Tuesday, August 23, 2016

How do you define love and happiness?

"Successful relationships require a lot of effort. Relationships are never perfect. It's something you're gonna have to work on.
This is why women observe how much effort a guy puts in for her during the courting stage.

But what is the definition of effort?
Effort is not taking you out to dinner and paying for it. It's not picking you up with a car and driving you to certain places. It's not even the random roses on your front door.
Real effort is going out of your way to make someone feel special.
It is saving up for a date to make sure it fits in his budget. Effort is keeping you company on the way home even when he doesn't have a car. It's buying you flowers with the little change left in his pocket instead of spending it on things he likes. This is real effort.
Sure, some other guy could pay for a date every night. But he's making loads of cash and he's only spending 10% of it on you. Sure that other guy could pick you up and take you to the places you wanna go but he already has a car and that's completely hassle-free. Sure he's buying you bouquets of flowers but what's that compared to the money he makes?
So before you become blinded by all the shiny things he can offer, ask yourself the following question.
Take away the convenience, would he still do it?
True effort is not what you give. It's how much you give compared to what you have."

This article tugged at my heartstrings and made me appreciate the little things more. 
Thank you for always putting in effort for me and our relationship but sometimes still get very little credit for it. 
I've been with you at your best (somehow) and at your worst but nothing changes for the amount of effort you put in. Even in times like this, you are already awesome and I know if times are better, things will definitely be better. 
You are just like what the article said, even without car, without roses, without high budget, you still take long walks with me just to send me home, treat me whenever possible and do things just to make me happy because as you said, making me happy and smile is the least you could do. 
Really, nothing is comparable to being happy and laughing all the time when I'm with you. It's priceless and something money can't buy. 
I love you for everything that you are and I truly appreciate it. Thank you for loving me and even loving me for everything that I'm not.

Back after 3 months

Wow this space has collected a lot of dust already huh, 3 months since I last blogged. Even the sign in page of Blogger has already changed haha!

Many things has happened through these 3 months. Obviously, I was away for my pre-exchange trip to Osaka and exchange trip in Korea. I love these 2 countries and the whole trip was really awesome with good company as well :) The memories will always stay with me! Missing japanese and korean food already..... argh!

Too lazy to update about my trip but yes it was a bomb! Period.

Right now, school has already started... again. Week 3 now and I'm already lagging behind as usual haha! Still at week2's content. Also for the semester, there are like 2 projects (1 engine, 1 art) so definitely need to fork out more time on them ugh. But well, all's good so far! Have been having a fair share of fun as well, ok maybe too much fun haha! :P

Oh yes, have to jot down that the current hype is on Pokemon Go now, in case I read it years later and I can still recall about this. Haha it's really quite fun when played together with fun and ahem... using a car ofc. Walking or running about it just not as fun cause you can't catch a lot of pokemon within a short time. With car and the tracker app, wow everything is just wow. We will be like "chiong 3 more minutes, go go go!" :D Have been playing with love and his friends keke, isit like an every friday activity?

Happy to say that time and days with love are becoming more crazy and fun and awesome. I mean we are already 15/10 but now is like 20/10? HAHA! Ok what I mean is that it just gets better and better and that is how it should be! Hoping it will keep getting better forever yay! :) <3 We have also been seeing each other a lot lately cause we are teaching tuition at the same house haha cute hor? Yepppp can always never get enough of seeing each other one lah cause he's my second home <3

Also, gotten myself quite a few weekend of event jobs. Ofc, must work hard right! To build up my "reserve" once again though seriously I can stop working any part time jobs like events and tuition and really just live on the money that people owe me man. Why must I always be a loan shark/debt collector? Lol! The total money that people owe me really.... I won't say ofc but you all will not imagine how much though. I didn't know I'm so rich for my age LOL that I can lend sucha hefty sum to people... say whut. But well, since my money is "well deposited" with them.... I shall just treat it as them helping me to save. Then when they return me... wow.... it will be mind blowing AHAHA! Not even kidding ok :P Before that happens, ofc I need to teach tuition and take up some event jobs when I can. Who doesn't like to have more money? It doesn't hurt hahah!

That's about all. Hope I will work and study more instead of play/work more? Sianzation lah. Yawns bye xoxo.

Friday, May 20, 2016


These few weeks have been so busy with working!!!!!!!
I dont even have time to meet up with friends like my schedule cant fit theirs, omg feeling so bad about it :( But changing it so I can at least meet them before I fly. 

Have been spending my half days with this MC king haha! :P 

Have been having so many good food as well, yay!!! I was so afraid that I will lose weight cause of my busy schedule, rushing here and there and having giddy spells, poor appetite, trembling hands BUT phew!!! ok idk lah, dw go weigh also tsk!!!
Other than working my own jobs, I also work adhoc jobs that my friend "recommended". Her boss's rates are very good so I don't mind luh and also the adhoc jobs are all quite fun one! Last weekend, I worked for the Vitagen event haha talked and explained to the customers so muchhhhhhhh!! But not bad luh, like it when it's busy!

