Monday, February 16, 2015

Cousins' Love

Whoop whoop February has been very exciting and interesting for me so far!!! :) I think I always like the Chinese new year's month :D

First of all, glad that my boy's discharged from the hospital after spending 10 torturous days inside. He's recovering and really thanks those who were genuinely worried for us. You know they say that some people are just curious and not genuinely worried/care for you when things happen? Hahaha I'm constantly being reminded of that but I don't go around doubting everyone's intentions luh, I still believe in people's kindness, haha!! So thanks guys :)

Well, my gorgeous cousin got married recently and I had fun executing the gate crash and being the bridesmaid with my other girl cousins and sisters! AWESOMEEEEE! But it sure was hell tiring to wake up and prepare so super early at 4am and then travelling here and there to take photos and videos. However, they all turned out perfect and sweet :)

Before make up haha!!

Our off-shoulder bridesmaids' dresses :) Sometimes different from the usual colourful maxi dresses.

Sour, Sweet, Bitter, Spicy punishments for the groom and his bros during the gate crash HAHA

We had to act happy/talk to one another/laugh etc for quite a few times for the video ahahah it was so hilarious! But turned out niceeeee :)

There are still so many photos but not gonna spam them here.

Night session!!! :)

My family!

The girls!!!

The supposedly best shot but I just had to close my eyes...... argh!

With all my nephews and niece hehehe but my another baby nephew not inside. I'm sucha young and blessed ah yi with all the little monsters!!! :P

HEHE just love weddings lah, magical day for the married couple! May they have a blissful marriage and give birth to more nieces and nephews hhahah!! It will prolly be about another 5 years or so till the next marriage! WOW now it's now sister's batch cousins to get married, so fast!!!!! :O

Check out the video! SO FUNNY AND SWEET :)


Next up, 15 February's cousins madness :D

Pizza hut lunch with the crew!!! Hahaah :) How I wish I can have them to go through university with me, it will be so awesome okkkkkkkkk. The only best friends I need in life, like seriously.

Yay festive pizza haha it was niceeeeeeeeeee with all the cheese inside the crust, yumz! :D And we ordered so many sides haha yumyum!!

WAHAHHHAA a pose for my godbro LOL. #insidersjoke

Burst mode HAHA

Really had so much funny conversations keke and as usual public nuisance lah. We have the talk damn loudly and laugh damn loudly genes in the family so.... pardon us lol! We made the supposedly peaceful pizza hut into a market? Like we owned the place. Ooops~ but that's how we rollllll :P

<3 <3 <3 
Kukup on Wednesday with them again and ofc the whole big family keke!! Have been going there for like 10 years or so already though in between didnt go for like 2/3 years but yes, definitely have a strong attachment to our kukup resort!!! :) Looking forward! :D

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