Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Jc life is really tough... I guess I played too much in J1 and now, in J2, I'm struggling! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so stressed up, so vexed, so irritated, so anxious, so bottled up :( Life just gets tougher and tougher, why why why? In some point of your life, don't you wish education never exist? Your results doesn't determine what you gonna be in the future? No one focuses on academic achievements but rather skills? It's just so annoying sometimes, or perhaps for me, all the time!!!! I'm definitely not an academics person but rather sports, hands-on, explore and experience kind of person. However, I do not know what I wanna be in the future and tadahhhhh I landed myself in junior college, WOOHOOO............ hell. Oh well, on a happier note, tomorrow's the freaking #@%#$^#$@ last paper for common test, argh! & thank god I've got 5 days rest before another round of hectic school schedule commences. Can't wait for these 5 days! They are all planned up, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *throws confetti* :D Alright, back to revision for math! Oh yah, in case you still don't know, I can't do math for nuts, we are always at loggerheads, :( sadddddddddddd lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee </3

Till then,

Thursday, March 14, 2013

11 March (Monday), I'm still having celebration! Hehehe thanks a lot to my netballers, yay!!! ^^

13 March (Wednesday), 12S08, my class celebrated the March babies birthday! The cake was very yummy and pretty, like rainbow cake! It's from Prima Deli, it can be one of my fav cake alrdy. *thumbs up* I realised my class likes to buy cakes from Prima Deli and I think all the birthday celebration cakes are from Prima Deli, hahaha :D

See the pretty rainbow cake :) And the cutesy lunchbox filled with sweets, biscuits and each and every classmate's birthday card for the March babies :) Very nice, keke ^^

Not forgetting our class pictures!!!! :) 12S08 is really an awesome class and I'm glad I'm in this class during my jc life! <3

YAY, so I had around 5 bday celebrations this year! HAPPY GIRL IS ME <3 I love everybody who's currently in my life and close to me :')

My 18th Bday :') (Part 2)

Finally, 10 March (Sunday), my actual birthday and it's also........2nd Anniversary with my dear hehehe :) I got to spend it with my fav boy ofc and my extended family <3 Woke up early and headed to Sea Aquarium with boy. I have always wanted to go there to see as it's the biggest aquarium in Singapore :D Somemore, the entry fee is really quite cheap, $20 student price! Luckily there's still student price and luckily we asked, if not I'm gonna smack my boy who insisted that the student price deal ended, *bish*!

The jellyfishes are damn pretty!!!

The super big manta or idk what you call it. It's a super big stingray and I find stingray to be very cute cause they got such big body but their eyes and mouth which are underneath are so small and it formed a smiley face, ahhaha!

We get to touch the starfish, hehe ^^ I'm so tempted to carry it but we are not allowed to cause it will somehow hurt them.

I didn't notice this fish initially till boy told me to check it out, haha! DAMN COOL :P


Cutie boy and I :) Sadly, after this picture when we decided to leave the sea aquarium, boy lost his phone! It was stolen, damnit! Curse the thief seriously >:( We spent a super long time reporting it to the customer service counter and waiting for them to check the cctv, etc. It suddenly became a big case where the security guards, the manager, the staffs, etc came to talk to us about the stolen phone, ahaha oopsy! Unfortunately, the phone and thief is still not found, argh :(

So we wasted a lot of time and thus we couldn't have a nice lunch tgt :( Was kinda sad though. Nonetheless, we went to have some yummy korean finger food, grass jelly soya milk, awfully chocolate icecream and hazelnut crumble. They were so satisfying, heheh happy!!! :) After that, went to meet up with family for dinner at a Chinese restaurant :D

I dislike oysters and ofc, I didnt eat them, yucky! Actually, I dont really appreciate any raw food. After that, then went home and got surprised by extended family in my room! Hahaha they gave me a shock!

