Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 12

(some random selfies with the sky haha)

Wooooooo we are finally into Week 12!
School ends on the Thursday of Week 13 for me!
So looking forward ermahgawddddddddddddddd!!!!
But wait.... It will be study break and then exams!
Real school ends on 8th May for me, so slow ikrrrrr......

Can't wait to bum around at home with nothing to do except eating, catching up on my dramas, tv and more slacking.... omg heavenly!!! HAHA
And then I will be flying off for my vacations!! HEHE so stoked!
Bangkok + Melbourne lovin'
Also, I haven't buy and plan my "cold" clothing for melbourne cause it will be approx 7-12 degrees over there in June so..... need to prepare!!!
Can't wait to start shopping once again gosh! 
I'm pretty good at controlling these months hahaha. I've been telling myself  "I will come back and buy this next time" but I will be busy and forgot about it and also the lazybum in me also helps to stop me from shopping cause thinking about ibanking the online stores is already such a chore... LOL YES. 

Also, since for Melbourne trip, my parents are paying everything, they left aside 10k for my family for the trip. One of the cons of giving birth to so many children?! HAHA. So for bangkok, me and my sister will pay for the family's shopping expenses! 
So save save save :) 
We are such good children, i know :P 

It already grew on us that we will provide for ourselves, earn and spend our own money, and also help to pay family's expenses. We are growing up and taking up our own responsibilities :)
And it just feels more awesome to be spending and controlling your own money hahaha!! 

Ok so main point isssss....
JIAYOU!!! and summer break is coming!!
These coming 2 weeks will be quite of a hell cause got submissions, tests, assignments, all the disgusting things.
Not forgetting, I'm less active on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram already, so proud of myself LOL! I mean I'm not as addicted as before prolly cause I'm growing up already and realised i don't have to care so much about other ppl's life LOL!
So press on ahhhhhh peggy :)

Thankful for the daily encouragements from my dear and I found myself more focused and more productive when I'm studying beside him hehe cause I will get constant hugs and kisses to push me on!!!! Awwwww <3 and when I'm talking to myself while solving questions..... he replied to them.... wts!! example.....

Me: (thinking while writing my answer and talking to MYSELF) so ok this step already then next step is this.... isit correct?
Him: (while playing his comp game) YES correct!

HAHA like trying to encourage and assure me that I'm getting it correct and on the right track! 
SO CUTE!!! :) love him v much!!

Hehe he finally hung it up before I went over!! :) So now, his wall, his table have photos of us keke!! And actually the whole room is about ME lo!! :P The mirror, the aircon, the window, etc!! 
But I think boys don't think so much one lah... haha I'm being romantic for myself lol.
Pisces are romantic creatures you see!!! and sucker for romantic stuffs
Already know where to bring him for his bday keke romantic date! wew wew <3

(ps: i realised my posts these days are super wordy, but I kinda just want to dump all my words here)

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