Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Valentine's Day

Oops wanted to post up a recipe for Jelly Hearts before Vday but actually the recipe is all over the internet alrdy, so that's lame.

MY SUCCESSFUL PRETTY JELLY HEARTS!!! Super easy to make without the use of oven or any baking equipments!! Heheh but it's very time consuming cause every layers takes up to 4 hours!! Cause you need to put each layer into the fridge to let it harden and set.


Haha anyway Vday was alright for me. Nothing too luxurious, nothing too romantic, nothing too special. It just feels like any other day, haha! I personally don't fancy my boyfriend giving me bouquet of flowers cause it's like erm.... quite redundant and waste of money? But actually if you are a girl, you will want to receive it at least once from your boyfriend.... haha! Ok but mine doesn't like giving flowers cause he also think it's a lame idea haha box.

So we just went to.......... the hospital for his army check up. Haha we had a 'fun' time exploring and finding the correct block for his check up because there are too many different buildings tackling on different parts of the body zzz. Oh then a super embarrassing thing was that.... cause I always bite him not in a pervert way but to punish him for bullying me, then when he took off his clothes for the check up, the nurses saw the bite on his chest/shoulder area and they laughed.... omggggg embarrassing ok!!! Gosh hahaha oops! Idiotic....

Keke, so yep after that we just went to nearby which is Outram Park to have 49 Seats, eeeee also not as nice as what the reviews said. But okay lah edible, not very yucks but not very wow. Yes, you get me. And everywhere/everybody that I tell to S, he always has some stories to tell about it. Like sometimes I showed him pretty girls or popular guys, he will say that he knows them indirectly, argh...then this 49 Seats place, he said that the boss came up to him while he was working at somewhere else to ask he wanna work for him. what the... dk is the world small or he is just so big shot, everybody/everywhere also 'know'. Hahaha!! Idiotic x2....

The tomyum spaghetti that has good reviews. Hmmm it was not as spicy as what ppl reviewed about, prolly cause I have high tolerance for spiciness and this dish wasn't hot when served so when eating, the sauce gets a little clammy and thick and I got sick of it after awhile.

The fish and chips which I think was rather good but boy had a hard time eating it, he claimed that it sucks and the one served at his workplace is much better.... always comparing with this workplace. Idiotic x3.... hahaha!! So he was so grumpy throughout, aiyoooooo

Mushroom soup which was nice too.

And idiot boy took this of me when I asked to take picture of us!!! Nvm, simple ootd for you, ahhaha! He went my place to eat the Jelly Hearts cause the pretty ones I brought for him melted during the day and I was so devastated and mad :( :( :( efforts gone to waste.... hate it. After that we watched the movie Survivor and it was really exciting and good!! Yay! :) 

That's all for our vday, it was just a simple one yet we were still happy and enjoying it. I don't really need any expensive gifts, romantic dinner, carefully planned vday. All I want is his time and for us to just roam around the little red dot while holding hands, exploring new things tgt and just chat/tease/ramble/argue non stop with little hugs and kisses in between the day <3 Though I'll be envious of sweet couples walking around with bouquet of flowers, bunch of balloons, bags of gifts, going to nice places and all, but this is the kind of love I have and I'm thankful for it even till today, so I shouldn't be feeling negative.



Monday, February 10, 2014


Chinese New Year this year lasted for 10 days for me and my big family. Though not everyday we have visitings and gatherings, but it still lasted for ten days. To be exact, we are active on day 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 & 10 only. Still a pretty long cny :>

{ DAY 3 }

Woke up kinda late to prepare and waited for my boy to come my hse to bai nian with my parents as usual. We were kinda in a rush so there wasn't much time for us to snap pictures and ootd :( I already pre-planned in my mind to take lots of nice ootd pictures and with my boy on that day since I'm wearing a maxi dress... but idk why imagination and reality somehow don't happen tgt most of the time, IDIOTIC! >:(

So we went visit 2 other houses before settling at my aunt's hse for gambling and snacking session. Haha boy joined in for the gamblings too, keke. We played 'clear the table' and was soooooo scary!! The stake was kinda big at some point in time!! After awhile at 5pm plus we went off to visit his side of relatives, *gulps*

So hard to take decent photos cause we were in the cab and it was so shaky. The uncle even asked us if we managed to take decent pictures lol! 

