Saturday, March 15, 2014


Heheh hi guys, I'm here to update about my birthday week!!! :) Everybody's excited when it comes to their birthday because no matter what, there will always be this part of you wanting people to do something special for you, wanting people to plan celebrations for you, wanting people to be there with you. I'm always super excited for my birthday to come because it is at the front part of the year and people tend to be more free during this period! However, for this year, dont know whether it is because my birthday came too fast too rush or it is just me being one year older again cause I somehow did not expect anything big. I just want a simple celebration with family, friends and love. Even if they didn't plan anything for me, though I will be really disappointed but I wouldn't mind as much as past few years, haha I don't know how to explain this type of feeling.

Oh yes, many of you would have know that my birthday = my anniversary with my love. Hahah times flies so fast and it was already our 3rd year tgt!!! Really didn't feel so long at all, hope our love fire will continue to burn as passionately as ever. <3

Ok so without much more delay..........
This was what happened on my actual birthday (10 March)!! :)

Woke up to delicious lunch cooked by daddy with lots of love!!! Just nice this year my chinese bday falls on the same day as my english bday so I got to eat the longevity noodles ^^ nowadays it is so important for guys to know how to cook!!! Definitely a bonus point! Keke :P

The scrapbook kinda card that I made for him for our 3rd year! Spent quite a few hours doing it man, not easy.. but once you get it... hiak hiak hiak easy peasy!! :) Really love the entire thing that I made, PROUD PROUD though the front cover looks childish but I think it is very very niceeeeeee :P It consists of quite a few flaps and 'windows' inside where there are more details, pictures and heartfelt words <3 I don't know why but silly boy was saying he dare not open and read the card, hahaha!!

So next, met up with him in the late afternoon!! 

We went to Funan Mall to check out my new baby!!!! Do you know what is it??? :D Ok but we did not buy it because his godma got better deals for us, so yay to burning a smaller hole in our pockets haha!! & off we went for our dinner at Keppel Bay!

I've been wanting to check that place out for quite some time because it feels like you are out of the bustling city area, just chilling by the river, enjoying the breeze and admiring the yachts. I wanna go on a yacht party or sth!! Damn cool but so damn ex!
Love the view!!

The food!! They were ok lah not bad but yes again, he being him 'complaining' that the food was bad, haha irritating!!! It's more about the feel, the ambience okay! Keke :P I think it was one of the most romantic place we have ever been to for our meals/dates.

Sadly we didnt take proper/nicer pictures there!!! As can be seen above, my top looks ultra weird in the picture when it wasnt suppose to look like that LOL and then my face looks distorted due to the below angle shot cause I wanted to capture the lovely blue sky as well! Super love the view over there! Great place to watch the sunset as well :)

Haha oopsy I'm always flipping my eyes whenever I'm with him because he is superrrrrrrr idiotic!! :P Went home afterwards because my family was waiting for me to go home and cut cake :) Though it was just a short day out, but it was more than enough to explore new places in sg with him hehe, felt like we were overseas for a moment :D


It really felt like it has been a super long time since I last cut a cake/ celebrate my birthday because the whole wish, cut, blow thing felt so foreign to me. Crazy alrdy... haha! And wth.... I have been wishing in a praying manner......... if you even realised my hands.. HAHA! oopsy daisy

Really thanks to my beloved family for everything!! <3 Hope we will all stay as youthful and young like in the picture, haha I think my dad and mom look like my friends? or my siblings? Ok that's a good thing :D and hope that my love will continue to celebrate my birthday tgt with me for as long as possible :)

Hope you know how much you mean to me, I just love everything about you, about US! :) hahahah I have to act short in that picture above HAHA! I think that's the perfect height!! But oopsy I'm taller but ofc shorter than him but he still says that I'm very short..... oh well.... but he himself is also short ok..... 

I've been wanting to take nice new polariods with him for the longest time but always didnt have the chance or someone to help us take!! SO I grab the opportunity and asked my sis to help me take, wahaha steady pom pi pi one! :P

Sorry if you felt awkward taking the pictures infront of my sis hahah but I know you also love how the pictures turned out to be keke cause you were happily choosing 2 for urself to keep :D 

//Thank you for always tolerating my nonsense, tantrums, petty-ness, rants, cravings, likes, dislikes, flaws and for being spontaneous in joining me to do things that I want to do. Though I've been envious of other couples who get to see and stick to each other everyday but after awhile I realised that once you reach a certain maturity stage in the relationship, all the 24-hour texts, everyday meet-ups aren't so important and wow anymore because just knowing that he is happy, he is safe and the fact that he still loves you is more than enough. I can say that he is never the romantic or perfect kind of guy who will spend money to buy me flowers, buy me branded gifts, plan the entire outing and overload me with sweet nothings but he is the type who will specially do a hand made card for me on special occasions, tell me that he is free to go on a cafe hunt with me knowing that I've got a list to strike off, take care of me even when he is busy or lazy, make me excited and happy so easily and support/encourage me in everything I do. This is already enough, it is more than what I can ask for. Thankful for you, my angel. There is still a long way to go and I hope to finish this journey with you, x.//

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