Monday, August 3, 2015

Food & Work

Tried the churros from Churros Factory @ Junction 10. Though I stay quite near it but it was only till recently that I tried it. But actually nth much one.... and so ex for a few pieces of churros, meh not good.

Karaoke session with sisters on Youth day!! Awesome! I actually quite like to sing and is really sing with skills one and not joke around kind. Like practicing for dk what haha but it's really hard for me to really sing infront of ppl that I'm not comfortable max with. But I think I should already, need to up my own level, must grow up already LOL. & yucks the photo quality yucks and lighting sucks which made us looked old zzz

Seoul Garden for lunch with Jayne and Neeyen before school reopens next week. Sibeisian lahhhhhhhhhh, oops that's my boy's email address HAHAH! :P We ordered sooooo many but we actually finished like most of them, only left like a plate haha!

Then we went over to 321 Clementi to try Wimi coconut icecream. The mall is really quite separated from Clementi Mall man. Anyway, I pretty like the icecream, really got the strong coconut taste cause last time I tried PONG, another coconut icecream at scape and it sucks? So yesh, this definitely wins!! :)

My uni clique.

Sis took over bf cause he couldn't make it.

& then worked for 2 days stock taking job. Didn't know it was soooooo freaking tiring where my whole body ached after that 2 days so crazy! we had to carry down all those boxes and count and most of the boxes are crazy heavy. So the whole time most of us were like pulling the boxes and letting it drop to the ground ahah and wait for the strong male workers there to help us carry up LOL.

However, made 4 new friends there haha funny people! Got ntu and nus peeps :D

My longest tutee (boy) and cheeky tutee (girl). I quit another girl and the girl above at the end of July cause for the other girl was because I don't see improvement from her no matter what method I tried cause she really can't focus and can't rmb whatever I teach her so I can't take it, I rather quit so that she can faster find another tutee. I recommended my friend to her though hahaha!! And then the girl above was cause school is starting and I dw to travel that far to teach her everytime already so I passed to my bf haha! 

Then she super cheeky one, she talked to me about me and my bf. Cause I told her a guy will come and teach her after I quit then she said "oh... is your boyfriend right?" then i said no is my friend haha. then she said "he likes you right....." HAHA! Like I just get the feeling of like admiring and secretly like someone again. You know the time when you like someone and your friend will tease you? Haha I felt that keke!! Then I tell her "eh you dont shy leh, he very handsome one" then she say "wah i scared i will shy one" HAHA!!! It's so nice to talk to her just that sometimes she lazy to do work. sobsob quite miss her though cause my bf told me that she kept talking about how good I am to him, awwww!! :(

2D1N with babe as usual after going to his friend's bday party :D nowadays he keeps making me laugh out loud in public!!! all the retarded and omg antics really coming out, i cannot believe it! HAHAHAHA!!! this boy not bad ah, uping his standard to meet mine haha!! <3 totally love it when he do sth crazy and I burst out laughing and he laughs along loudly as well! simple bliss <3

Cut hair already, looking youngerrrrr haha! but stupid fringe got too used to being sweep to the side which is fringeless and now the shape is like fixed so I cant really have it down covering my forehead lol! But ok lah, away from forehead is awesome as well :)

Stop seducing ppl! STOP!!!!! :P

Hehe cheap thrill when your bf sets you as his wallpaper teehee! <3 Last time, when he had his iphone5s, he set my solo picture as his wallpaper like some fanclub right haha! Still shy whenever I see myself included in his stuffs :P

 So he got his iphone6+ at such a cheap price cause got army privileges.... so good lo! all his phones all so big one so it's like not a big deal to him and then now can come say my screen small already lo, idiot. but im still loving my phone yo, portable and more private cause smaller haha!! still don't have the urge to change my phone~ blehhhhh.

This week I'll have another event job and then off I go for Kukup for the long weekend with big family yay <3 :D 

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