Saturday, January 11, 2014

This came late...

*rejoice* :D

Okay this came a lil' late cause we are already ending the 2nd week of january 2014 but yea better than nothing :) Been really busy? Ok not really hehe.

Yesh, I counted down to 2014 with my big family like always. The countdowns are always save for them, I don't see myself counting down with my friends or boyfriend anytime soon, although I would like to... But yes, some special moments are better to be saved for your family you see. (even my boyfriend has to give in and said that perhaps he'll join my family for countdown in the future haha)

Visuals? Yes.
We had potluck that day, so each family will buy some foody and share!! For my family, we contributed a big pot of longan, sea coconut, pineapples, etc those desserts.

Everybody crowding around the table for yummy food hehehe!

Satays and Texas chickens bought by my godfamily. It was my first time trying Texas chicken (i know I'm slow) but woooo, really very yummy!! The meat is so juicy and succulent! Not very oily as well, GOOD! :D

Meat, fried rice contributed by another aunt family and home cooked noodles and spicy vege contributed by the hosting family :) All are super yumz food okay!!!

FOOD AND MORE FOOD... and if you did notice, I was busy eating in all the pictures hahahha! :P

YESHH love our potluck session and bonding time <3

Now, not missing out phototaking session especially when my cousin owns a DSLR. Tsktsk!!! Here's the younger batch of us cousins! (missing out 2 peeps here)

Hhaha me, sis, and cousin were like peas in a pod? DO RE MI

And there you go, plus all the older cousins, most already married. haha! But still, we are all very young at heart :D

Hehehe my big lovable family for you guys! Always anticipating the countdown part cause we get to scream 10 9 8 7 6 5.... blahblahblah and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! and then we will all be busy looking at our phones receiving/sending new year messages, ahaha! Wishing everybody a smooth sailing and joyful year ahead! :D
Had quite a few moments of soul searching, reflections, counting blessings moments with myself the entire time and I'm lazy to list them out. Furthermore, it's easier to do it in my own brain than to type it out and moreover it's only for me to know my own resolutions for the year right? Haha but I've never really had any resolutions list for myself cause like it's plainly verbal and perhaps no action type of thing or like coming out with a list for a new year's sake? Just be yourself and not change anything so suddenly just because it's a new year. 

Well, but for a practical one, I really want to be a better person, in all terms be it daughter, sister, friend, girlfriend, employee and what not. I really want to cherish the lovely people around me and stop taking them for granted like as if they will always be there...because fact is they will leave someday, fug :( Also, I want to be more beautiful with my words cause I tend to swear, curse and say nasty things about/at ppl when I'm pissed and mad. I can say anything and everything... goodness... hideous self... haha yes so I want to be more niceeeeeeeeee! Not forgetting to cry lesser in 2014! I need to be stronger and know how to control my emotions well, especially tears? I really dk why I always cry so easily, even when it's not a sad or touching thing... really doubt my sanity. hahaha but whatever, we do have our weak side right? 


Abrupt ending, bye guys! Really hope we will make the best out of 2014 with lesser sorrows, regrets, disappointments. Come what may, don't forget to hold on to that little hope and faith that's within you all along. HAPPY 2014, WE GONNA OWN THIS!!! :D <3

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