Monday, January 21, 2013

Healthy Snack

Hello!! :) Since I'm using my computer to print school assignments and what not, I shall do a quick update! Some days back, Sisters and mom made these chocolate dipped strawberries, wheeeeeeee :) I think that it's quite a healthy snack though there's chocolate but there are more strawberries than chocolate, so it's still considered healthy right? Hehe.

Firstly, buy a pack of mini chocolates like those hersey kisses type of mini chocolates and..... MELT. It's quite challenging to melt chocolate cause it isn't as easy as what it seemed! You have to fill your pot with like 1/5 or 1/4 water, and then use another bowl to contain the chocolates then place the bowl on the opening of the pot (of course u have to use a bowl that will fit perfectly on the opening of the pot). MAKE SURE THAT THE WATER INSIDE WILL NOT TOUCH THE BOWL. If not your chocolate will harden super fast. And use small fire!!! Important* Just let the vapour that has condensed on the bottom of the bowl to melt the chocolates.
Secondly, prepare your strawberries!

Thirdly, prepare a sheet of aluminium foil on a plate or container like the one below

Fourthly, start dipping your strawberries into the melted chocolate and they will look like those below, heheh wheeeeee!
Lastly, just put them in the freezer and wait for the chocolate to harden before consuming! Simple and easy steps to making a healthy snack. YAY! :D
Just a few updates of my 2013 January. 

1) Celebrated Godbro's 21st birthday. 21st bdays are always party-like, big scale, etc. So it was fun!! Not forgetting the fact that once godbro was being thrown into the pool, his friends, cousins and I were being thrown into the superrrrrrr deep pool by him! AIYOO! I was damn scared, I almost cried when I was on my way to be thrown into the pool cause it was so deep and I'm not really good in swimming you see.... sigh. Hahahaha but still, it was fun. Godbro threw me in and grab me up, quite dumb actually :P 

Smelly durian cake! I almost puked when I had a super duper mini mouth of it cause people's bday right, confirm have to show face and eat the cake. Somemore, it's super expensive :O

2) Had dinner and caught up with secondary school clique! I love being around them! The feeling is so home, so comfortable, so carefree, so happy! I don't have to hide any unglam any crazy side of me and we always have great chemistry and common languages that only we will understand <3

We agreed to meet for dinner and catch up once every month! :) Though it's like so little but it's more than what we had last year. I'll always look forward to that very day of every month, yippee!! Love them ttm!

Alright ,those are just some of the more noteworthy events that happened in January :) Okie, gotta go do my assignments if not I'll be feeling so depressed, so stressed, so sad, so overwhelmed by them again. Life of a JC kid is not easy. We got no life :'( 

Till then, bye!
Hang in there, x

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Hi guys, today's the mid of the second week of school. Oh my gosh, I'm super drained! It just sucks to be unable to stay awake throughout ALL the tutorials an lectures, it just sucks!! But I really couldn't stay awake, it's like one moment I'm paying close attention and writing down notes, and the next... I'm jolted out of my sleep. Which simply means I don't even know when I fell asleep while paying attention. I'm that tired, I don't know why I'm so exhausted also. Last year I slept at 12-1am plus almost everyday and I'm still pretty fine. But not this year :'( SIGH PIE! And then, when I reached home, I'll take a nap if time permits. Though I set my alarm after 2 hours and am determined to wake up and complete my work but I just couldn't wake up! My nap will end up being a 4-5 hours of nap! It's that scary..... I really need to be attentive and energetic everyday of this year as it's a duper critical year :( Grrrr... Don't know how am I gonna survive the remaining 30 plus weeks of school and A'levels. S C A R E D! Really admire people who won't fall asleep even if they are tired cause they claim that it's not comfortable and they couldn't sleep in school though they feel tired too. I've got many of such friends.... Sigh so good! :( ARGH, shall stop the sighs, it's said that you will get older after every sigh. Alright, hang in there & have a good week everybody!!! REST WELL :)

PS: why can't I post pictures using the blogger app? Teach me how to if you know. Comment below, thanks!! :)


