Saturday, August 29, 2015

Over the week

Here's some updates over the week :)
Not forgetting the fact that I'm so tired from school so far....... even though school ends early for me most of the days gosh.... still a lot of other miscellaneous stuff going on :( TIRED LAH... when can I be free and be a home girl :( Like when you thought you will be free tomorrow but sth crops up or sudden impromptu things crop up and you have to be out/busy again. smlj 

1) NTU Sports Ball 2015

I'm finally done with my Biz Mag's role for the Ntu sports ball pageant event!
Pang gang lo!! :) Well it was a good experience and hey! I actually can do such things!!! Hahaha :P
I am never a fan of taking up such responsibilities and taking up leadership roles for the fear of not doing it well/disappointments. However, it was compulsory this time round so I definitely had to get all the sponsors done. I would say it was very stressful especially when the date got nearer but well, very pleased that I got everything tgt and done :) *self pats on shoulder* Definitely a confidence booster.

Neeyen looking gorgeous that night haha :) Loving my curls as well, wonder how the stylist can do it so effortlessly and I can't do it at home with my curler >:( Maybe magic hands are needed....

With my batch's pageant girls :)

Max & Ned :D

All have to be in black for that aura haha! 2014 pigeons expired lo!!! :P

2014 & 2015 Miss Body Beautiful haha!

The pigeons gang!!! Excellent performance by the juniors, we were all so proud and impressed!! Well done! :D

2) Food with sister

Tried Beesket at Clementi 321 some time ago. It was quite fun for the selection process haha but the juice was quite ex for sucha small cup. Taste wise, not bad, refreshing! 

Another day, we had some snacks from the jurong east pasar malam! Churros and potato twist!! :D Yummy!

Then had my first try of Milk & Honey. I would say it's nice leh, I can finish that whole thing myself but was very full after ahah. The yoghurt is nice and won't feel very sick after eating that whole thing. I like yoghurt so I think it's pretty ok for me. I can't handle the llaollao one tho haha I'm still sick of it even though the last time I ate it was like 4 months ago??? Everytime I see the iconic green spoon, I feel like vomiting oops. If their fruits are sweeter then perhaps wont be so scared of eating llao. Oh well~ the normal greek yoghurt from supermarkets are still the best.

The other day at Raffles Place and we came across this area near the quay. Wow, therapeutic just sitting by and admiring the scenery. I'm definitely a scenery person :) 

Tried Soi 55 as well, I had the Rose Thai Milk Tea and it's niceeeee!! Cheap so! $2.50 only cause it's sold in a coffee shop.

My candid shots of her not bad rightttttt

Pardon for the spammage of my face haha but lighting too good, scenery good, photos turned out good! Hahah love loveeeeee

What's better than having a sister who can go almost anywhere anytime with you. 
<3 <3 <3

3) Love

Quality time together just chatting or watching home movies etc are always the best! Away from any stress, problems, drama. Definitely my safe haven <3 

Looking through our photos from these 4 years definitely makes me warm and fuzzy all over again. It's definitely not easy from the start but as years passed we just keep getting stronger. It's strange how normal couples will be super strong in the early years and maybe fade off but for us it's the opposite. Our early years are kinda shaky but it's all great now and on :D 

I can say we are 2 individuals and we are super ok and independent on our own so it's hard for 2 separate individuals to be tgt at first because we can do things on our own and like not depend on each other or even share things. But as years passed, I'm so proud I opened him up from a "dont share personal things" person when I first knew him to someone who is willing to share everything with me :') Now I can't even live without him and him wanna die in my arms HAHA! I'm still so obsessed with him and him just being so sweet to me (drastic change from a black heart guy meaning not sweet initially). We have alot of secrets, stories, memories, codes together and everything is just wonderful. There's never a day that we will not laugh out loud and do stupid things tgt, we are really insane hahaha!! :P 

People may not see it because he doesn't like to share our private moments infront of ppl we know? He is very proper and want us to behave properly when we are infront of ppl we know to minus all the awkwardness we will create for them but it will be less proper infront of ppl we dont know hahahaahhah!! I can safely and confidently say that I am the only person in the whole wide world who ever see all the goofy, evil, crazy, retarded sides of him before. It's like I already have a high level of retardedness right, but sometimes he shocks me with his level of craziness HAHA. 

