Monday, September 28, 2015

Adventure Cove with cousins

We have been saying we want to go Adventure Cove together for the longest time, like since beginning of the year or so but we just couldn't find a date that we all can make it plus no girls will be having their period hahah!!! So initialy, we settled on the Hari Raya public holiday but the haze was so bad and we couldn't use the 1-for-1 deal as well. We were about to abort the plan cause the haze hasn't been kind nowadays. However, we still hang on to the slightest hope and woke up early on Saturday to check the PSI and wow!!!! It was way lower than 100 and we all jumped out of bed to get prepared for ADVENTURE COVE!! Sooooooo happy and lucky :D

Uncle drove us there and we reached in no time :) Have to be early when going to such places hahah!

The 1-for-1 deal is so awesome haha! Each of us only has to pay $18 but $20 after tax or whatever. Cheap siaaaaaaaa! 

So thankful for the weather that day as it was not very hot, it's just normal. Haze maintained at low level, below 100 throughout the day! And the crowd was not crazy, the waiting time for the rides were fairly alright like quite fast except for the most fun ride where we had to wait longer ofc. Although my cousin brought his gopro along, but it is not allowed for all the rides except lazy pool and wave pool so..... it's more convenient if we just put it in the locker. That's why no photos of the rides and of us in there :(

There are Lazy pool, wave pool, water adventure course, snorkelling and like 6 other rides. 

The lazy pool needs no explaination, the wave pool is fun! Haha wear the life jacket and you can anyhow in the pool, the waves are quite high I would say, even with the life vest I still got engulfed by the waves *chokes*. As usual, played games in the pool with cousins and so irritating!!! Hahah damn Chuan!!! 

Skipped the snorkelling one cause the queue and waiting time damn long...... Need to teach, practice, then snorkel. So cousins decided to skip it but I want try it though, will be back with bf :P

Then there is one area for the water adventure courses. The pools for the courses are all 3.5-4m deep so you have to be a strong swimmer to go in. Lol I just went in with cousins though I'm a weak swimmer. I was damn scared that I will drown lah wtf, 4 metres leh don't play play! :(

(credits to google)

  Oh yes they have this as well ^. Though the height wasn't very high but the water is deep!!!! So it's actually high wth! As a person who is scared of water + heights, ofc I hesitated to try it but..... As usual, kena dragged up by godbro.... Wlao damn scared ok!!! It's like the scariest thing to me at adventure cove haha! I had to make godbro wait for me below before I dare to jump off. As long as he's down there, it's safe. It's like once you jump down, you will go down deep and then naturally float up and then for me I will fluster once I'm up and I will sink LOL! So I need my godbro to pull me up to the side handles HAHA don't judge. Tried it for 2 times though keke and I'm the only one who shouted damn loudly, OOPS! :P

Then all the other rides are so fun!!!!! I absolutely love the roller coaster one, damn fun omggg! Haha for all the rides we all screamed damn loudly even guy cousins and ppl were like shocked, etc HAHAH! It's like that~ :P I would say all the rides are interesting and fast so it's fun luh, if not fast then quite lame? Haha!! And all the rides are different from what I've tried before so THUMBS UP!!! :D

We had 4.5 hours worth of fun before calling it a day. 12pm-4pm+ and went to bathe.

The corndog which was disappointing, lol. $4/stick leh siao. Got turkey leg for $12 as well but tried it before at USS. I like to buy the food at such places to try but aiyo not worth leh the corndog tsk!!!!!

Definitely a great and fun day! Wouldn't mind going Adventure Cove again man!! Already planning to go again in December with bf since he hasn't go before yet :)  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

F1 Grand Prix 2015

18 Sept - 20 Sept

Woo finally done with F1 job!!!
 Initially it was still quite long till the dates and now? Ended, fast! :O
This year we got to work at another booth location and I think it's better? At least
we got to see more things, like the racing cars zooming by etc as compared to last year
where we couldn't see anything hahaa! 

Worked with Shimin, Jayne, Weiling and Elise this year.
Funny potatoes lah! :D Had an overwhelming amount of sampatness hhah which is absolutely normal for us lol! Served lots of funny and weird customers as well. Oh yah had lots of stories that I repeated to too many people already that I don't wanna repeat it here again. Got disgusting story, dangerous story and shocking story. Madness.

Trying hard to capture the racing cars and us. Mission Impossible. The cars were zuper fast :O

See! We sweated like siao so.... looking cui haha!

We worked from 2.30pm to 1.30am everyday and it was so tiring!!!!! SOOOOOO many customers like never-ending gosh, but when we were busy, time indeed passed faster. However, the heat was unbearable, totally sweated like siao LOL. 

Very cute candid shots of Shimin & I by Jayneeee! <3

Since every year we were given 1 shirt, this year I decided to get one for my dad since last year I got one for myself. $80 for that shirt above, tsktsk! 

2014 & 2015 Tags. The pink one nicer!!!


