Friday, May 20, 2016


These few weeks have been so busy with working!!!!!!!
I dont even have time to meet up with friends like my schedule cant fit theirs, omg feeling so bad about it :( But changing it so I can at least meet them before I fly. 

Have been spending my half days with this MC king haha! :P 

Have been having so many good food as well, yay!!! I was so afraid that I will lose weight cause of my busy schedule, rushing here and there and having giddy spells, poor appetite, trembling hands BUT phew!!! ok idk lah, dw go weigh also tsk!!!
Other than working my own jobs, I also work adhoc jobs that my friend "recommended". Her boss's rates are very good so I don't mind luh and also the adhoc jobs are all quite fun one! Last weekend, I worked for the Vitagen event haha talked and explained to the customers so muchhhhhhhh!! But not bad luh, like it when it's busy!

A table full of good food!! All the sambal and bbq goodness, muacks muacks :D

Every Wednesday & Thursday, there will be Uji Cha event as well :) This one though 3 hours but also hiong ok!! Need to open the cartons of drink like machine gun, I opened so fast for 2 days and my thumbs are hurting and my palms have red marks! LOL the queue for free things is really, upz!!!!

Worked with Weiling & Joshua for one day, and then the next is with Weiling & her poly friends.

Hopefully Joshua can work more!!!! Then fun fun :D

Also, this holiday is insane! :O

25th-31st May: Khao Yai & Bangkok
23rd-30th June: Osaka
1st July-2nd August: Korea

Money drop from sky pretty please??? Haha I'm on my way to earning and saving up for the trips! Every night I'm working on planning out my schedule on my planner and calculating my earnings HAHA. I think I take after my mom in this area, likes to plan and jot down things and calculate money??? I don't like to live my life obliviously to my spending and earning. That's a small secret for sustaining livelihood and not turning bankrupt easily :)

Also, usually when I spend alot on something, like traveling, I will try my best not to touch my existing money, so I will pretend I have $0, then I need to work and earn whichever I need for my traveling trips! Pro right, like that when you come back from your trips, you still can live normally and not like you emptied your whole bank for the trips LOL. Big tip big tip!!! I know how it feels to have almost $0 in the bank and that feeling sucks, so I wouldn't allow myself to be in that state ever again and so far, I haven't :) Good job ^^

After these trips, ppl please stop me from going overseas trip anymore in 2016 & 2017 cause I need to save up for my graduation trip to freaking USA in 2018!!!! The countries that I'm traveling to are getting more and more unbelievable, surreal!!! :O

boohoo, approx 40 days away from home, definitely will be so homesick & lovesick :/ 

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