Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Standard Chartered Marathon 2015

Woohoo last Saturday, love accompanied me all the way to Expo to collect my scm race pack!! It was my first time participating in a marathon so I was quite a "mountain tortoise" when I saw such a big scale collection place lol.

It's just so cool and that was not all of the place, behind there was still a Addidas store and then a longggggg maze of a lot of booths. I kept asking my bf if the maze was gonna end already or not cause like never ending :O

Mine was the 10km run!

Haha then we came across that big long green board and I thought nothing about it cause yah I don't know all these things about marathon. Only till my bf asked me to go over there to find my name, and I was like "MY NAME? :O" And I was so excited cause it's so cooool to have all the participants' names on it! It seemed impossible to find because wts 18,000 names leh. Yes correct, this year scm had 18,000 participants :) It is one of the more prestigious marathon I know, other than sundown. I think these 2 most big scale already right? 

However, we found my name the next moment keke!! And stupid boy kept lying that he was also participating in the run, the whole day he kept cooking up stories which were so fake but he just kept lying LOL!!! Crazy person, and then he went to show me the "proof".... wow didn't know my bf's surname is stanelle.... HAHA really damn silly

Me with my race pack and the singlet! Naish hor???? The cutting damn nice with a special shade of green! Last year's was blue which was nice but that shade of blue nth special so yep this green is better imo.

After collecting, we went over to Golden Mile to try the Thai Boat noodles that I researched about!!! Just give me thai food all day err day everyday I also very happy one :P There were hell lots of drama before we finally reached the place due to the stupid rain but all in all, just thank you for always going all out to make me happy, especially for such small little things :'( 

Haha just look at his chubby cheeks!!!! Doesn't he look like a giraffe??? HAHA <3 his face looks like giraffe while my neck is similar to that of a giraffe, hmm does that makes us team giraffe? HAHA WTS.

$6 for big bowl and $1,90 for small bowl. YUMYUMYUM craving again siaaaa shit. Kekeke as usual, I'm enjoying and he...... suffering due to the spiciness haha sorry babyyyyy you are the best ok!!! MUACKS MUACKS MUACKS!!! always getting your ass burned because of me ahahaha but hey at least you know what good food is all about hiakhiakhiak :P Golden mile is just the one stop for good thai food, the previous time I went there with my jc clique for mookata and it's damn good as well, gosh!!!!

On Sunday, the day of the race!!!!!! Crazy early at 7am+ for the race but the sky was already so bright and the sun was scorching!!!!!!!!!! NO JOKE

Tadahhhh we finished the race! Yay!!!! It wasn't as scary as what we thought, it's definitely achievable as long as you distract yourself from the tiredness which is just MIND OVER BODY like legit! Think of other things and enjoy the scenery! We jogged for 4km, took a short water break, ran till the 7km mark, walked for 1km to the 8km mark while waiting for my friend to catch up and took water break again, and then jogged again all the way till the finishing line!! Under 100 minutes, say yay!!!! :)

Tips: 1) dont be too happy and drink too much 100plus LOL, you will end up feeling shitty cause you will want to vomit and too full to run
2) dont stop for too long, the inertia to start running again will be very high and your legs will start to tighten and ache

KEKE photos of me that they sent to me haha! 

Should I have known that everyone will get a medal, I wouldn't have opt to buy another personalized medal. But quite cool right to have your name behind the medal cause the general medal dont have any carvings. Well, they will send me my personalised medal through post and shall just wait for it to arrive first :D

Super shagged out after the run but still so proud that we all did it together yay!!!! :D
First and prolly the last marathon! HAHA I just don't like running long distances lah ok, so longggggggggg (distance and duration)! 


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