2015! :)

Overall, end of another round of being a F1 merchandise vendor (2014, 2015), not sure if we will still be working this for next year but I guess most prob? Since the pay is like so boomz :P HAHA! Definitely fast cash! Shioky.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Just so small compared to the world

Recess week in 2 weeks time. oh wow. time flies.
September has been good so far, with lots of activities
with everybody in my life. caught up with every clique groups,
people whom i havent seen in awhile, great! almost everyday in
school was filled with laughter and laughter. hope i wont
have any angsty vibes or negative vibes around me. nowadays
just rather sensitive when people are judgy. not like it's my business
to meddle with their thoughts/comments but.... judgy words are just
unpleasant to my ears these days. like it's so hurtful to others.
i'm always thinking if i'm the one being judged behind my back,
how would i feel? karma karma karma. do you believe in it?
sorry friends if i shocked you when i tell y'all not to judge, haha
no hard feelings, no other meanings, the comments are just quite
painful to my ears haha. another thing is, when you want something,
it doesn't come to you but when you don't want it already, it just
comes to you. always happening...... in this case, tuition assignment.
arghhhhhhhhh, but nvm, it's just a two days intensive tuition and
i'm done, hopefully zzz. also, rather insecure about my blog? like
after getting to know people and all, i dont wish them to step foot
onto my blog like seriously. it's just mainly about my life and i choose
to write about my life/daily happenings on my blog and that is my
style since I'm p6, i dont want/need people to come here and think
that i'm so lame to blog about all these and think that i should
blog about more mature content about news/politics, etc. errrrr
like, i dont need you to tell me what to blog, this space is more
like a diary to me than idk what you want your blog to be. i
reaped from the habit of blogging about memories/day-to-day
happenings as i have a habit of reminiscing past archive from time
to time... so..... insecure about people coming here to read what's
happening in my life, like about things that are so private and close
to me. scary scary. i even have the thought to just block some ppl
on my instagram lol. just really really dont want anyone to be here
reading..... :( anyway, gonna be working F1 for the next 3 days.....
hope i will survive haha! Seeya in a bit :) xoxo

Sunday, September 13, 2015

A break from school

Wheee this week has almost no school. Haha because Mon my friends & I skipped as one of them was sick, Tues was always a no school day, Wed only went for floorball, Thurs went for one tutorial then went to do assignment outside and Fri was public holiday :D Definitely a good break from school though still busy week!

Monday I got to have lunch with love!!! He skipped army cause he was dealing with a headache thus I got to spend time with him muahah! :P I have to admit the longer we are together in the relationship, the more sticky I get towards him, aww? <3 We went to have Macs and wow they had a set for 2 lol! It consisted of the new Cereal Ebi burger with sweet potato fries, McSpicy meal, 4 pcs nuggets. It was alot and we were so full haha! But the ebi burger was yums :)

Tuesday had driving lesson again and back home to cook Mac&Cheese with sisters for lunch.

Cooking sth new is definitely not very fun cause it will be damn chaotic as to what to do argh. Haha the mac&cheese looks nice from the pictures right?? But...... ERM....... not yummy! HAHA! Got the cheesy and milky taste already but the sauce not wet enough leh, so difficult one! Somemore the recipe asked us to put flour which I think was to stick everything together but yuckssssss will taste the flour taste one leh. Totally not cool. I guess should skip the flour and put less butter! That's why we had the korean spicy maggie to compensate :P 

Thursday was a joke day cause Jayne & I went to Westgate to complete our instagram video assignment and we laughed till we almost died LOL. 

Only we will know what's the meaning of the video because it is our school assignment but yea damn funny hahaha!

Friday, I got to see boy again woots woots woots <3 We caught the Scorch Trials and it was amazingggggggg :) Company makes a whole lot of difference as well. Then we had sushi for dinner even though he was gonna have it the next day with his friends oops teehee. We had the "do you remember that time...." conversation hehe so fun! We had to dig up past memories and the other party has to guess which we referring to :)

Then he told me there's new mr bean ice cream and so we checked it out, tried the flavours, discussed what to get, and ok bought the cookies and cream one. cause he is an icecream person and im okok type so i thought his mouth itchy wanted to eat but in the end he asked me to eat most of it cause he said "I buy for you one" awww so sweet? HAHAH the things he says.... <3 then i also acted and pointed at a shop that sells big lollipop and said i want it, then he was like "let's go over there and see. you want? i buy!" hehehe hen nice hor? but ofc i dw lah, not a fan of lollipops!!! not everytime he is so gentle and nice to me one leh that's why it's ultra sweet and precious. most of the time we are like brothers, me hitting him, us hooking on each other's shoulders, fighting over small and funny things HAHA. <3

subtle things are more sweet than the normal sweet words like i love you etc etc, because we always sweet talk face to face so it's damn normal, we buay paiseh in terms of words one, I TRAIN HIM ONE!!! :P I also dk why my skin so thick can say so many sweet things to him and really just say whatever I want and think, I can't filter my words when I'm with him hahah just everything blurt out keke! and that's surely one thing I love about us, DIRECT! :D  