Thanks for always showing me that love can be simple and kept strong. 
Thanks for always being the big one (like a big brother) in our r/s. 
He's really a very good big brother to his brothers and sometimes I would call him kor kor like what his younger brothers call him so I can get some brotherly love from him as well, haha! I've always loved having a big brother. (I have one: my godbro but he has to takecare of his gf now haha)

4) Family time!

Praying period is like the  family gathering period because every household will pray and we will go over to that household to have dinner. So it's like another cny house visiting hahah!! Aiya for my family, it's cny all year round one :D


Friday, August 21, 2015

Zoo + River Safari

HELLO! (super outdated post)
School has officially started........ boring....... hate it.........

But, let's talk about sth more interesting which is my trip down to Zoo & River Safari with my boyfriend for a lovely date!!! :) <3 It was sucha good day!

I was running through the pictures and short clips that we took and it definitely made my day and made me smile hehe! Miss him already :( Anyway, he looked blurish in the pictures and videos lol but he is definitely not blurrrrr!!! He is sucha devil! :P

So when we reached there at 11am+ it was soooooo crowded *gasps for air*, the queue was crazy as well as it was a public holiday like duhhhh, 10th of August still within the Jubilee weekend. So we decided to go online to book our tickets and we got to enter almost immediately :) 

We went to explore the Zoo first!

Prior to this day, I stayed over at his house and I was like 
Me: "shit I forget to bring sth :("
Him: "What? polaroid ah?"
(hahah I very long didnt use polaroid already he still will talk about it, hen cute leh, but yah lo I lent 2 of my polaroid cameras away so cant use....)
Me: "no lah, i forget to bring my eyebrow pencil." (LOLOL WTH)
Him: "huhhhhh? aiyo lame dont need draw one lah"

And I was so sad hahaha so all the pictures below are me without my eyebrows drawn but still looks ok right? not much diff one. like even when I draw right, most of my friends didnt notice it one leh, they will "catch" the other friends with eyebrows drawn but not me haha good good means mine is always drawn very naturally :P

Hehe he was so cute that day? Volunteered to be the photographer! Haha and he super take care of the camera one lo, when I didn't close the lens cap or didn't hang it around me he will remind me, etc..... cause he bought it for me whatttttttttt hahah but when he don't know how to use/adjust the settings, he blames it. BOX

My very serious photographer but his pictures turn out quite funny! AHAHAHA this guy definitely needs more practice :P

He kept winking in the pictures that day, kawaiii nehxzxzx! Like the emoji sia. Oh yah I won't be posting much of the animals photos cause I dont want to bore you all lah. Want to see animals? Go to zoo and visit them yourself! haha :D Still fun to go zoo lah I would say. It is quite different from my previous time there and the animals all shrunk in size or dk what. All like very small size/skinny, kelian ohhhhh.......

Went into all the shops to find those cute animal hats but like not on sale already, eeeyerrrr. Anyway since he looks like a bunny, he has to wear that :P

Fun fact: Zebras are black animals with white stripes!!!! Not the other way round! Learnt about this when I was in Aussie, haha I tested babe and he got it wrong :P

Action boy!!!!

Veli the qt right!!! KEKE. I made the attract-animal-sound and it looked up at me for quite long!! :D

This is the nicest shot captured throughout the day! Really loved everything about it, damn clear, bright and focused!!

Penguins!!! Cute!!! But very different from what I saw in Aussie ahha. These penguins definitely look more like penguins LOL

We missed alot of Feeding shows cause it was quite late when we reached? So.... we picked out a few remaining ones and chionged for it :D While waiting to feed the GIRAFFES!!! It was freaking $5 for 5 carrots hahah but good experience and memory! :)

Puffy cheeks :)

Wheeeee!! Giraffes are such nice animals, so gentle, demure and tall. Love it leh, but their tongues need to maintain. Very long and black!!! Holy moly!!! LOL!!! And when you just take the carrot, their head will come and their tongues will be shaking, trembling and stretching towards your carrot HAHA damn joke!! And their saliva wow! like cobwebs one sia, one string of saliva flying in the air one serious, not even those watery drops drooling down kind. 