A table full of good food!! All the sambal and bbq goodness, muacks muacks :D

Every Wednesday & Thursday, there will be Uji Cha event as well :) This one though 3 hours but also hiong ok!! Need to open the cartons of drink like machine gun, I opened so fast for 2 days and my thumbs are hurting and my palms have red marks! LOL the queue for free things is really, upz!!!!

Worked with Weiling & Joshua for one day, and then the next is with Weiling & her poly friends.

Hopefully Joshua can work more!!!! Then fun fun :D

Also, this holiday is insane! :O

25th-31st May: Khao Yai & Bangkok
23rd-30th June: Osaka
1st July-2nd August: Korea

Money drop from sky pretty please??? Haha I'm on my way to earning and saving up for the trips! Every night I'm working on planning out my schedule on my planner and calculating my earnings HAHA. I think I take after my mom in this area, likes to plan and jot down things and calculate money??? I don't like to live my life obliviously to my spending and earning. That's a small secret for sustaining livelihood and not turning bankrupt easily :)

Also, usually when I spend alot on something, like traveling, I will try my best not to touch my existing money, so I will pretend I have $0, then I need to work and earn whichever I need for my traveling trips! Pro right, like that when you come back from your trips, you still can live normally and not like you emptied your whole bank for the trips LOL. Big tip big tip!!! I know how it feels to have almost $0 in the bank and that feeling sucks, so I wouldn't allow myself to be in that state ever again and so far, I haven't :) Good job ^^

After these trips, ppl please stop me from going overseas trip anymore in 2016 & 2017 cause I need to save up for my graduation trip to freaking USA in 2018!!!! The countries that I'm traveling to are getting more and more unbelievable, surreal!!! :O

boohoo, approx 40 days away from home, definitely will be so homesick & lovesick :/ 

Sunday, May 8, 2016


why? why did you do that? i chose to believe in you but the evidence is there already yet you are still denying. i really dont know, i dont understand, the things that you said no longer make sense. just when you bring your hopes up high, thinking that this is it, this time it will be different, but then people tend to disappoint? trying very hard not to make a generalisation but how many times have i felt being lied to/ taken for granted of? how can people turn your kindness and goodness to nothing? how can people still be so good with you when they are actually doing sth bad behind you? though sometimes it doesnt harm/affect you, but that act.. it's counted as betrayal. i find it super duper hard to treat people the way i used to treat them (which is good treatment) after i realised their "bad" side or after they have disappointed me.... after they proved that everything that i hoped was great and real was wrong... i cannot face them or talk to them the same way anymore. i can forgive but i cannot and never will forget that kind of shock and realisation they gave me, the scar they left on me. ok it sounded very serious but even the slightest thing like: saying a version of story to me and then another version to another person behind my back (though not bad things about me), i will still feel like cheated? very very slight things i will get affected, of course after much thought like thinking what's the purpose behind their actions/words. that's why over the years, i longer have the fire and passion i had like when i was in secondary school towards friends.. because time and time again, they proved me wrong... yes no doubt i still cherish them but there is always a shield around me, never to trust or put my 100% in them and also not to let people treat me as their bestest friend as well. because no expectation, no disappointment. this is a shitty thing but that's life. sigh, dont know when can i ever treat the person normally again.... not like super good like i used to but at least normal way. now i cant even start a conversation or even look at the person because i cant forget the things that the person did..... what the hell...... why don't people treat others with sincerity and realness? why does it always comes with hurt along the way? this is bullshit.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Freaking examinations are finally over!!! Oh my goodness, so happy that I'm free! Don't need to study everyday I go home, oh yes!!!! But then still got tuitions.... getting quite lazy for tuitions already.... like I hope to have 2-3 months off from tuition so I can work other jobs... but nah..... cannottttttttttttttt! Though tuition money very good, but then short hours, so..... not that good haha! And then have to get angered by tutees etc etc... crazy potatoes...

For now, I just want to watch movies movies movies movies! Both from cinema and online (past movies)!!!! & also plan for my overseas trips heheheheheh!!!!!! SO HAPPY!!! :) Also many many other plans!!!! :P Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, have to enjoy while this lasts.....

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Happy Birthday precious + 3rd staycation

3rd Staycation <3

Checked in to Festive Hotel this time round because his mother booked it and also cause his overseas aunt was coming to sg to stay so yup that's why the 2 single beds haha! Practically escaped from reality for 3D2N during exams period, ahem....

Because it's his birthday :D

Went to had dinner at Santa Fe Tex-Mex, a ship that at Marina South Pier but ofc not a moving one but still it will sway with the waves which can cause giddy/nauseous spells after awhile. 
We had Ribs with different sauces, buffalo wings and also a glass of wine each :)

When we reached there, there were only like 3 other customers? So we were feeling quite gulps haha but as time passed, more groups of ppl came, so not bad!! The ambience was kinda romantic :D

Bought a cake from Fruit Paradise from Vivo!! They have so many varieties of cakes, yumzzz!!! Guess he was kinda touched :P

This time there's balcony and tsktsktsk good lighting...... but we didn't take alot of photos.
& also our matching caps ahah! Nope i did not put eyeliner on the right photo, I woke up with double eyelids that day... zzz...