Monday, January 7, 2013

School started

Picture credit: google. 
Boohoo, as you all know today's the first day of school for the JC people. I dislike going to schooooolllll! I remember when I was young, I will always cry the night before school reopens and complaining to my parents that I dont wanna go school. Though now, of course I dont cry but I still get pissed and throw small tantrums... heheh. Really dont like to go school, hmph! But well, no matter how much I dislike it, I still have to go...zzzz. Well, first day of school was pretty alright, got to see my friends, classmates and all. Sadly, for this year, a lot of my subject tutors changed! Ohmeeegoddddd, it seems like a very bad idea to change our tutors. Sigh... this is my a level year and they changed the tutors ........ argh shan't spell out why am I fretting over it. OH YAH not forgetting, I'm drowning with assignments, homework, revisions and everythingggggggggggggggggggggggg. First day of school and yes, everything, all the stress and workload starts rolling in! No time to waste :'( Really hope I can persevere and most importantly, quit that procrastination habit. Really have to prioritise, put first things first, have the end in mind! :) Goodluck to all the JC people suffering and struggling out there too, you can do it :)
"What is difficult in training, will become easy in a battle. 
-General Alexander Surorov"

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Yesterday went out with Nadiah and Jayne, had fun of course! Hehe forever Jacky Necky Pecky :D & then I went home and tried playing with short hair. I always wanted to see myself in short hair. I want to give it a try after taking a picture of myself (above) in short hair, not bad right? A lot of people also keep asking me to give it a try, oh my goodness, soooo pressurizing :O Of course, I dont dare, like who dares? LOL. I mean like, I'm so used to having long hair and I love it, I can't imagine myself cutting short hair and I can't play with it anymore :( Seriously, a lot of people, friends, cousins, boy asked me to cut............. oh noooooooooooooooooo........... However, if I were to go cut, I will only do it after Alevels! No disturbance for now! BLEH 

Follow me on instagram, 
@heypegasus for more pictures hehe. I'm a serious instagrammer kekek!

Have a good night, 


I know this post recalling about 2012 came in late but well, not THAT late right? Haha! Alright, let me recall what I did in 2012. Wow, so many things, my photos are everywhere and I dont know which belongs to which month, etc. Oh man, I'll try.

Firstly, 2012 was the year I went into PJC. Pjc really has got the friendliest people, the fun-loving and hyper people and it really makes me feel at home. Moreover, it's really near my home, haha!! So, I got into MG01

Really a bunch of approachable and amiable people! :) Even till now, I still say hi to them or even strike a conversation with them whenever we see one another in school. Next ofc, I'm superrrrrr glad that I was posted to be in class 12S08!! Oh gawd! It's one hell lots of fun and love in this class!! :D

You can see from the pictures yea? We had alot of activities, bbq, events together that really made our class bonded and united as one! Woohoooooooooo! <3 Then yea, everybody will have a clique right? And I'm thankful that I found The Fierce Gang! Haha we aren't real fierce actually :)

We had lots of fun and laughters in school! Many a times, we will laugh till we cried, stomachache, etc! Really lotssssss of fun and laughters. Even our classmates think we are crazy at times, oops! Not forgetting the fact that we expanded our clique from 4 to 8 people, THE GURUS! <3 MORE LAUGHTERS, MORE CRAZINESS, MORE LOVE! Hehehehe.

And here's my PW group. Oh gosh, pw really sucked but well, my group doesn't suck at all! We had our fun, weird, funny moments amidst the irritating pw. Oh... we'll be getting our pw grade when school reopens around april? *prays*

I joined Netball again in jc and tadah, these are my lovely netballers, teammates, seniors, etc! <3 Another group of merry people! Awww <3  Yep, we went to Malacca for our netball trip.

One of the days was my birthday and they gave me a surprise at night! I was really surprised and I literally screamed cause I was being bluffed into a dark hotel room and when I entered I was being scared by one of the seniors, lol. But well, really appreciated it alot! :) & the big balloon from them :)

Our frequent birthday celebrations. YUMMY CAKES!

Of course, these girls are my teammates of the same batch, woohoo <3 We have to work really hard for our A'div this year! JIAYOU

March 10 it was my birthday but I was at Malacca so I had no wonderful celebration. brilliant and awesome friends gave me the biggest birthday surprise I ever had when I came back home after my trip! I WAS LITERALLY SHOCKED AND SURPRISED AND SCREAMY AND *whatever you insert in* :D
They are my secondary school friends as well as Clique! They are the bestest girlfriends ever! All the crazy and unglam moments are shared and showed to them! They are like sisters, all side of me are already seen by them haha. I just love them and I know they are my girlfriends forever xoxo!!!!

