Thursday, October 30, 2014

Club Street Social // Cafepal // Flea

Woohoo back to update my space :) Have been spending time with my lover since he is going to enlist in 8 days time, sigh pie.... :(

In a span of 4 days I gave him 2 surprises!! Hehe was so glad that he was really surprised :P So easy to surprise him haha!! Then one day, he just came all the way down to just have ice cream with me after my appointment, what the? Hahah!! Baskin Robins's icecream is ok but the waffle is definitely not ok. So rubberish.... eeks! 

Yesterday, I woke up craving for scrambled eggs or breakfast set and asked him if he wants to go have it tgt, I wasn't expecting a yes or whichever cause the place was rather far and we just woke up, so there would surely be laziness. Also, I don't want to mafan him but he straightaway said "Let's Go!" Hehe was so happy !!! :D 

So we went all the way to Raffles Place to have our brunch at Club Street Social! :) Love the ambiance of the cafe! It's cooling and very cosy, love the brick walls as well! I could just stay in the cafe all day err day~ However, it's abit small so if it's peak hour or sth, there will sure be no seats left.

The iconic floor tiles of Club Street Social that everyone's taking picture of. Nice!

& tadah our breakfast set ($17) and gnocchi ($18)! Gnocchi is made of potato and flour and it's chewy. Plus the sauce is yummy, like some sort of truffle mushroom sauce? On the other hand, the scrambled eggs which I had high expectations of was lacklustre in it's taste. Not sure if it's the usual standard, but I was really disappointed since it's reviewed to be one of the best scrambled eggs in town by many!! However, the sausage was very salty so it kinda complimented the bland eggs when eaten tgt :)

After that we went over to Bugis via Downtown line and tried Cafe Pal's Thai Milk Tea! Yumyum :D
Bring me back to bkk~~ The whole day was so funny and irritating as well. He loves to irritate me so yes I'll get pissed and then he will make me laugh, but yesterday he was funnier than usual, I burst out laughing OUT LOUD for so many times!!! HAHAHA idiot lah :) Love him :P

Following that, we went to catch Ouija at West Mall!! Hahah it was ok lah but there were quite a lot of jump scare scenes so we were like constantly "jumping" HAHA! 

Then the end of the day with my chubz :) Good lighting calls for selfies!!!! ^^^^^^^ Also so sad to say goodbye to him :( 8 more days till he enlists, looking forward to spend more time with him these days :) :( Definitely gonna feel so lonely and miss him! His words, his hugs, his encouragement, his company, his everything :( May 2 weeks pass by super fast and smoothly for him so I can see him soon!! <3


This Saturday, Theviators will be holding a flea at Scape from 12pm-10pm!! So head down to support us if you happen to be there hehe! :D

Will be going to the flea with my sister, mother and boy! YAY :D Haha oh yah I told the boy I will be having a flea and casually asked him if he wants to help me out and then he was so excited and said "I WANT!", yes in caps! Haha why he so excited? He's just so cute lah :)
We even planned to try The Original Spanish Churros, Honey Creme and Llao Llao! :P *nomz nomz*

Everything that we are going sell will be brand new of course and at sale prices! So don't miss this alright :) Hope to see you guys, and hope we clear our stocks :D


Friday, October 24, 2014


So these are just some of the photos taken recently :)

Tried llao llao with the sister :) It was both our first time and yumyum!! :) It is like normal yoghurt but it's more yoghurty as compared to others so thumbs up! We are yoghurt lovers so any yoghurt is welcome :) There are always yoghurt in our refrigerator, keke! 

Woohoo, Dory lunch!!!! :D So happy to see all of them again. Definitely prefer having lunch or activity with just the Dory buddies instead of the with the whole sports camp people. Too overwhelming I guess. Had such a nice time laughing and chatting :) Till the next time Dory kias! :)

& a super impromptu kbox session at Junction 10 Teoheng on Monday with dad and sisters hahaha! So convenient for us cause our house is just a stone's throw away, not bad :D Had such a crazy time shouting for some songs, and then singing to hit the high pitch and all, wth haha!! Awesome :D

Finally met up with my food gurus girls :) Yes our group name is called Food Gurus, abit like anyhow but cause we all just like to eat so yes foody partners :D They are just so pure and sweet, like there are not complication and no drama in this clique, so precious! A good retreat from so many two-faced people around. Sadly, didn't get to join them for lunch cause I had to rush off to school mehhhhhhh!

