Thursday, May 1, 2014



Woooo, went Zouk with my girls yesterday! Haha sucha random decision to go and though I don't really fancy clubbing and all, but I love the company of my girls! Clubbing with them is always so funny, I CANNOT!!!!! :P Also, it was kinda my first time at Zouk. I've only been to Dream and Mink previously.

The theme that night was MONOCHROME. Though it's not compulsory to follow the theme but we doesn't love to wear according to the theme? I love having to dress according to themes ^^

As usual, this girl came my house to prepare and stay overnight. Hmm... my house is like a hostel to her alrdy.... oh yes glad that she allowed me to help her makeup wahahah!!!! :P Nice on u okay!!!

Bought drinks from Holiday Inn and then went to the bridge area to drink it up before heading in. My friends and I kinda got a culture shock when we saw many freaking groups of ppl queueing for the chop, sitting on the floor and drinking everywhere. Wow what a scene, really..

With pretty mama while playing hand games!! This girl seriously getting prettier ah..... weeuweet haha! :) and hope she to hear her good news soon, ahem !!! <3

With ling who protected us very well through the night and clubbing will not be as fun without her!!! This clubbing queen tsktsk!! :P

Ofc this forever tipsy and red lobster..... 'joke' of every night kekek! and oops didnt take solo with joann who needa mingle with her friends as well.

And tadah, everybody present that night. The guys are mostly joann's friends and our new friends haha!! Really a bunch of nice guys who protected and leaded us through the night, thanks!! :D

How to act drunk man....... Jayne is obviously drunk while weiling is too pro in giving drunk face. haha damnit!

The 3 of us just kept camwhoring while the rest do some stuffs haha!! 

Yay da girls!!! Muacksmuacks <3

This picture is kinda nice... haha though the lighting kinda sucks but not sucking entirely.

Overall, though I still do not like clubbing and do not really enjoy it but I still had a fun night with my girls ofc. And not forgetting the drinks and shots were yummy :) Oh yes not forgetting... we girls even have to pay freaking $28 on ladies night cause it is a public holiday the day after. What the extreme shit..... zzz! But nvm, not as if I'm gonna frequent clubs alot. keke once in a very long while :) 

Thanks for da night everybody present ytd :) 

//on a side note, super thankful that my love isn't upset with me anymore. he really hated the idea of me going to clubs, and I didnt know how against he was till recently. it's really sad that we were so cold towards each other for the past idiotic 4 days cause we fought about this haiz. really really hate us being that way. so i'm super glad that he allowed me to go over to talk it out with him just now :) love everything he told me just now hehe. Fyi, since we seldom quarrel, it will always be a rather serious and big fight when we get into one.... scary :( that's why after so many scary tiffs we went through, i really cannot imagine my days without him. it's like we have been through so much tgt. hope this is never happening again, :( andiwillalwaysloveyounomatterwhat//

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