Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Gain weight

Life has been so very hectic ever since school started :( It is only the 2nd week in school and I'm already feeling the stress cause I'm lagging behind already :( Missed quite a few lectures due to other school commitments and have yet watch the online lectures on them :( SOBSOB!!! Can you feel me? :'(

Alright, because of me rushing here and there this and that all the time these days, I'm been experiencing weight loss! Like omg? Every single kg is so important to me and I hate to lose them!!!! However, whenever I'm busy and hectic, I will always lose weight cause I will be so panicky, I will have irregular meals and so on, very sad :( Moreover, due to pageant's physical training like thrice a week, more of my calories are being lost as well. Therefore, I lost about 3kg in a blink of an eye! ARGHHHH HATE IT! Somemore, people have been coming up to tell me that I've lost weight, or my cousins whom I meet once in a while also said I'm looking like a skeleton and worse still, hearing from people that people whom I dont know saying that I look anorexic. LOL! Wtf seriously.

Obviously, being skinny is not what I want and not what I like. Ok it's simple, when you are skinny, you will want to get fat and when you are fat you will want to be skinny. Tsk, humans are never satisfied you see. Right now, I really think that I've become skinnier so I have to do something about this to gain back whatever I've lost argh! >:( People around me are starting on dieting and losing weight regimes while here I am researching on how to get fat asap! HAHAH and here it is:
This is a rather good guide!! :D And my favourite sentence out of all is...
Haha funny!! So it means more snackings!!! Jiayou jiayou!

I will try this out for a week? But I havent stock up on the food that I need, like peanut butter, nuts, juices, etc! Oh yes I want to gain weight healthily so minimal junk food as well! Hhaah the pageant thing requires us to watch our diet and eat clean and here I am wanting to gain weight, but ultimately it's still my choice cause I think that if I gain more weight, I'll look and feel nicer!! :D So here's to a better body! :P hhaha for those people who are trying to gain weight as well, do refer to that link above! Cheers :)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sports Bash 2014

 Woohoo, the pageant sports bash is over and now I'm left with sports ball which is the final grand one!! So glad that everything's gonna end soon!!! PHEW! Seriously don't like to do pt anymore, like though I'm a sports person and all, but as I grow, I dislike doing pt though it's healthy and essential in a way~ I just want to be lazy and blehhh......... :/ 

Well, luckily the bash on last thursday was alright!! The catwalk was cool, the games were surprisingly mild, which was a super great thing, phew!!! :D & ultimately, it ended on a happy note, like the clubbing and getting tipsy with friends and all! Hahaha but I still dislike drinking and clubbing! 

So went to Phuture to prepare with the pageants in waves!!! Seniors were there to help out and get ready as well!

Practiced our catwalk and got ourselves familiar with the stage and the sequence :)

While waiting for our turn to do our make up! Oh yes there's a training to be makeup artiste helping us with the make up :D
I was the second last to do the makeup and last to change into my dress! Omg, I was like being seen by the other sports camp peeps because we had to use the toilet outside phuture, idiotic club rules lah. 

So this is my makeup, luckily the green eyeshadow didnt make me look like a monster cause it usually will make ppl look like monster or some tranny LOL

The pretty girls with their make up done and mine half done haha!!

 Everybody's so handsome and pretty that night :D So glad that we completed bash tgt!!!!

After the bash, we went to join our ogs for phototaking and drinking session, ohmygoodness~~~ tsktsktsktsk!!!

Thanks all for coming down to support and for giving me the lovely bouquet of flowers with the bear, hehe :)

With my ever hyper, lovely and supportive GLs :) 

The flash making my eyes semi closed, haha!!

Yep, so went around finding my pigeons to take photo with them!!! But didnt manage to take picture with 2 pigeons, sobsobs!! During ball, i must take more with them!!

My sis bf, on the left, who came to watch show haha and my sports camp sp, on the right.

Friendly girl from my world, on the left, and then my engine friend on the left!

