Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hong Kong Trip Day 1 & 2!

{ Day 1 }

Hehehe I'm back from the long awaited Hong Kong Trip with my friends and sister from 8-12 December! Hong Kong is really similar to Singapore so there's really nothing much to wow about, but I suggest that you all go there during summer period, because when we were there, the shops were all selling winter clothings, what a waste! :( So let's begin!
My ootd for Day 1.

We flew by Cathay Pacific so it explains why there's food provided on the plane and we booked the morning flight at about 6pm plus. So all of us woke up at around 4pm plus and reached the airport thereafter, yawwwnnss. We didn't want to waste the first day in hk so we rather reach hk earlier :) And we had the window seat, so niceeeee to watch the aeroplane pass through layers and layers of clouds! There are really distinct layers of clouds in the sky and not all cluttered together kind and they look like cotton wool keke ^^

So we reached the airport and Marjorie was there to welcome us haha! She was our tour guide for our trip as she is a hongkonger and has an apartment there.

We bought the Octopus card which is their ezlink card which can be used for all transportation and purchases in some shops, a necessity indeed. 

We took the bus to Marjorie's house, a very very long journey..... and hongkong roads are really ARGH cause there are alot of turnings which make us giddy. This bridge above is the 青马大桥! 

Finally we reached Marjorie's condo, put down our luggages and off we go to explore Hong Kong!!! Also, we thought the weather would be cooling there but actually it's still kinda hot :( So actually there's no need to wrap ourselves that much haha.

Our first food in hk, PIZZA from their supermarket. Really very yummy, or perhaps it was just the usual hungry us acting up, keke :P

So we went to a nearby cafe to have tea break! Was really looking forward to try their milk tea, buns and tomato soup noodles.... but I think this cafe's food and drink kinda disappoint me like a lot? Not nice not nice not nice :( 

So we met up with Huimin and then went on to explore! There were so many gorgeous tall buildings and Christmas decorations around! :) 

Then we took a ferry over to Ladies' Street. I think Marjorie's just wanted us to try most of the transportation in hk that's why we took the ferry, if not everywhere is accessible via their efficient MTR.  

Ladies' Street, a street market that sells many goods but actually after walking down a few shops you will realise the shops actually sell repeated or similar goods. AND AHEM, the goods are soooooo expensive, even more expensive than Singapore's. Definitely not a good shopping place, but I can say that the shop owners there are very willing to slash down the price, like can even slash down by more than half of the original price, but then... it will still end up expensive to me. haha it all depends on individual's budget you see :P For the aunty me, I know how to judge whether the good is worth the money or not, because I'm sort of exposed to many different pricing of similar goods around the world, through internet, through physical shops and all, so my money's not very easy to cheat :P

For dinner, we settled here. This is kind of a famous place to eat if I'm not wrong. However, it still did not satisfy my appetite. But the prawn dumplings are really yummy, but the soup is like....... not rich and thick enough. Arghh I'm very very particular when it comes to soup, if you know me well.

Then before we ended the day, we went for desserts at.... I forgot. But it's also a famous dessert shop. But it was meh... :( 

End of day 1. So you see, all the food, drinks, shopping, desserts didn't satisfy me and I started to have a rather bad impression of hongkong already. Firstly, I hate their air quality cause I think their psi is higher than in singapore's, it's like you are breathing in haze all the time :( Secondly, there are like millions of smokers amongst the crowd, fug! I was damn pissed the whole time cause I kept inhaling second hand smoke everywhere I go. Thirdly, the food and shopping are not as awesome as what people and tv shows claimed to be. So I was beginning to miss home that day, hahah! 

{ Day 2 } 
My ootd for Day 2.

Woke up, got nagged by Marjorie's dad for quite some time and then we finally set off at around 11pm plus! Since we settled our breakfast at her house, we then went to have some desserts for our first stop at HUI LIU SHAN, one of the famous dessert shop.

The mango dessert was nice and the carrot cake was yummy!!!! Finally some decent food you see :D So we were overjoyed, poor us.... The curry balls weren't very fantastic though hk dramas always show the actors eating them but nah.... not nice haha! Different tastebuds!

We bought more food at a random street stall to try! We tried the Siew Mai and smelly beancurd! It was my first time trying the smelly beancurd because there isn't the smelly drain smell but after i took the first bite, gosh... my whole mouth is filled with that drainy fishy smell like IDK WHUT!?!? eew pls, haha sorry i dont know how to appreciate! :D

YESH! This is an awesome place to shop!! It will be more fantastic if we didnt go in december like i said, all the clothes were winter clothings, like long sleeve, pants, etc :( So we didn't buy much either, but the cheaper window shopping did satisfy me, ahah! :P

Loving the busy streets of Hong Kong...

Then, it was time to fetch my sister from the airport!! 

Took the comfortable but expensive airport express to our hotel!! We needed the help of Marjorie to get there as we weren't familiar with the roads and Cantonese. Complained to her that I wanna go home alrdy because there were not many fascinating things, shopping and food in hk :'( She said I was mad and it's impossible that there isn't yummy food in hk. So well, I believed we went to the wrong places to eat and it wasn't Marjorie's fault because she herself wasn't familiar with hongkong also haha! She only goes back to hk once every 2 years? and she only can stay at home most of the time, so she was also a tourist like us.

Okay tadah!!! Our room, it was considered spacious already hahah! And the toilet's clean so there wasn't much to complain about just that there are super many mainland people staying in the same hotel also. They are super irritating and noisy zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Tadah, my sis friend, Ferny, was there to pick us up also and she tgt with Marjorie guided us and settled our dinner. Not bad!! Nicer than what I had in Day 1 haha!

& so the day ended with so much walking, travelling... yawns! My legs were super sore from Day 1 which was the most tiring and then Day 2... gosh. We travelled back to our hotel via MTR by ourselves (me and my sis) and it called for more phototaking! :D Tsing Yi is the station of our hotel, near the airport but quite far from central area.

Hehe there were so many such decorations around, there was Sanrio display, Paddington Bear display, Rilakkuma display, etc. So cute! :) 

Taxi homed!!

We saw many HongKongers buying this honey lemon drink from the convenient stall and we thought we had to get it. Okay, yes nice drink indeed, thirst quenching! Kinda similar to ice lemon tea though haha.

Laze around, unpacked, explore the room >> BATHED and zonked out!!! End of Day 2, yawnssss!!!

Wow, this post is getting long, i shall end here first. Next post on Day 3, 4, 5!! :D Those are the days where the fun, yummy food, good shopping began.. haha! :P STAY TUNE <3

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