Yay, I can haz awfully chocolate cake as my 3rd bday cake! I have always wanted to try cake from awfully chocolate, thanks sis for remembering :') Isn't it nice to have people remembering little details about you and things that you once mentioned? <3

Yippeeee, you all can see how happy I was right? :D I was super glad, blessed, happy deep down inside me! :) Totally didn't expect so many celebrations, presents and cards. Awwwww <3
I love my family big time!! and ofc my all-time favourite boy :) Hope there are more years to come!! I want my birthdays to be celebrated with all these people every year! :)

Happy 18th Brithday to myself :D (Part 1)

Wheeee 10 March was when I turned legal 18! :D Not much about the legal part but more after the celebrations and love I received from my family, friends and bf. Awww... :') This year was Alevel year for the Jc kids so I wasn't expecting much this year cause I understand that most of my friends have to study for their upcoming common tests and I really don't want them to sacrifice their time to celebrate with me...... But... they did! I WAS DAMN DAMN TOUCHED, SHOCKED, ELATED, BLESSED to the moon and back <3 ahhh... i'm such a fortunate girl :')

So, on 8 March (Friday), I received my first cake and big card from my jc clique which consists of 7 girls excluding myself.
They remembered that I like this cake, Coco Exotic from four leaves. Hehehe :) I didn't even mention it more than 3 times to them. So sweet of them to remember right?

Then they surprised me with this big 'P' card after I'm done with my napfa! Haha they were actually rushing the card for me while I went for my napfa test which lasted for 3 hours. Damn cute and thoughtful of them to want to give the card to me as an advanced bday gift instead of a belated one!!! ^^

Then, on 9 March (Saturday), my great sec sch friend X, dated me to celebrate bday for me :D She claimed that the rest of my sec sch clique girls can't make it to celebrate for me :(

She's super cheeky! Throughout the day, like afternoon to evening, she's been rushing me to finish shopping for my stuffs and go to lot1 with her. At first, I didn't read much into it but I did suspect that the rest of my sec sch clique girls will be there as well, keke :P True enough, when we reached lot1, the other girls popped out heheh! 

However....... I was asked to complete the 10 dares above, argh! I was totally not expecting it and I'm super clueless on how to complete them all! I took quite some time to complete them, oopsy :P But then, I think I'm super brave to complete all of them!!! You can read it yourself, the dares were really no joke...........

Evil J and S who came up with the 10 dares to actually stall time for my surprise bday party! Then, they blindfolded me, blast music in my ears and brought me to Warren function room! During the walk there, I was feeling jittery and scared that something or someone might just pop out and tickle me or sth, or I may trip, etc.

And tadah!! My first bday celebration by my beloved sec sch clique, my kss netball juniors and seniors :D

One of the beautiful card made my my sec sch clique! AWESOMENESS <3

Rainbow cake and cupcakes made by J! I was so amazed by the rainbow cake, soooooo gorgeous :D The cupcakes are also like those sold outside, consisting of Red Velvet, Peanut butter, Cookies n cream, chocolate, etc. J's really talented in this area huh *winks* :D

Poor me had to complete another rounds of dares like playing Chubby Bunny, which ofc I won wahahaha, do sexy dance to clubbing music, eat cinnamon powder which sucks hell load, and picture guessing game! Heheheh I love the picture guessing game the most cause it just shows how well I know my girl's from top to toe *weeuweet* :D I'm a super professional observer, dont play play :P

That summed up all my wonderful presents and cake from my secondary school friends! YAY love them so muchhhhhhhh! :) I am really thankful for all the friends I made and the clique that I formed in both sec sch and jc! Really received so much love from them and I feel so loved by them also, hehehe! :) <3 Damn awesome to have best friends that you know will stay in your life for as long as you hope for :') I guessed I've already expressed enough of my love and thank each of my friends for their efforts personally already, keke. Shan't repeat.

Most importantly, I love you girls sincerely, xoxo :)