Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Army phase

Weekend with my army boy!! :) Last friday was the first time I see him after 2 long weeks!! I was really nervous about seeing him again haha call me crazy but it was the truth! I was so nervous that I kept pacing around while waiting for him.... gosh! I still even had the thought that we will be awkward when we see each other. HAHA what shit was I even thinking :P But hey... 2 weeks is a very long time ok and we only can text each other for like 1 hour or so everyday.

But thankfully, all was well! Hahaha nothing changes :) It was very heartwarming to see him in that green uniform after so long and him giving me warm hugs all over again :D <3 I know he missed me a lot :P Hehe totally loving his botak head and seeing him in uniform :) Smart leh! Also, he was so excited to share his army stories and experiences with me, whenever he is happy, I'm even more happy :D Oh yah, he even sang the songs and cheers he learnt in army when we were strolling, damn funny. And he acted like he was sleep-marching on bed the other time, trying to scare me HAHA wts! He and his silly antics!

Before he got enlisted, we were kinda afraid of the army phase? Cause he kept hearing stories about couples breaking up during this phase due to lesser time spent with each other. However with all the assurance and everything, we managed to be positive about it and just treat it like normal? Haha luckily cause we are not those meet 24/7 couples, we are adapting to this army phase pretty well :) Like usual we would meet on the weekend, not much changes to pre-army days. Though there are still a lot of misses cause we cannot text each other 24/7 and send selfies haha! But, I think I'm getting used to this everyday text for 1 hour thing, maybe cause it's my exam period and I'm occupied? Or maybe cause I have my phone game so my phone doesn't seem so dead? Haha actually I think the real reason is that I prefer to communicate to him face to face already. 

So actually there really isn't anything for couples to fear about the army phase. I meannnnnnn your world doesn't only revolve around your boyfriend/girlfriend right? There are so many things you can do with your family, friends or alone during days when he is in army and then you both can meet during the weekend. Absence really makes the heart grow fonder :)

This army phase actually brought us back to our honeymoon period!!! :) I admit that there was a period of how do I describe it.... hmm.... period of dullness? mundaneness? no high no low? constant? before he enlisted. Aiya I don't know how to describe that but just a period of like used to it, used to being around each other, a routine to see each other and all. Furthermore, we are already 3 years going to 4 years into the relationship so these moments are bound to happen. And then! BOOM here comes army! And we are back to the sweet days!! 

Distance makes us cherish the time we have with each other, be it text or weekend!! And he has been such a darling hehehe :) Sometimes I wonder what he learnt in army! Haha cause he has been really sweet after he entered army, like I will be so shy whenever I receive his texts at night! Oh gosh :D Or maybe he is scared that I'll leave him and run away so he needs to lock me up with his sweet words? Hahahaahah nahhh I doubt so keke! We are totally ok with this phase thus far :) Keeping it positive and have faith is all we need to do! We are always looking forward to the weekend hehe :) So who says it will be lame or boring to be in the same relationship for so long? Nahhhh no one should ever said that! Because ours felt like it just started!! It actually depends on how the both of you make an effort to spice up the relationship and to reignite the fire of love whenever it seems like it is burning out. HAHAHA ok starting to sound so funny already...

So yupppp, seeing him off to army every Sunday night is also a simple joy :) Definitely gonna continue giving him as much motivation and encouragement before he books in every week, as much as I can! Train hard inside and play hard when you are out. I'll see you this weekend my big pau! :D <3 Love you.

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