Monday, December 30, 2013

Hong Kong Day 4, 5! byeeeeeeeeee

{ Day 4 }

Woke up kinda early everyday to prepare and set off! When you are overseas, you wouldn't want to waste any time on the bed though you would be damn exhausted right? :P 

These are all candid shots, 100% no preparation and I didn't even know my sister snapped all these while I was managing my hair from the strong wind that was blowing in my direction, tsk!

Yep first station for today, MongKok! :) Something that is amazing about hongkong is that once you reached a certain mrt station, there are tons of exits to go to, you can spend one whole freaking day in just one station generally but going to and fro to different exits! and each exit brings you to more and more places, just so amazing and crazy~~~ :O

So yep, for today, actually the last 2 days of hk trip, me and sister joined my sister's friends for food and shopping tour by them while my 3 friends go on their own cause we live at different place and it was quite hard to meet up beforehand cause ahem... my friends were always late! 

So yea, Ferny, my sis's friend, brought us to try the famous PO LO BUN!!! It was really very nice!!! I'm craving for it now! :( So sweet and crispy and like not plain at all! This was our breakfast and one bun could really make our stomachs full and satisfied! :D Lovin this!!! omgggggggggggg :(

Second stop, after some shopping done, we went to meet with more of my sister's friends who are in hk for exchange programme to eat some famous dimsum!! :D You must try!!! It's called DIM DIM SUM! There's wifi there also, keke!

This is the must eat food in their menu! This chee cheong fan is very special and the yummiest?! Gosh, Idk what goodness they put inside but it's like crispy and soft and heavenly! I like it!!!! :D Everybody gobbled this up with the 'mmmmm' sound, hahah ^^

This po lo bun was okok, I still prefer the previous big one!

This is their custard bun, so cute right? HEHE! Yes the custard will flow out immediately after you open it! YUMZ! 

All the dimsums there are really tasty, it left me a good impression for hk food at least cause for the past few days I wasn't really liking hk food cause I think that my home cooked food are even nicer... haha but this dimsum shop made me really jovial that day :D

Next, for some exercises to help digest our bloated tummy, we went for shopping!!! WOOHOO the best place to go shopping I guess!!! It's at Mongkok Shopping Centre! It's like Sg's Bugis!!! GOSH! HEAVEN! :D

This is a bottoms paradise with high waist shorts, jeans, tights, normal cut shorts, jeans, tights, everything! We spent quite some time there and we bought quite a few pretty and comfy bottoms! Loving all the shorts and pants especially that we bought there, for cheap prices too!! <3

All the apparels are cheaper than singapore's but but but the bags and shoes are somewhat more expensive? Unless you can haggle the price real well, haha! And it was quite wasted cause since we went during december period, ALL the clothes sold are long sleeves and winter kind, totally not very suitable to wear in singapore. So that's why we didnt buy must tops, but stocked up on my bottoms! :D Must really go hongkong during summer/spring period man, then u will really be visiting heaven when you go mongkok centre! EXCITED ALRDY?!?! You should really be!

Hehe the cute traditional icecream van! Yay sis's friend treated us to this vanilla icecream :P Plus, our hands were really sore from carrying so many heavy bags of loots!! Really dying and superrrrr tired.. :'(

Then more shopping! Monki is one of the famous brand in Hongkong I suppose and I've heard many ppl raving about this so ofc we had to check it out. I'm not sure whether singapore has this brand but I heard there's one in fareast? Not sure whether it's true haha.

The shop is rather affordable so it was a joy shopping there, plus there are many discounts ongoing hehe! Somemore the monsters are so cute and the design and prints are kinda unique!

After a lonnnggggggggggggg shopping day, it was time for dinner!!!! YESSAH we went to Star Cafe!! It was also on my list of "to visit" before I went hk, so I was really looking forward to tasting it! :)

It was a really small, old, secluded area and I think it will be quite hard to locate it if you dont have anyone to guide you. Luckily my sis's friend knew the way so it was a breeze for us :P I quite like the whole old, traditional hk style cafe, really nice :)

And this bowl of vomit looking noodles came.... not really nice in appearance but the taste is SUPER YUMMY!!!!!!!! You can choose the type of noodle you want but we chose the maggie type of noodle cause I think it will be more suitable haha. Mine was beef tomato noodles, the whole soup base is with tomato cubes and you cannot imagine the taste, it was like WOW when I first took a sip. Totally not what I expecting upon looking at it. I was soooooooo glad I came to try this out!!! :D DEFINITELY A MUST TRY WHEN YOU VISIT HK!!!!!!!!!!! <3 

Streets of honkong, always bustling with ppl, I think it's like more crowded as compared to sg.

