Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Jc life is really tough... I guess I played too much in J1 and now, in J2, I'm struggling! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so stressed up, so vexed, so irritated, so anxious, so bottled up :( Life just gets tougher and tougher, why why why? In some point of your life, don't you wish education never exist? Your results doesn't determine what you gonna be in the future? No one focuses on academic achievements but rather skills? It's just so annoying sometimes, or perhaps for me, all the time!!!! I'm definitely not an academics person but rather sports, hands-on, explore and experience kind of person. However, I do not know what I wanna be in the future and tadahhhhh I landed myself in junior college, WOOHOOO............ hell. Oh well, on a happier note, tomorrow's the freaking #@%#$^#$@ last paper for common test, argh! & thank god I've got 5 days rest before another round of hectic school schedule commences. Can't wait for these 5 days! They are all planned up, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *throws confetti* :D Alright, back to revision for math! Oh yah, in case you still don't know, I can't do math for nuts, we are always at loggerheads, :( sadddddddddddd lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee </3

Till then,

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