Him looking at me while I was getting ready for the photo.... idk what was he doing, or isit he want pose looking at me????? AHAHAHAH

Me: "Oi what you doing?? faster pose!!! cool style!!!"
Hahaha and oops, failed cause the timer went off.... 

And he really posed with himself looking at me. This photo turned out kinda blurry but nice one!!! :) <3 He's just so cute. 
Happy birthday to you my love, may all the happiness be with you and that more good things will happen to you!!!!!!!!!! There's nothing more important than you being healthy and happy. For that I can forgo luxurious gifts, dates, trips, anything.

He never fails to crack me up with anything!!!! HAHAHAHA oh plzzz

Sunday, April 10, 2016

You again.......

it's you again finals.... exams coming again....... in a week's time. only motivation? 3 more weeks to freedom, summer! Sounds damn fast right, but yea.... it's gonna be torturous and fast paced. hate it when i have projects that i dont understand. nothing's more worse than something you cannot handle/ cannot do/ cannot change/ cannot control right? helplessness, sucks big time.

so bye, i'll see you again in 3 weeks time :D well..... also another thing to look forward to is my staycation with baby for his bday next week. end of my school, start of study break! it's my last round of happiness and play before things get real real real serious. ugh, hatred? dislike? 

oh yah not to forget, our family got a new helper and wahahahah she's so funny and everyday we will just have so much to talk about and joke about! keke she only been here for 6 days and great, adapting real well and bonding with us well, she's now very comfortable and crazy already haha!!! good good i like, another source of entertainment at home even though there's already so many people at home already :O just need peace during my 3 weeks of study break. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Train of events

Yay so bubz and I finally tried Pince & Pints! And if you don't already know, it's a restaurant that specialises in selling lobsters! Sadly, the price has increased over the years though they are quite a new start up.

While waiting for our food :) Thanks for giving me such a good view whenever I'm having my meals hahahahahhaah

Yay my lobster roll is here!!!! It seemed abit lacking in terms of portion as compared to the other lobster dishes but hey!!!!!! I'm so wrong!! I was so full after devouring it! And yes like what the reviews recommended, this lobster roll is really the bombz!! I cannot emphasise anymore about this dish but I just love it!! Those huge chunks of succulent lobster meat.... ah..... bring me back!!! :( The garlic sauce also was so nice, I had 2 servings of it, foc btw~

Babe got this Live Grilled lobster and it was also nice!! :) Just that you have to extract the meat out yourself with the "tools" haha! I just love seafood so I definitely enjoyed my dinner that night, ahhhhh love it :D

Extracting the meat out one by one, for himself and for me! Oh yea we shared our dishes obviously, half a lobster roll for each of us, and shared the live lobster meat too, yumyum in our tumtums :D So satisfied and super full!!!!! :)

Whole bill came up to like $135? Very expensive right I know but well, lobster........ once a year's anniversary dinner........ well spent :P <3

Bringing my presents out for a walk hahaha~


There are so many March babies and after my 21's bday party, it is my turn to go around attending friends' parties :D Both hosting and attending are tiring I would say. 
White theme.
Happy 21st Esther <3


Have been so busy with school work, assignments, projects, tests, and not forgetting having to go in and out of the hospital to visit and take care of grandma and accompany aunt for check ups, etc.... DRAINED!!! :( Sigh... so hard to just focus on catching up with my school work because seriously so many things are happening right now, and it's so scary/ heart wrenching/ stressful.... Hope everything will soon be fine :'(

Also uploaded the anniversary card that I did for bf :) He was so touched hahah but well, small effort lah, nth much :) 


Then, Tanji's 21st with the netballers :D 
Blue x White theme, seemed like I'm the only one who followed closely to the theme haha like I said it's fun to go with the theme :P Everybody's grown up, surprisingly almost all applied make up, with the minimum being lipstick. And they are so pretty :) 

For me I also think lipstick is like quite essential, will totally make you look as if you have a face full of make up hahah illusion and also helps to perk your face up! Digging those natural coral/pinkish lipsticks :) Oh yea the girls got me Laneige products hahah when I just got a free trial package haha. Dressing table filled with Laneige products currently, keke hope it works well~

Looks as though I'm going cny visiting haha! But well, cny clothes are mostly gonna be worn very few times so it's timely to just wear them out for friends' bday parties yea??? :P

15 minutes change...... haha! Went prawning after the party with love. Shagged ttm, running here and there and well, always gotta spare time to "ESCAPE FROM REALITY" haha which is to be where I am most relaxed and happy with.

Cruelty act, sorry bruhs.... love you.
Then it was the end of yet another 3D2N with bae, with lots of running to hospital, home, party in between as well. Just hope all these will end and everybody will be ok and healthy again, sigh.... heavy heart..... stressful days... jiayou everyone! <3


Crazy funny ugly face swaps!! HAHA
1) With jayne, quite normal rightttt hahaha
2) With love. He damn ugly as a girl can??!?!? HAHA
3) With elder sis, and scarily... both still looks like me after swapping.... wts eew! After swapping, my elder sis is on the left while I am on the right without spects.