Tuesday, September 22, 2015

F1 Grand Prix 2015

18 Sept - 20 Sept

Woo finally done with F1 job!!!
 Initially it was still quite long till the dates and now? Ended, fast! :O
This year we got to work at another booth location and I think it's better? At least
we got to see more things, like the racing cars zooming by etc as compared to last year
where we couldn't see anything hahaa! 

Worked with Shimin, Jayne, Weiling and Elise this year.
Funny potatoes lah! :D Had an overwhelming amount of sampatness hhah which is absolutely normal for us lol! Served lots of funny and weird customers as well. Oh yah had lots of stories that I repeated to too many people already that I don't wanna repeat it here again. Got disgusting story, dangerous story and shocking story. Madness.

Trying hard to capture the racing cars and us. Mission Impossible. The cars were zuper fast :O

See! We sweated like siao so.... looking cui haha!

We worked from 2.30pm to 1.30am everyday and it was so tiring!!!!! SOOOOOO many customers like never-ending gosh, but when we were busy, time indeed passed faster. However, the heat was unbearable, totally sweated like siao LOL. 

Very cute candid shots of Shimin & I by Jayneeee! <3

Since every year we were given 1 shirt, this year I decided to get one for my dad since last year I got one for myself. $80 for that shirt above, tsktsk! 

2014 & 2015 Tags. The pink one nicer!!!


2015! :)

Overall, end of another round of being a F1 merchandise vendor (2014, 2015), not sure if we will still be working this for next year but I guess most prob? Since the pay is like so boomz :P HAHA! Definitely fast cash! Shioky.

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