Ok talking about school, let's look at my art drawings hehe!!

Very impressed with this art work of mine! YAY :D I'm really not artist material and I'm really not into drawing and have not much skills so when I did this, I was like wow, how did I draw that. I believe it's dependent on that day's mood and how your hand moves, haha if I were ask to draw that again, I doubt I can draw.

My art teacher is really very creative , asked us to use so many different methods to do figure drawing haha we even used the calligraphy brush and black ink to draw. Cool right? :P

My first figure drawing. Quite surprised that I can even draw till that standard, my hands and pencil just went drawing it. Haha

Today's figure drawing using rectangles, cylinders and imaginary light source. Cool mooly :) I like the one on the right, looks very professional leh, at least in my own point of view haha! Whenever I'm satisfied with my work then I look around and be like, wow my art sucks, haha!! The rest especially the china students are really pro in drawing man! Love their drawings :)

& tadah! KEKE, this model kept falling asleep lol!! Still, not bad to me :)

HEHE art is like the only module that is relaxing and fun for this semester, wonder if I'm still taking art the next sem? 


Right now, I'm with my dearest yay!!! :) Planned a surprise attack but failed in the end haha wts! But still caught him off guard yay :D BYEEEEE, off to spend quality time <3 13 more days till he enlists :( SO SAD!!!

It's hard to maintain a relationship and to keep it close. So thanks for being so ever sweet to me, making me laugh at all your silly antics, tolerating my girl nonsense and giving in to me most of the time hehe. Love you a million, you made my heart become so stubborn till the point that I only know how to love you <3


Alright, decided to delete the previous post. As much as I love that post because I really wrote about how I feel and all, but I couldn't stand it being in this space for more than a day. Quite harsh and mean and those feelings are more suitable to be posted somewhere else that's meant for emo nemo stuff. What I can say is, I already let it go, and don't care anymore. Life's too short to be so petty and over sensitive zzz, super dislike! Furthermore, I'm too old for dramas anymore, life should be kept simple now. I should cherish those that matter and not dwell on things that are lame or people who just thinks too much and complain about anything. Also, whatever I do and whatever I say there will always be a reason behind it. I also feel that I have the right to be mad at anyone who pisses me off. Who says I have to treat everyone well even when they treat me bad or make me angry? That's definitely not my style, I ain't no angel. But, after a few days I'll be fine and regain normal so just don't step on my tail again during my angry period zzz. 


Monday, October 20, 2014


Looking through so many overseas photographs taken by people on their overseas trip made me so envious. I'm not referring to countries I've been to, namely Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangkok, Japan, Hongkong, etc. I'm really happy that I've been to Hongkong and Japan man! But, I will still go back there cause I obviously haven't finish combing the entire Japan and Hongkong! Missing the atmosphere there already! Oh yes also, there are so many more small areas in Indonesia that I've yet to explore :( Alright, so I'm referring particularly to European countries, Australia area, etc, They have the most breath taking sceneries!!! :( So happy and excited for the people who are there currently, they must have been so amazed and exuberant upon looking at those magnificent landscapes, aww! I wanna witness them personally too! Someday, I will.

I've listened and read about so many people's overseas stories and a part of me is really envious of them. They have the fund and luxury of time to be away for so long in a faraway place that most of us may not even fly to in our lives :( Obviously, you will definitely spend min 2 weeks if you fly to European countries or any other angmoh places (my geography/world knowledge not that good to classify them well, haha) to fully enjoy and basked in their culture and environment. The best part is the photographs that they showed me, it's incredible!! You will never think it is real till you really witness it for yourself! I mean I would choose to explore places and just lust over their sceneries than to go for adventurous activities all the time. I am into photography so these type of sceneries to me are just....... gems. They are things that I can pamper my eyes and soul with. That refreshing, rejuvenating, enriching feeling? You know? Ahhhhh~ perfect. I need to see the world, the world that is out of where I am and where I know. Someday, I will.

