Friday, October 24, 2014


So these are just some of the photos taken recently :)

Tried llao llao with the sister :) It was both our first time and yumyum!! :) It is like normal yoghurt but it's more yoghurty as compared to others so thumbs up! We are yoghurt lovers so any yoghurt is welcome :) There are always yoghurt in our refrigerator, keke! 

Woohoo, Dory lunch!!!! :D So happy to see all of them again. Definitely prefer having lunch or activity with just the Dory buddies instead of the with the whole sports camp people. Too overwhelming I guess. Had such a nice time laughing and chatting :) Till the next time Dory kias! :)

& a super impromptu kbox session at Junction 10 Teoheng on Monday with dad and sisters hahaha! So convenient for us cause our house is just a stone's throw away, not bad :D Had such a crazy time shouting for some songs, and then singing to hit the high pitch and all, wth haha!! Awesome :D

Finally met up with my food gurus girls :) Yes our group name is called Food Gurus, abit like anyhow but cause we all just like to eat so yes foody partners :D They are just so pure and sweet, like there are not complication and no drama in this clique, so precious! A good retreat from so many two-faced people around. Sadly, didn't get to join them for lunch cause I had to rush off to school mehhhhhhh!

Ok talking about school, let's look at my art drawings hehe!!

Very impressed with this art work of mine! YAY :D I'm really not artist material and I'm really not into drawing and have not much skills so when I did this, I was like wow, how did I draw that. I believe it's dependent on that day's mood and how your hand moves, haha if I were ask to draw that again, I doubt I can draw.

My art teacher is really very creative , asked us to use so many different methods to do figure drawing haha we even used the calligraphy brush and black ink to draw. Cool right? :P

My first figure drawing. Quite surprised that I can even draw till that standard, my hands and pencil just went drawing it. Haha

Today's figure drawing using rectangles, cylinders and imaginary light source. Cool mooly :) I like the one on the right, looks very professional leh, at least in my own point of view haha! Whenever I'm satisfied with my work then I look around and be like, wow my art sucks, haha!! The rest especially the china students are really pro in drawing man! Love their drawings :)

& tadah! KEKE, this model kept falling asleep lol!! Still, not bad to me :)

HEHE art is like the only module that is relaxing and fun for this semester, wonder if I'm still taking art the next sem? 


Right now, I'm with my dearest yay!!! :) Planned a surprise attack but failed in the end haha wts! But still caught him off guard yay :D BYEEEEE, off to spend quality time <3 13 more days till he enlists :( SO SAD!!!

It's hard to maintain a relationship and to keep it close. So thanks for being so ever sweet to me, making me laugh at all your silly antics, tolerating my girl nonsense and giving in to me most of the time hehe. Love you a million, you made my heart become so stubborn till the point that I only know how to love you <3

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