Sunday, March 27, 2016

Train of events

Yay so bubz and I finally tried Pince & Pints! And if you don't already know, it's a restaurant that specialises in selling lobsters! Sadly, the price has increased over the years though they are quite a new start up.

While waiting for our food :) Thanks for giving me such a good view whenever I'm having my meals hahahahahhaah

Yay my lobster roll is here!!!! It seemed abit lacking in terms of portion as compared to the other lobster dishes but hey!!!!!! I'm so wrong!! I was so full after devouring it! And yes like what the reviews recommended, this lobster roll is really the bombz!! I cannot emphasise anymore about this dish but I just love it!! Those huge chunks of succulent lobster meat.... ah..... bring me back!!! :( The garlic sauce also was so nice, I had 2 servings of it, foc btw~

Babe got this Live Grilled lobster and it was also nice!! :) Just that you have to extract the meat out yourself with the "tools" haha! I just love seafood so I definitely enjoyed my dinner that night, ahhhhh love it :D

Extracting the meat out one by one, for himself and for me! Oh yea we shared our dishes obviously, half a lobster roll for each of us, and shared the live lobster meat too, yumyum in our tumtums :D So satisfied and super full!!!!! :)

Whole bill came up to like $135? Very expensive right I know but well, lobster........ once a year's anniversary dinner........ well spent :P <3

Bringing my presents out for a walk hahaha~


There are so many March babies and after my 21's bday party, it is my turn to go around attending friends' parties :D Both hosting and attending are tiring I would say. 
White theme.
Happy 21st Esther <3


Have been so busy with school work, assignments, projects, tests, and not forgetting having to go in and out of the hospital to visit and take care of grandma and accompany aunt for check ups, etc.... DRAINED!!! :( Sigh... so hard to just focus on catching up with my school work because seriously so many things are happening right now, and it's so scary/ heart wrenching/ stressful.... Hope everything will soon be fine :'(

Also uploaded the anniversary card that I did for bf :) He was so touched hahah but well, small effort lah, nth much :) 


Then, Tanji's 21st with the netballers :D 
Blue x White theme, seemed like I'm the only one who followed closely to the theme haha like I said it's fun to go with the theme :P Everybody's grown up, surprisingly almost all applied make up, with the minimum being lipstick. And they are so pretty :) 

For me I also think lipstick is like quite essential, will totally make you look as if you have a face full of make up hahah illusion and also helps to perk your face up! Digging those natural coral/pinkish lipsticks :) Oh yea the girls got me Laneige products hahah when I just got a free trial package haha. Dressing table filled with Laneige products currently, keke hope it works well~

Looks as though I'm going cny visiting haha! But well, cny clothes are mostly gonna be worn very few times so it's timely to just wear them out for friends' bday parties yea??? :P

15 minutes change...... haha! Went prawning after the party with love. Shagged ttm, running here and there and well, always gotta spare time to "ESCAPE FROM REALITY" haha which is to be where I am most relaxed and happy with.

Cruelty act, sorry bruhs.... love you.
Then it was the end of yet another 3D2N with bae, with lots of running to hospital, home, party in between as well. Just hope all these will end and everybody will be ok and healthy again, sigh.... heavy heart..... stressful days... jiayou everyone! <3


Crazy funny ugly face swaps!! HAHA
1) With jayne, quite normal rightttt hahaha
2) With love. He damn ugly as a girl can??!?!? HAHA
3) With elder sis, and scarily... both still looks like me after swapping.... wts eew! After swapping, my elder sis is on the left while I am on the right without spects.


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