Thursday, January 30, 2014

What I've been up to....

Hi guys, rather dead in this space.... I dont usually use computer that much and furthermore, I don't even have the luxury of time to use it. I normally have work on almost all the weekdays and sunday. Sigh I know, what a boring life. AND I HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY FOR MY MORNING JOB SO TORTUROUS I CANT EVEN :((((( Really dislike 'forcing' myself to wake up early in the morning :'(

So yes, few days back I had class chalet hehe! The first night wasn't very successful but still fun, and then more people came on the second day but I gotta leave in the evening for big family dinner so..... didn't really spend much time with the class, meh.

My sleeping beauties for the first night. Yea only 5 girls including me, 2 boys and our class mentor came. Haha the guys are sharing the other room. Yes we booked 2 bigger rooms at Coasta Sands Resort.

Slept till 9am plus in the morning, had breakfast and slacked awhile and then headed for Luge with some of them. The others were either broke or lazy keke. It was my first time so I was pretty enthu about it :D

Me and marjorie were screaming at some point of time where the cable car is like kinda high up with strong wind blowing at us. It felt as if we were gonna fall off or sth cause the 'seat belts' weren't secured at all, haha! But okay chill, it's not that scary, it's just us being scardey cats :P (ps: I brought like one set of clothes which was class tee and fbt that I wore to sleep on first night and for the second day activities, plus spects). HAHA so i was so unglam the entire time, aiyooo!! But blah me just being plain lazy to bring more clothes ^^

Heheh us with our head gears on, ready to sit the lugeeeeeeeee. Ok the luge is referring to the cable car thingy or the go cart thingy? I think it refers to the go cart thingy right? Ok canzzzzzz! 

Yay and off we go on our 'car'!!! WHEEEEEEEE! Hahah quite fun for the first ride~ but the route is kinda short but still enough for speeding, racing and competing haha! I was going so fast that I almost can't feel/control it, so scary phew phew!! However, it was kinda average to ride it again. We bought the 3 rides for $20 package so yea.... But i sold 1 ride to my friend cause I needa leave early haha!

So after that we went to meet up with the rest, ate lunch and then played at the beach!! Sadly no pictures taken before I left, but nvm, still enjoyable :) Thanks guys!! <3
And off I went for big family dinner, a treat by my godma :) Not for cny reunion dinner or what though most of the people there were having reunion dinner ahaha. Just dinner for us ^^

We went to this restaurant which seems kinda famous at tuas, kinda ulu if you are not driving there.

Yesh yesh, big family!! We had 3 big tables with 9/10/11 tables respectively. Haha so around 30++ people! ^^ some aren't even present. Didn't take pictures of the food cause everybody started digging in once the food's served, guess we were quite hungry alrdy. Overall, the food isn't that wow but ok lah~~ the seafood like fish, prawns and crabs are quite fresh. Ended the day with satisfied stomach :)

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