people came on the second day but I gotta leave in the evening for big family dinner so..... didn't really spend much time with the class, meh.

My sleeping beauties for the first night. Yea only 5 girls including me, 2 boys and our class mentor came. Haha the guys are sharing the other room. Yes we booked 2 bigger rooms at Coasta Sands Resort.

Slept till 9am plus in the morning, had breakfast and slacked awhile and then headed for Luge with some of them. The others were either broke or lazy keke. It was my first time so I was pretty enthu about it :D

Me and marjorie were screaming at some point of time where the cable car is like kinda high up with strong wind blowing at us. It felt as if we were gonna fall off or sth cause the 'seat belts' weren't secured at all, haha! But okay chill, it's not that scary, it's just us being scardey cats :P (ps: I brought like one set of clothes which was class tee and fbt that I wore to sleep on first night and for the second day activities, plus spects). HAHA so i was so unglam the entire time, aiyooo!! But blah me just being plain lazy to bring more clothes ^^

Heheh us with our head gears on, ready to sit the lugeeeeeeeee. Ok the luge is referring to the cable car thingy or the go cart thingy? I think it refers to the go cart thingy right? Ok canzzzzzz! 

Yay and off we go on our 'car'!!! WHEEEEEEEE! Hahah quite fun for the first ride~ but the route is kinda short but still enough for speeding, racing and competing haha! I was going so fast that I almost can't feel/control it, so scary phew phew!! However, it was kinda average to ride it again. We bought the 3 rides for $20 package so yea.... But i sold 1 ride to my friend cause I needa leave early haha!

So after that we went to meet up with the rest, ate lunch and then played at the beach!! Sadly no pictures taken before I left, but nvm, still enjoyable :) Thanks guys!! <3
And off I went for big family dinner, a treat by my godma :) Not for cny reunion dinner or what though most of the people there were having reunion dinner ahaha. Just dinner for us ^^

We went to this restaurant which seems kinda famous at tuas, kinda ulu if you are not driving there.

Yesh yesh, big family!! We had 3 big tables with 9/10/11 tables respectively. Haha so around 30++ people! ^^ some aren't even present. Didn't take pictures of the food cause everybody started digging in once the food's served, guess we were quite hungry alrdy. Overall, the food isn't that wow but ok lah~~ the seafood like fish, prawns and crabs are quite fresh. Ended the day with satisfied stomach :)

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Yea, just last Sunday I went for boy's friend's 21st birthday party! Ok he's also my senior from kss actually but just schoolmates, we don't know each other well. Haha was abit awkward but managed to just mingle with the other girlfriends there haha! and then we celebrated and played some really cool card games! I can introduce to my friends and cousins next time!! :D 

Next, my boyfriend and the rest went for movies and other stuffs while I get go to the opposite block for netball steamboat! So cool that they live near each other so it was very convenient for me hahah :P

That explains why I was dressed the most formal amongst them because I had a party to attend prior to that. So, it's been quite long since I last had steamboat so yumyum cravings kinda satisfied. We had quite an array of food then and we all ate till we were so full, with random gossips/updates about life/complaints/laughters/etccccccc 

Not forgetting to take pictures before we all went home! :) I was kinda tired that day so I was abit quiet and they thought I was having problems/troubles hahaha! But no girls, nth happened I just like being quiet LOL! I thought it was like usual for me to not talk that much? Haha hope you guys will have fun/find fun admist your work life! :) <3
Next up, will be an interesting post about my shoes loot ytd from Zalora!! SO JUBILANT AND EXCITED ABOUT IT! Cant wait to share, STAY TUNE GIRLY GIRLSSSS :) 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

First few events of Jan'14

So we have went through almost 2 weeks of January 2014 already, kinda fast yea? :O Scary scary, I presume that 2014 will be a pretty interesting and fun year so can it goes alil' slower please? :)

(WARNING, skip this part if you dont want to know about my drama with my boy haha I'm just blabbering in my own bubble of happiness)
First up for the 1st January! YAY I got to spend it with my boiphren, haha ok boyfriend if you didn't catch that.
(old photo)
Was getting so jittery and all when 1st jan is nearing cause I spent my last 2 years' 1st jan with him so I do see a point in spending it with him again this year and perhaps for all the years ahead. It's like the first day of the new beginning and I just want to be with him. We attempted to watch Frozen on the net but the quality and sound sucks so we didn't get to finish it and then we went to watch tv! Hahah weird that it's the first time we actually sat down on the couch to watch tv tgt, a nice feeling I would say, to actually laze on the couch, switching channels here and there just to find that nice show to watch :) (minus the part where he's busy using his laptop to watch soccer and whatsapping his friends, arghhhhh sry I actually murdered him in my mind)


AHAHA OK HE'S NOT AS SERIOUS LOOKING AS THAT GUY IN THE PICTURE. Keke, I kinda like looking at those expectations vs reality post on twitter/tumblr, most of them are so funny!

Ok then we were hungry and him being lazy decided to cook me dinner instead of going out to eat. Haha so he went grocery shopping and me getting to laze on his bed and use his laptop like a queen waiting for his return :P His password is really silly..... and he was so cute when I was acting like a needy girlfriend asking him not to leave me in the house. I do enjoy 'making fun' of him :P And my fav part was to wave to him as he walked to the mall from the windows. I didn't even call out to him, he just knew that I was looking at him ahaha so pro! :D Ok blahblahblah so he cooked me dinner, I washed the dishes, he being a clean freak mopped the floor while I be queen again :P, watched tv, he fell asleep, me still watching, his dad came back and asked him to wake up but to no avail, me doing silly things to him while he was asleep, me decided to go home cause it was late and did not want to disturb his beauty sleep, met his mom at the lift, he told me that his mom scolded him for not sending me home, he zonked out again. HAHA that's my boy for you. <3
4 Jan!! Kranji Throwback, I would say it was a meaningful event to actually gather together with my old pals after years again :)
Part of my awesome class! Though most of us have drifted but it just feels great to see them again, all alive and kicking yo :)

With fantastic teachers that I failed to open up and get close to. They are still as fantastic!

