Monday, March 4, 2013


Here are some of the visuals for CNY 2013 :)

As mentioned in my earlier post, my cny eve, cny day 1 are spent in Kukup so the pictures are taken in kukp of course. Really love the cny ambience in kukup cause there are bound to be non-stop fireworks which are super huge and beautiful in the night sky <3 and also lots of firecrackers and all sorts of fire thingy and 'bombs'.

I filmed down the firework 'shows' most of the time so there are very few pictures of the fireworks. Furthermore, pictures do no justice to the real life magnificent fireworks!

Every year we will have a theme for everybody to wear on cny day 1 at kukup. So this year was orange for the females and red for the males :D Even kids have to follow the colour code, hehe.

Came up with crazy ideas to entertain ourselves :D Regardless of age, the people who are there at the spacious balcony then have to join :P

With le cousins <3 xoxo.

Every year my chinese new year will really last for 15 days, with a lot of visiting, gathering, etc. But it will always be fun during the ban luck/mahjong times, hahaha especially when I'm playing with my extended family! We will always make hell load of noise, super super noisy! Luckily policemen are thoughtful enough not to come :P kekek. And a good thing is, I won a few bucks though I played with a meagre sum of money. 
Apart from cny, my life has been revolving around school, netball, home, studying and all sorts of no life activity :( Some fun is really needed but I think I'm not studying as hard as what a jc kid should be right now, still quite relax. Gahhhhh but my common test is round the corner!!! After the march holidays it's dooms week :O 

On a happier note, next sunday, 10th March, is my birthday and also 2nd year Anniversary with my fav boy :D Hehehe can't wait for these 2 events though I know many of my friends can't celebrate with me cause march is the common test month, mehhhhh :( Oh well 2013 is gonna be so mundaneeeeee, boohoo!

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