Monday, October 20, 2014


Looking through so many overseas photographs taken by people on their overseas trip made me so envious. I'm not referring to countries I've been to, namely Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangkok, Japan, Hongkong, etc. I'm really happy that I've been to Hongkong and Japan man! But, I will still go back there cause I obviously haven't finish combing the entire Japan and Hongkong! Missing the atmosphere there already! Oh yes also, there are so many more small areas in Indonesia that I've yet to explore :( Alright, so I'm referring particularly to European countries, Australia area, etc, They have the most breath taking sceneries!!! :( So happy and excited for the people who are there currently, they must have been so amazed and exuberant upon looking at those magnificent landscapes, aww! I wanna witness them personally too! Someday, I will.

I've listened and read about so many people's overseas stories and a part of me is really envious of them. They have the fund and luxury of time to be away for so long in a faraway place that most of us may not even fly to in our lives :( Obviously, you will definitely spend min 2 weeks if you fly to European countries or any other angmoh places (my geography/world knowledge not that good to classify them well, haha) to fully enjoy and basked in their culture and environment. The best part is the photographs that they showed me, it's incredible!! You will never think it is real till you really witness it for yourself! I mean I would choose to explore places and just lust over their sceneries than to go for adventurous activities all the time. I am into photography so these type of sceneries to me are just....... gems. They are things that I can pamper my eyes and soul with. That refreshing, rejuvenating, enriching feeling? You know? Ahhhhh~ perfect. I need to see the world, the world that is out of where I am and where I know. Someday, I will.

Like I've said, many people just leave the Earth without having the chance to globe trot and that is really really very sad. I've got an aunt who has been to most part of the world, and by that I don't mean just the country itself but also small cities and towns of that country. She is those kind that will want to comb finish the entire country through numerous trips. She is always travelling and planning overseas trips. Always. Tell me how to not be jealous of that? Sometimes, I wonder how she has so much money hahaha, I mean it is so expensive to travel all the time yea? Some people are just born to have such good life :( Well, the immediate thing that I thought about is my parents. They haven't been out to faraway places before, I think they had been to Australia before though but that was so long ago. I would want to them experience and go to those faraway angmoh places together with the family. Someday, we will.

It's like you will feel that your life is worthwhile after travelling to all different parts of the world and to see what is it like there out of your own little tiny world. I wouldn't want to leave the Earth without being able to have my own wanderlust. That will be such a great regret.

So someday, I will have the chance to start my own wanderlust, step by step.

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