My cheeky family!!! Acted sooooo well like nothing's happening hahaha. I almost forget, I have a family of best actor and actresses, including me, in a good way, not the bad way of course duhhh. I love them and how they nurture me to become who I am today, muackiessssssssssss <3

Xinni's bday celebration. My 5 years and counting on best retard sister! I always feel super comfortable being with her and stealing her brain juice, smarty pants! Really thank her for her relentlessness care, concern and love for me. She somewhat leaves the best or better things for me or counting me in for fun activities, keke love her max! 

Sheron's birthday celebration. 3 years and counting on friendship. Though initially we weren't that close but throughout the years we got to know each other better and heheh we had damn lots of retarded actions, language and moments! Omgggg unglam max with her, ahaha! She's also super nice, always sharing nice foody with us wheeeeeee, muacks!

Joann and Sophia's bday celebration! Sophia, 5 years and counting on friendship. She's always there for me to share problems with her and also vice versa and sharing sweet moments with our boyfriends together lol! I'm pleased that she's always there, supporting and encouraging me, love her! Joann, 3 years and counting on friendship. Wahaha this mad girl, definitely had amazing times with her and being entertained by her, love to be around her where there sure will be laughters, muacks.

Shimin's bday celebration. 5 years of friendship and counting on. She's my mama sherzy! She's super lovable, nobody won't love her man! So bubbly and just makes me wanna hug her everytime I see her. I love that she's a very genuine friend and always sharing good things with us and telling us interesting stories!!! I just can't leave her out on my girlfriend list, love her ttm!

Lastly, Jayne, 5 years of friendship and counting on... Didn't celebrate her bday cause I was in Japan :( but glad she had an amazing celebration. This girl is a total sister to me, so comfortable with her and I can just say anything and everything, even without thinking. I can just vent my anger, spill my insecurities, expose my paranoid self, etc to her and she will make me laugh in the end. Damn mad girl! But I love her man, life's great with her around!

Tadahhhhhh, my boy! <3 Known him for 2 years plus during my sec sch days and been together with him for 1 year going to 2 years~ Love has never been so romantic, easy, comfortable, lively, carefree :) I'm glad that cupid shot the both of us and give us a chance to be in each other's life, showering each other with love and care <3

He's the bestest, always being there rooting for me, reminding me that there's hope and to have faith in everything :) Glad that he can tolerate all my nonsense, all my naggings, my rubbish, my temper,etc. Really wonder what is he made of actually. A guy that has so much love to offer, so much charisma to make me fall in love with him over and over again and so much energy in him to make me laugh, make me have fun :) I've definitely learnt a lot and experienced a lot with him. He's definitely mine to keep, my best friend, my big brother, my gay friend, my soulmate, my sister, my lover, hehehe, he's willing to be all, that's why <3

Cousin' wedding is July!!! It's been long since our big family have wedging! Wheeeeeee :)

Here come our first NIECE!!! I've got so many nephews, like 5 and finally there's a niece!! She's super adorable!! :) Her eyessss, awww!

Everyone wants her attention and wants to make her laugh! And her chubby soft cheeks, *pinch pinch* :D

This was during December! YESHHH IT'S J A P A N! I was ecstatic when the opportunity to go for a Japan school trip popped up! My friends and I immediately decided to go tgt! Though in the end, only me plus 2 other friends went, but we had the best moments together! Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka! I LOVE JAPAN <3

It was super cold!! The wind just makes us freeeezingggg cold! BRRRRRR! We loved it though :)

Not forgetting the food! I thought I was in heaven! Wahahaha I super love their food, food porn everywhere O.O I love their udon, very chewy and bouncy! :D I just love everything they have, food, shopping, sceneries, environment, culture!

The magnificent Mt. Fuji. Gawwwwdd first time seeing it, it's damn beautiful and there were snow flakes on the latches!!! Can you imagine how cold is that? *thumbs up*

Then, of course there were many more events and noteworthy days, Christmas, countdowns, etc. There's too much to write. So I'll just stop here. That pretty sums up my life in 2012 with my loved ones.

For my 2013 resolutions
- Be more diligent 
- Procrastinate lesssssssssserr
- Complain lessssssssser
- Really study study study, less play :(
- Be less mean, in any way 
- Keep my family, relationship, friendship close & intact <3

Hope you have a great 2013! :)