Took taxi there as we were late I guess but I think we weren't that late. ahaha, but his cousins all went to the place at 1pm plus to gamble and left before we reached. Boy was kinda disappointed cause he wanted me to see his cousins and see how they gamble haha, he was saying it was gonna be very fun those time. But i still think my side was the best :P So there was miscommunication between him and his parents that's why they missed out on all the fun in the afternoon. Nvm, he said we will try again next year haha! His maternal side also has alot of relatives, not bad~ Stayed for awhile then off we go home. 

{ DAY 4 }

Monochromatic day for day 4! Black and white never goes wrong. I was falling off while taking the picture hence explains the awkward leg position hahah.

Went for more visitings and then to cousin's hse again for steamboat dinner!! It's always great when we end the day of visitings at one of the cousin's hse. More comfortable, more fun, more awesome!! :)

Cutie nephews clad in matching tops, haha! So cutie lo, they also had many set of clothes to wear this year, naish naish :)

Slacking at cousin's hse after visiting while waiting for the rest to arriveeeeeeee, yawnsssss

And tadah, before the adults came, we would always chiong to the mahjong table to play a few rounds ahaha! 

Then, steamboat dinner, crazy scary heart attack gambling sessions, then cousins bonding time playing Contact (no money involved), the game just test how well we know each other/how well we click/etc , cause it requires some telepathy and insider joke to play it well, super cool game!! HAHA and would sent you laughing like some mad dog :P We were constantly asked to lower our volume or stop playing by the adults cause we were way tooooo loud laughing and all while playing. Kekeke definitely wouldn't want to attract any policemen coming our wayyyy~ Teehee awesome night with cousins <3

{ DAY 9 }

Day 9 of cny was a simple one, went to cousin's hse for lunch and stayed there for the usual eating, slacking, gambling till night time before heading to my house downstairs for the yearly Resident's Community Cny course dinner. The food were basically the same few dishes and we had to sit there for like a few hours for the food and see/listen to the performances. Quite boring, cause yea, resident's community... for mostly elderly right... but we all had to go cause my grandpa said so, he's one of the member there so yea......

Didn't had nice ootd shots again so we just made do with these haha!

You can see our outfit gets more casual as the cny days go, ahaha we need such casual clothes for our everyday wear.

With elder sis

& younger sis

Us threeee <3 We spent like half an hour or maybe less (i would like to think so) outside the lift area of our house to camwhore before bathing, if not no photos of our cny day 9!! 

After bathing, cousins called to play overnight mahjong at her hse. So we played from around 12am- 530am! 2 full rounds of mahjong and you know what?!?! I'm the only freaking loser, so I paid them 3, ass.... I was winning after the first round man! Then they had to do that to me.......... $$$$ Luck is really running out for me. I'm totally not the gamble material and luckily, I'm not fond of gambling so doesn't really matter. But still, I'll be secretly madddd when I lose!! ARGH :P

{ DAY 10 }
Last day for us all!!!! Woke up late due to the previous late night yawnss!! Went to another cousin's hse for lunch and then god family hse for dinner!!! YUMMY!! :> Bascially, we have to visit every cousin's hse for cny, so it's actully spreaded out during the cny period and each cousin's hse can be for different meals, :D

Sadly not much pictures taken, boohoo :(
Boy asked me to take a pic of myself for him while he was doing his project stuffs, poor him :( I didn't want to take selfie so I convinced my nephew to take with me, haha!! At the mention of my boy to him, he was immediately willing to take picture with me :P Naughty him!! 

Tadah that's the end of my cny!!! <3 Now you know why I have to shop for so many cny outfits and why I always mia during cny period. Oh, not forgetting belated cny celebration with my jc clique on the last weekend of feb, looking forward :)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014



One of the holidays/event that I really like and enjoy is the Chinese New Year! Each year I'll be so excited to get new clothes, shoes, bags and accessories! Though I'm always a last minute buyer and cannot get what I really plan to wear etc, but well, cny is still fun for me :) Every year my cny lasts for 15 days, ahaha. Ok not everyday I have to go visiting because after a few days the adults have to go to work and so on, but in total, it will last for 15 days till the last weekend. My whole big family is really big, paternal, maternal and grandma side. Sometimes I really don't get why we have to visit them and take angbaos from them when we only meet during cny. Isn't it kinda meaningless? The whole thing behind the giving and receiving of angbaos become really meaningless as some people just give for the sake of giving and receive for the sake of the content inside the angbaos.