Crazy group shots with the Seaworld people!!!! <3 <3 
Ok I was alrdy very tipsy at the point of time so I just went around and took pictures with familiar faces hahahaha!!!! & even some who I dont know LOL!! But it was fun lah, a way to take pictures with people HAHA! Oh yes the accidental filter made the photos turn out nicer, not bad not bad keke!! 

HAHAHA special mention to these 2!! Jayne who was also tipsy with me and we had a hell funny taxi ride home sprouting nonsense all the way, omgggggg epic! :P & also to my sports camp buddy for taking care of me the whole period of time when I was mad and helping me to take pictures and everything! Not forgetting, getting beaten by me for fun and for being my tissue when someone poured beer all over my dress TSK!! hahaha the whole night was so super funny and epic and ofc unglam! Somewhat looking forward for ball, but this time round I do not want to be the drunk one, I want to go around making ppl drunk and see how they behave HAHA!! :P

Also, thanks to my boyfriend for taking care of me the whole night!! Sorry for making you worry and angry! :( me still love you the most!

Monday, August 11, 2014

49th National Day

Hello guys, sorry for the hiatus!! Have been really busy and overwhelmed by all the activities, schedules, commitments and plans :( So what am I up to these days? I've been going for pageant trainings which are like thrice a week! Gosh. Oh yah rmb to support me by liking my pageant photo on facebook's NTU Sports Ball page :D On top of that there were like Sports camp universe bbq, og steamboat seesion, outings with loved ones and all. More of such events coming up and I really dislike it when the events clash and then I have to choose one to go or I have to plan my time wisely to attend all in one day, zzz. Hate it hate it hate it so much! 

Apart from all those...... This year's National Day I spent it with my jc clique :) It's duper long since I last met them, I couldn't even recall when. So I thought that it would be a good chance to catch up with them and also cause one of the girls is flying off overseas to pursue her studies so I wanna see her more before she flies :( 

So yep for the day, our theme was FLORALS! Hahaha all of us were clad in florals! Who doesn't love themed dress code? :D So firstly, we met up and then had a quick bite at Chinatown.
Liang Pi that people said is niceeee

All of them are so freaking fair and then I got tanner so it's very idiotic lah :'(

Ouch my eyes, so flowery HAHA :P

& then, we headed over to our Kreta Ayer Rd for our Escape Plan game!!! We chose the 'Forever Young' theme and it was the most creepiest one out of all. We cannot take pictures during the game so no pictures! We had quite a hard time solving everything hahah!! But we only used like hints! Yay :D Though there wasn't any jump scares or whichever that is scary, we still screamed damn loudly cause of some parts of the room LOL! It was freaking loud cause after the game, the game masters told us that our screams were the loudest they ever heard! :O so paiseh!!!! HAHA!!! Oh yes and we managed to escape the room with only like 1 min plus left!!! WOOHOO YAY :D

Mandatory shots with the props after the game :D

After that we went to have our dinner and then rushed our to somewhere near MBS to catch the fireworks!!!! My friend brought us to her condo that her parents rented out, (yea so rich...) to catch the fireworks cause the view from the building was awesome! 

Looks so fake right and abit blurry oops. But it's so nice!!! :) It's the last year that national day's gonna be held at the floating platform because next year onwards it will be held at the national stadium. I still think holding it here is nicer.......

Wefie while waiting for the second part of the fireworks! Luckily there was a second part if not we would have missed it while tryna find our way up the tall building :/ & yes, some of my friends do not know how to make funny faces.... and they dislike it when I ask them for it so they will still end up smiling. So only a few of our expression changed while some just continued smiling lol boxxxxxx

It looked as if we were at some atas place cause of the atas background :P

& yes the magnificent fireworks!!! So colourful and big and woohoo :) but yea, people's money fly as well, ahaha!

and one blurry shot of us with the fireworks keke!!! :D After that we went for supper and chatted about everything!! So nice to have a great laugh with them once again <3

Happy 49th birthday Singapore <3 I'm thankful for the peace and security we have all these years! :)
Hope you guys had a wonderful national day as well!!!
(ps, I never fail to wear red & white on this day haha!)