We then went for desserts hahaha! *FOOD MONSTERS MODE ON* 

Mango shaved ice, yumz!! I think hongkong ppl love mangoes cause there are alot of mango desserts in most of the dessert shop, like very prominent kind! So ofc we had to try, and yes the mango is really aromatic and fresh and yumz!! Hehe.

This was fried mango? I forgot oopsy! Sth special and nice also.

This is the steamed beancurd in crispy chocolate skin, I forgot the name of this too haha. Yes, this is the hot dessert that we ordered, sth special too!

AND HOTEL SWEET HOTEL (home sweet home) haha!! so tireddddddd by that time it was alrdy 11pm plus.. YAWNS

These were our loots for the whole trip, very few!!!!!! but idk why it was a chore to carry them, super heavy lah! Gosh thinking of it i wanna cry alrdy, haha! Oh yes there are ofc snacks, yummy eggtarts that we bought but arent in the picture :P most of the loots are for ppl, and like me and sis got mostly bottoms and a few tops for ourselves. haha oh yah we share our clothings so sorta saving up this way? HEHE

So excited when I saw these socks, I immediately bought them! hahaha how cute can they be?? How i wish there are more designs of other princesses then i can buy for my cousins too, oh man! TOO CUTE <3

Camwhored for awhile, bathed and CRASHED!!! x.x 

Day 4 was the best day of my whole hongkong trip cause it was filled with alot of delicious food and cheap shopping!! MEMORABLE! :)

{ Day 5 } - last day
It was the last day, so fast!! :( Half happy half sad.... haha yes we are clad in shorts cause we were heading back to singapore and since it wasnt really very cold in hk and we only could stay for a few hours before checking in at the airport so.... simple and thin outfit!

Hongkong's MTR! yes not mrt. A really efficient transport! The frequency of the train is like very high without much waiting time and it takes quite a short period to travel from one station to another, good good :)

Last destination for good food!! ANOTHER MUST GO!

This is 连香! must go okay! A whole new hk experience :D

It was morning and you can see how crowded it is alrdy! It was quite hard finding seats for the 4 of us and the cool thing is that when you find seats, just sit!! you will be sharing the table with other ppl most of the time but it's normal! It's cool like this :D

Whenever the auntie pushed out the cart filled with goodies, a lot of ppl will rush and crowd around her to order the food cause everything will be cleared in like few seconds or a minute!! it's that fast :O haha sometimes the auntie would get so fedup and shout! oops!

We also got to wash our utensils using hot water like those traditional cafes we see in hk shows. Oh yah this dimsum place has like alot of years of history and no doubt their food is really TASTY! *thumbs up*


I just cannot..... missing all these food alrdy :(

This would be my favourite though the others are also very very delicious and ok my fav dimsum shop!!! :D This dimsum above is so succulent and juicy and so soft and ahhhhhh my mouth!!!! FILLED WITH GOODNESS <3 I can fly to hk to eat this man !!!!! there's fish maw or pig skin idk which inside, so it makes everything so yummy, like juicy soft thingy that you wouldnt even know what yummy thing you are eating! I only know what is it when my sis's friend told us haha! 

And last minute shopping!!!!! This street is mostly about branded goods, so just window shopping for us haha!

And it was time to take the airport express back to airport to catch our flight home!! Luckily we did an in-town check in in the morning so we did not have to lug our luggages around with us in the day! PHEW :) Really thankful for this trip and enjoyed myself alot! I love the last 2 days especially cause they were filled with yummy foody, hoped that my friends were able to join us but they had their own destinations to go so thats why we parted ways. But at least they enjoyed their trip also :D Also, thanks to sis's friends who made my last 2 days so fun and filling kekek!! :D 

Ok oopsy me and my friends ALMOST miss our flight back home......... scary!

Hehehe home sweet home and reunited! Sis and my flight was different by half an hour or so, so my family welcomed me and then waited for her. Hahaha cooly, then we went to have our dinner!! YUMYUM! :D

That's all for my 5 days HongKong trip!! If you guys ever gonna travel there, rmb to jot down the must go places that I recommended in my posts okay!! Confirm no regrets :D hahaha! I'm also happy that I got to travel to further places in 2013 like Japan and Hongkong!! Cause these places are once a faraway place that I thought I would never visit until I'm a mother or so~ haha! but yea thanks dad and mom for letting me go on these trips to see the WORLD!!! :D <3

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