Oh well, cny is all about angbaos, money, gambling, fun, food, laughters, shoutings, heartattacks, visitings, awkwardness.... hahaha! I'm still enjoying my cny though this year we didnt go to Kukup for cny getaway and didn't get to play with fireworks and crackers. It's still nice staying in Singapore :)

{ CNY DAY 1 }

Pretty mom & handsome dad give birth to.............

3 beautiful daughters!!! hahaha, I'm not self-praising okay, that's what many of the not so close relatives, my parents' friends and even outsiders said :P

Everybody gathered in my house in the morning for breakfast and a few rounds of blackjack before we all set off to visit our own relatives. For me, I went to visit my maternal side relatives and grandparents. Like I said in my Dayre, my sister and I don't plan our outfit according to the importance of the days but rather we plan our outfits based on the places we are going to visit for the day. So for day 1, we visited our maternal side relatives houses so there wasn't much travelling, so we decided to wear sth casual but nicer than casual casual, haha! :P It was a really long day and we were so worn out by night time, yawns. Went home and my cousins(paternal) were still at my house so we played non-money games like 'Declare', '49', 'Memory game'. Hahah cool right, they are interesting games okay!! *hiakhiak*

{ CNY DAY 2 }
Everybody came my hse in the morning again for breakfast again... haha! Look at the amount of shoes outside the house everytime my big family gather together :D

After all the eating, gambling, preparations, it's time for phototaking again before setting off for visitings :)

Family shot but with bad lighting. The better quality ones are in my cousin's dslr but since she haven't upload the pictures, I shall just make do with what's in my camera.

All the cousins and nephews with our grandparents. Generations and generations, lucky grandparents ahhhh~ ahaha! This is my paternal side family which I'm more close with and spend most the time with. So whenever I say big family or cousins, you know which side I'm referring to ^^

Yes and off for visitings!!! I wore my holographic heels as can be seen above. It was kinda high and loose but I still can walk in them! Nice nice :)

Yay fav people!!!! :D Hehehe our ootd for cny day 2!! Always being silly and laughing so hard with them.

Me myself and I!!! 

Bryan my nephew whom I sometimes call boyfriend haha cause he knows how to protect/takecare of people and also considered mature for his age excluding the fact that he is a naughty playful bully! 

Tallest cousin and even with my heels, I'm still shorter than her by abittttt ahem!

My almost 1.90m beloved godbro! <3

Elder sister.


Daddy. Wow I'm still not taller than him (1.70m)

Younger sister.

So we visited my maternal side relatives again, now at their respective houses and also my aunt's new house! Woooo, so cool! The houses nowadays are like condo style and layout just that the size is smaller than the houses last time. Boohoo, bad thing that houses are getting smaller and smaller :( Oh yah then my uncle whom we seldom see, saw us and told my mom that I can go be model. That's what I overheard him speaking in hokkien to my mom haha! Tsktsk, I'm farrrr from being one man.

Nephew Alfred! He's wearing the shirt that my sister and I bought for him ^^

I think I look kinda different in this set of photos but I don't know what and I like it haha! Also, I think this is the most comfy ootd so far, because the romper is of the right length, very fitting and secure and has the floral oriental feel suitable for cny. Though before cny, alot of ppl have alrdy worn such rompers to dead and I also bought it way before cny but I still think it's more apt for cny and that's why I kept it till cny to wear it keke. 

So after the visitings, it wasn't the end of the day! We all went to our cousin's hse to hide and prepare pails of water and wait for them to return. It was a bday surprise celebration for my uncle haha!!! And he didn't realised anything fishy even when the plan almost failed!! HAHA SO FUNNY :P & yesh surprise was a success and he was super drenched keke!! Our family always have such evil plans oopsieeee.

To end of the day, we had icecream cake and.... LOU HEI! 

Too big a family so we all had to stand sideways to lou hei to accommodate everybody haha, so squeezy okay!!

and huat ah!!! All the shoutings, 'throwing' of food, haha epic! 

It will always end up like a mess. I bet all of yours are also like that. This is sth that's inevitable :P

Then, more blackjack before the longgggggg day ended! Hehe nice nice day :) 

Hope cny has been kind, rewarding $$$$ and fun for you all so far! I'll update the other days of cny soon :D