Playing with the props at the photobooth kekeke! The props so cute and so are us ok :P

With the two tall guys which I feel are us girls' "sisters" hahaha not in a bad way of course! It's just not weird around them I guess~

With the most random clique ever hahaha!! Wonderful people do have a way to get together :P

The most idiotic guy! First thing he did to me was to bully me like how he used to do back in sec sch days! EVILLLL! He still dare to ask me if I miss his bullying, but truth be told, I quite miss those days cause he's really sucha nice and funny friend to all! 

One of the organisers behind everything and one of the rare friends who is taller than me. Too used to taking pictures with girl friends who are shorter than me that I kinda dk how to 'pose' with taller girl friends haha!

And of course my girls for the night!!! Really couldn't have done and survived a lot of things without each and every one of their existence! They mean so much to me and as a group that I can always turn to for anything <3 Love kranji, love my batch, love my girls!! 

As cliche as it sounds, Once a Kranjian, Always a Kranjian! :D
5th Jan, met up with my jc clique over lunch to catch up with one another!!!! Always so noisy and funny with them cause we always get agitated while chatting and we have like endless things to talk about hahaha crazy them! :P And us being crazy, we are alrdy planning to have another overseas trip tgt this holiday!!! To Taiwan! Omg *screams* HEHEHEHE :D 

And other days were just work work work, I don't enjoy my work :( I wanna quit, sounds like an incapable loser right? But I don't care, I don't like, I want to quit :( Will see how it goes~~ BUT LATER GONNA MEET MY JC CLIQUE AGAIN FOR SUSHI MAKING !!!! YAY HAVE BEEN WANTING TO TRY MAKING SUSHI FOR THE LONGEST TIME AND THE TIME IS HERE MUAHAHAHA! <3 <3 <3 Gonna have lots of fun kekek! Love them for having all these mini surprise activities tgt :) *note to self: take more pictures with them later*


This came late...

*rejoice* :D

Okay this came a lil' late cause we are already ending the 2nd week of january 2014 but yea better than nothing :) Been really busy? Ok not really hehe.

Yesh, I counted down to 2014 with my big family like always. The countdowns are always save for them, I don't see myself counting down with my friends or boyfriend anytime soon, although I would like to... But yes, some special moments are better to be saved for your family you see. (even my boyfriend has to give in and said that perhaps he'll join my family for countdown in the future haha)

Visuals? Yes.
We had potluck that day, so each family will buy some foody and share!! For my family, we contributed a big pot of longan, sea coconut, pineapples, etc those desserts.

Everybody crowding around the table for yummy food hehehe!

Satays and Texas chickens bought by my godfamily. It was my first time trying Texas chicken (i know I'm slow) but woooo, really very yummy!! The meat is so juicy and succulent! Not very oily as well, GOOD! :D

Meat, fried rice contributed by another aunt family and home cooked noodles and spicy vege contributed by the hosting family :) All are super yumz food okay!!!

FOOD AND MORE FOOD... and if you did notice, I was busy eating in all the pictures hahahha! :P

YESHH love our potluck session and bonding time <3

Now, not missing out phototaking session especially when my cousin owns a DSLR. Tsktsk!!! Here's the younger batch of us cousins! (missing out 2 peeps here)

Hhaha me, sis, and cousin were like peas in a pod? DO RE MI

And there you go, plus all the older cousins, most already married. haha! But still, we are all very young at heart :D

Hehehe my big lovable family for you guys! Always anticipating the countdown part cause we get to scream 10 9 8 7 6 5.... blahblahblah and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! and then we will all be busy looking at our phones receiving/sending new year messages, ahaha! Wishing everybody a smooth sailing and joyful year ahead! :D
Had quite a few moments of soul searching, reflections, counting blessings moments with myself the entire time and I'm lazy to list them out. Furthermore, it's easier to do it in my own brain than to type it out and moreover it's only for me to know my own resolutions for the year right? Haha but I've never really had any resolutions list for myself cause like it's plainly verbal and perhaps no action type of thing or like coming out with a list for a new year's sake? Just be yourself and not change anything so suddenly just because it's a new year. 

Well, but for a practical one, I really want to be a better person, in all terms be it daughter, sister, friend, girlfriend, employee and what not. I really want to cherish the lovely people around me and stop taking them for granted like as if they will always be there...because fact is they will leave someday, fug :( Also, I want to be more beautiful with my words cause I tend to swear, curse and say nasty things about/at ppl when I'm pissed and mad. I can say anything and everything... goodness... hideous self... haha yes so I want to be more niceeeeeeeeee! Not forgetting to cry lesser in 2014! I need to be stronger and know how to control my emotions well, especially tears? I really dk why I always cry so easily, even when it's not a sad or touching thing... really doubt my sanity. hahaha but whatever, we do have our weak side right? 


Abrupt ending, bye guys! Really hope we will make the best out of 2014 with lesser sorrows, regrets, disappointments. Come what may, don't forget to hold on to that little hope and faith that's within you all along. HAPPY 2014, WE GONNA OWN THIS!!! :D <3