Like I've said, many people just leave the Earth without having the chance to globe trot and that is really really very sad. I've got an aunt who has been to most part of the world, and by that I don't mean just the country itself but also small cities and towns of that country. She is those kind that will want to comb finish the entire country through numerous trips. She is always travelling and planning overseas trips. Always. Tell me how to not be jealous of that? Sometimes, I wonder how she has so much money hahaha, I mean it is so expensive to travel all the time yea? Some people are just born to have such good life :( Well, the immediate thing that I thought about is my parents. They haven't been out to faraway places before, I think they had been to Australia before though but that was so long ago. I would want to them experience and go to those faraway angmoh places together with the family. Someday, we will.

It's like you will feel that your life is worthwhile after travelling to all different parts of the world and to see what is it like there out of your own little tiny world. I wouldn't want to leave the Earth without being able to have my own wanderlust. That will be such a great regret.

So someday, I will have the chance to start my own wanderlust, step by step.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Hey girls, who doesn't like sale? I LOVE IT!
 So, head over to now for the sale!! :)
You can easy click on the store link located at my side bar <<<
Shop away!


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

USS Halloween Horror Night 4!

Hello everyone!! How did you guys celebrate your Halloween this year? :D It was my first time going to USS HHN and I went tgt with my bae! :) It was his first time too, so it's our first time and our first time going tgt, haha ok you get it. We were excited to find out what was installed for us inside! So, here was how it went! :)

This year there are 4 haunted houses, 1 of them is 3D, 4 scare zones and 3 rides! We managed to try everything + caught one of the 2 musical shows! :D I would say that the haunted houses and scare zones were not exactly very scary but just those that will give you a shock due to a lot of jump scares haha! & their make up and props are really awesome! So much effort!

Not forgetting the fact that we went on a Saturday so it was obviously more crowded but hey!! The atmosphere was great!!! Seeing so many people there wearing the lighted hairbands and colourful sticks, it seemed like some light party in the dark haha! Then ofc, coming to such event we should get their accessories as well to join in the mood right? :D We got the purple ones coincidentally. haha!

Kept going under the lamp posts to take pictures haha!!! :P

Lots of pictures taken during waiting time. Also, surprisingly the queues weren't very long, the max waiting time that we queued was like 45 minutes? That was only 1 time, the other queues were relatively ok as the queue moved quite quickly.

Some of the characters there!!!! I was quite afraid to take with the characters because  I was scared that they will scream/catch me or whatever shit after I snapped the picture so I would shoo away immediately after the picture was taken :P

Realised my expression was the same for both the pictures haha but I was tryna have the scared look and a smile pose would look weird beside such scary people hahaha!

And finally managed to get a shot tgt with a tallie. The downside of going as a couple is that nobody is gonna help you take the pictures so we got to ask the people around to help us. But not bad, we still took many pictures that day!

Then, after all the scares and fun, it's food time!!! Hungry hungry hungry! We got $20 meal vouchers so we got this duper yummy turkey leg at $2! Kekekekek worth it :P Have been wanting to try the turkey leg since the first time I've been to uss but always forgot to try it cause I was having too much fun haha but that day, I rmbered!!! MUST MUST MUST!! 

It was sooooo delicious, nomz nomz nomz! My love let me ate most of it cause he don't really like it and he said that I ate till very happy haha!! oops~ 

Second round!!! Used the remaining $10 food voucher to get us cheese fries and coke float!! :)

Normal normal standard~ Also, while we were eating the scare characters walked past us and banged the transparent panes so loudly and stared at us with their white/bloody eyeballs/eyes which are obviously contact lenses lah, but that moment was still very scary LOL

Uh oh... and it was time to leaveeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :( Byebye uss!!


Tired HIM!!! Boxxxxxxxx~ 
Hmm the whole experience was rather normal? Nothing shouts awesome except the Mummy ride! I love the mummy ride the most!!!! Though my legs will still tremble after the ride even after going on it for many times, oops! I'm definitely not a brave person when it comes to high elements, kinda scared of heights dude! I'm tall you see, hahah just kidding but yes scared of heights and will not want to try jumping off cliffs or whatever shit even if you say it's a once in a lifetime yolo thing. No means no, my heart is more important :) Will I go USS HHN again? Maybe? With a group of friends? I'm more into such creepy horror things, hiak hiak hiak :P But uss not much kick to me leh, some horror movies got more kick that this. 

However, it was still an amazing experience & I did not regret going :) YAY! :)

Thanks for spending the day with me and suggesting to go to this USS Halloween night tgt :) One event checked off our bucket list, heheh <3 Love you so much for everything my fav chubz! <3