Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Universal Studio Singapore 2014

Woohoo, last Saturday I went to USS with my family and the boyfriends! :) It was already my 3rd time going to USS and the rest of us also went for at least once before except my dad. So it was one of the reasons why we decided to buy the tickets that were on discount and go to USS!

Started the early morning off by having a hearty breakfast! Dim Sum :) Yumyum in our tumtums :D Heheh!

Ft. the boyfriends of the day. Haha really glad that they can make it despite having so little sleep the night before. Yes both of them had damn lil sleep ........ that explained why they kept falling asleep when we were watching shows.......... BOX 

Mandatory photo with the USS globe :) My family!

Family + Bfs!

Me and my love :D hehe it was nice going uss tgt!

Our first mascot shot with Betty Boo! 

Our first ride upon stepping into uss, the Accelerator! Oh in case you are wondering about me and my sis outfit, haha yes, our tops are the same just that they are in different colours. We couldn't make up our mind which is nicer so we just bought both :D From F21! We always subconsciously dress similarly and we are lovin' it. 

Silly boy with the giant lollipops!

Asked my younger sis to help us take a photo and he just randomly hugged me tightly. Awwww, I'm sucha sucker for his random sweetness :') Lovin' this photo like to the moon and never back keke though I look somewhat shitty, tsk. Fair people always win, in this case he won....

Went to take a look at the new Sesame Street World.

Live performance too, which we didn't stay to watch.

Also another fav picture of us! Omg??? Looking too good, haha! I mean the overall :P Love it so much, and also cause he is too charming in this pic, like some celebrity/actor/star/whichever, ok just my white prince charming. & sis kept saying I look like an air stewardess in that top keke, i like that~ :P

The really simple ride that tour around the sesame street thing, quite lame but the decorations are nice.

Dad and his lookalike. hahaha

Ok another fav shot........ ahaha my legs look sooooooo long. ok stop! How about this? All pictures of us both are my fav picture because they all turned out very well that day, NAISH LEH I LIKE !!! :) Nice background, nice lighting, nice everything :) 

Sisters shot.

So sad that the Human and Cylon rollercoasters are down due to stupid reasons....... They are like the scariest ride ever ok!!! Luckily I tried them before they are down, hope the next one is gonna be as boomz!! 

Transformer!!!! Yes the guys were fascinated with the mascot, kept discussing whether it is a controlled robot or there is someone inside. Idky all 3 guys thought it was some controlled robot when obviously there is someone inside being the mascot. Hahaha.......... speechless.

Queued damn long for the bloody ride! Damn hot and stuffy!! But it was worth it for the ride!! Wheeeeeeeee :)

Had lunch at the Pizza shop cause it was the most worth it food there in our opinion, the other food were so overpriced.

Really mega huge Hawaiian Pizza hehehe! oh just look at that boy, too cute...!

One person's share. After eating this I'm somewhat full alrdy man, slurps!

After that just walked around to take photos :)

Twin sisters photo overload~~ 

Dad and his name without the 'L' that he was covering haha!! So cool~ He is also quite a poser, realised he took the most solo shots! ahaha but it's a good thing cause it was his first time and perhaps last time there? Like the adults won't really explore this type of place for too many times right?

Teehee, nuff said <3

Yesh the picture that I posted on my instagram :D

Hehe love this picture cause this is the nicest shot of me out of the rest! Hehe big eyes!! It would be perfect if I have double eyelids~

And we reached the Egypt World! Mega enjoy and love the Mummy Ride!! Thrilling okay!!! So this is my favourite ride now that the red and blue are gone. Wanted to go for second round but we still had other worlds to cover so......... byeeee! :( Oh yes, we had a great laugh at the pictures which they will display for you to see on the screen after your ride, HAHAHAAH jokers!!!

The Far Far Away world always looks so beautiful and dreamy with the clouds!!! 

Fairy Godmother~~


Told the guys that it is a must to follow Pinnochio's action and they really did follow, ahhahah oops! :P

Yesh Fiona and Shrek!!!! 

Toilet selfies <3

While waiting for the ride, the queues that day were soooooo long everywhere, pekcek only!!! After so long, still so many people going USS! Piangs!!!

Yep and the firework show like always~~ 

Haha too lazy to blog in details about it cause the photos can already do most of the talking! Also, I didn't blog according to the series of event that happened, I just blog in an anyhow sequence haha!

After that, we went off and had another delicious dinner before going home!! :D It was a pretty nice day spent tgt with all of them though it was tiring as hell too <3 Hope that it will remain like this forever, no one is allowed to leave :( The only change is perhaps the addition of my younger sis's bf haha! HOPE HOPE HOPE THAT THE REST WOULDN'T CHANGE!!!! :( :)

Hehe hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I did, bye!!! :) Have a good week ahead 

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