Our photos most of the time? BLURRED..... thanks ah... haha because I always whip out my camera at random times and he can't handle it :P

animal feeding HAHAH! so cute lah :P 
Can't wait to go animal feeding with him again, found a place to do that :D
I lava you so much <3

Random poses that idk he will do...... HAHA.
anyway hugs by someone from your back are like the nicest? confirm will get butterflies in the stomach one no matter what hahahaha. 
spent quality time + watched rally on tv :) xoxo

Saturday, went to Marj's house for steamboat with the clique :)

Steamboat is definitely one thing that our clique loves to have haha!
 We are always having steamboat every now and then kekeke :D 
Love them for all the craziness and all the laughing gases! <3

Sunday, family day lo. So sad that I can't meet love next weekend as I'm working at F1 :( Sobsobs!!!!!!! nevertheless, looking forward to his selfies and videos that he PROMISED to send me :P He always give excuses when I ask him to talk selfies and videos of himself HAHAHAHA but this time he promised <3 Also looking forward to the following weekend cause we gonna have new activities!!! :D hopefully nth spoils it again.... >:(

Sunday, September 6, 2015

"When you have family, friends and love, you are richer than what you think."

{Last Sunday}
Met up with the "old is gold" clique for Xinni's bday celebration! Ate Zichar haha that's one of the food we always eat? :D

Had driving lesson and it was fun! :D Hope it will continue to be fun ahhaha!

Went to have some photo taking session with Jayne for our media assignment! It can be quite therapeutic :) Also am loving nice buildings, structures, scenery :D

Ate at pitchstop which we call bitchstop with Neeyen & Jayne. Pasta all day err day!! Nacho cheese all day err day!! :P

Bumped into Begum for the 2nd time in 2 weeks as well. Like wow, we suddenly get to bump into her so many times when we didn't even see her during our year 1 lol. Hoping our JB trip will be a success this time??? :')

Selfie moments. 
Sometimes I think my face in pictures quite fake haha! Not the bad kind of fake but the good kind of fake. Aiya dont think you all know what I'm talking about but not self-praising here. I just like my face more in photos than in real? Cause in real it's mostly unglam hahah

Went to watch Inside Out with sisters and it was sooooo good!! :D Love it so much :) Love it when animations/cartoons turn out nice cause normally don't know what to expect out of it haha. But usually they make me cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy so it's good! :P

Then night time had dinner with my jc clique!!! WOOOOO :) So long since I last met them heheh! Marjorie's always giving us heart attacks everytime we met up.... tsktsk she has to maintain lol! Can't wait for our play day next weekend :D

Went for a flea at bukit batok with my family! It is just a booth outside some clinic near a coffee shop. It's really those neighbourhood market place but the sales turned out to be so awesome!!!! The peak period was 8+-11am and then it will stop. But just 3 hours, it was enough! :O Super surprised at the sales lol!! LOVE IT :D 

Then, due to the 7th month, my big family has a lot of praying to do and we will go to one another's house to have our lunch + dinner on the day they pray. Hard to explain but yah. Hehe so it's like chinese new year all year round lol. Not forgetting good food always. I cannot believe if I'm not born having this big family man, I will lose out on so much good food which makes me have high standard for food. 

After that at night, the cousins had some bonding time haha!! Beer again cause it's healthier than vodka which we almost played with since my cousin has lots of it... zzz..... BUT beer is still damn smelly and very fast will be sick of it argh... disgusting. Well, the stacko was fun though, there are rules and punishment on the bricks for us to follow so just keep drinking only... I drank like a lot of shots.... I almost vomited cause so bloated and so sick of the smell & taste?!?!?! Not that I'm drunk but yucks! One of my cousin was tipsy though, damn funny!! HAHAHA

Had the annual 7th month buffet for the RC below my house. My grandpa was the person in charge so yea we had to contribute most of the food and my auntie will be the one cooking a storm in my kitchen. LOVE the tapioca thingy (above) and the dong fen (below)!

Our whole big family loves it!! YUMYUMYUMYUMYUM!!! :P

Also asked my love to join so that I can have good food plus have him around though I got to spend time with him on saturday alrdy but who will say no to spending more time???? :) Keke glad that he ate a lot, played with my nephews and zz..... slept on my bed.... tsk he can sleep anywhere on bed lah....
(oops the bolster and him quite unglam in the photos hahhaa) Oh yeah, my Nike air max Thea arrived as well, pretty leh not bad lah!! :D 

After that, cousin jio-ed to play mahjong haha then ok lo, me + bf + sis + cousin played 2 rounds of mahjong and wooo good speed we have! :P Hehe my luck and skills not bad siaaaa, in the end I got win keke :P

So this week, I had a fair share of friends, family and love yay! <3

New week again, week 5 already :O 
However, this week's gonna be a short one cause only Mon, Wed(for floorball), Thurs. 
woo woo woo woo woo
Looking forward to more activities during the weekend, hope they don't get cancelled :)