Sunday, August 9, 2015

Long Jubilee Weekend

Heheheh hello I'm back from 3D2N Kukup! :) 
This is our 2nd time going kukup in 2015 already :D The big family decided to go over to kukup cause we have a long 4 days weekend this month yay goodieeeeeee!
Haha apparently there is nowhere in singapore that can contain us and tolerate our loud volume one. So it's always better to go across the border to unleash ourselves haha! We seriously can do everything and anything there one and nobody will complain. Like I said, our volume is crazy loud and we have to really shout to talk to each other sometimes cause too much different noise in one house. Like 3 tables of mahjong sound LOL OOPS, the screaming and shouting of the kids, the karaoke, and the normal chattering. Madness I tell you but that's the life yo! :P Super awesome one :)

Crazy jam in the afternoon on the day we drove in. The crowd was scary tbh :O We had to also walk on the roads to the custom cause if we were to sit in the vehicle...... it will take forever to reach due to the jam lol.

Kill boredom~~~

This time we didnt spam photo taking but still have some photos! Heheh this is us having steamboat on the last night! :D YUMYUMYUMYUM with our auntie's chilli! :)

Mahjong all day err day sia!!! 3 tables of different ago groups hahah! That's how we roll :P 

Also, during the last night it was so crazy, my older cousins were drunk and they dragged us to play chubby bunny with food like cha shao pau, siew mai, red bean bread, I TELL YOU SUPER DISGUSTING!!!!! fml! LOL! But our mouths all quite big sia ahahahah! I seriously almost vomited when I look at their mouth full of food. My stomach damn uncomfortable after like making the vomit sounds multiple times, seriously I kenut...... madness lol!!!

Us cousins! <3 All wear spectacles, tsktsktkstkstks!!

Sunset!!! Good view at the super spacious balcony!

Then last day, sad to leave once again. back to reality..... but.... HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!! :) Quite cool to see ppl at the customs wearing red and white as well lol. We were also clad in red and white !

Patriotic even in another country! I've always been wearing red and white on alot of national days already :P

Wee will be back next year new year period!!!! Haha already booked wth :P


Gonna go over to cousin's house to watch National Day Parade on tv already! Hope you are having lots of rest and fun on this long weekend as well keke!! Dk where my bf is bringing me tmr cause he said it's a secret wth! hahhah *squeals* Sekali later is lame one.............. I won't be surprised LOL! Ok lah don't so bad, :P <3 

Bye xoxo!
*hate the fact that school is reopening*

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