Then the Koalas!!! & baby kangaroos as well :D 
Hello we meet again, *those aussie days.....*

Koalas are very inactive due to their digestive system and diet so they are always sleeping...... Learnt a lot about them in Aussie and also get to see them move about during feeding time. Definitely quite a weird animal? Like the way they move about and all, but so cute! Chubby & fluffy everywhere :P

Hope the koalas and kangaroo are adapting well in Singapore's zoo <3

Then we went into another shop which has a lot of halloween props and all. 
Me: "omg you are glowing leh, come I take photo of you"
Him: "eh dont want take photo"
*took photo and showed him how cool it is*
Him: "wahhh, eh take more leh"

We managed to comb like most of the places and animals in the Zoo and then we proceeded to River Safari!! Cause our tickets were the bundled deal so we had to visit 2 places in 1 day which was manageable :D

Amazed by the gigantic aquarium upon reaching the River Safari :O In awe, can just look at all the giant fishes, etc swim all day sia. All the fishes are seriously humongous!! Reminded us of our Sea Aquarium trip but I think this big aquarium at River Safari is even nicer.

Qt Stingray with that smiley face.

There is really nth much to see at River Safari to be honest, it's just all the fishes, sea creatures, panda, etc. mostly fishes lol!

Mega huge crocodile........

Bought that Panda pau! Babe had his poly intern in the Zoo so he is quite familiar with everything there and he said he ate the pau before and it's not nice but it was another flavour. But they had a relatively new flavour called the Chocolate Custard and since I was a teeny bit hungry, I just bought it to try.

Just one bite, and the chocolate custard was oozing out..... what a mess but quite yummy lah! :)

After quite a long walk deep into the place and long wait.... we finally arrived for our boat ride!!!! 

Amazon - pronounced as air-mer-zon right?
Me: "eh ask the person how to go to the a-may-zon ride"
Him: *didnt hear me clearly but went ahead to ask the person* "excuse me, how do we get to the amazing ride?"
Person: "errrr amazing ride? You mean air-mer-zon ride? Walk all the way in.... *blahblahblah*

HAHAHAHA DOUBLE THE JOKE OF THE DAY I TELL YOU! AMAZING RIDE HAHAHA WTF?!?!?!?!? whole day I kept teasing him about amazing ride hahahahah crazy boy

Hehe he just randomly took out the camera and took pictures of me..... *damn shy*

Damn ugly.... tsk..

He was super happy and proud of those photos.... kept saying damn nice and ask me more expressions.... BOX HIM 1000 TIMES LOL!!!! always like to disturb and irritate me :P

& concluded with this photo....... whenever I'm unglam or ugly he will say very nice one, idiotic siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Finally our turn!! YAY!! :) Was actually supposed to be at the front few seats but asked him to tell the person we want the last seat hehe cause can take photos without others in the photos hahaha :P

10 Aug | Happy 53rd Monthsary love <3 
You've been nothing but the best to & for me :)

Him: "tsk look where ah?"
Me: "into the camera not the screen"
cause my camera has flip screen haha

<3 <3 <3

Mr Wink isit?!?! bojio....

He always does this to me haha! 
oh shit my head and face like bigger than his sia. shucks I always say his face big... now... my face..... growing horizontally..... nooooooooooooooooooooo :(

<3 <3 <3

Visited Jia Jia & Kai Kai at their super cooling crib haha! Best place to be in as compared to outside

Lazy pandas!!!! So the pandas were our last station and off we went for dinner!!! :)

Loved the day so much as it's another set of memories added to our journey! <3 Compiled the video of our trip but then got the stupid logo of the video editing software so... have to put on hold again till I find a better software? :(

A part of it kekke :P but very lousy quality
<3 <3 <3