Sunday, September 6, 2015

"When you have family, friends and love, you are richer than what you think."

{Last Sunday}
Met up with the "old is gold" clique for Xinni's bday celebration! Ate Zichar haha that's one of the food we always eat? :D

Had driving lesson and it was fun! :D Hope it will continue to be fun ahhaha!

Went to have some photo taking session with Jayne for our media assignment! It can be quite therapeutic :) Also am loving nice buildings, structures, scenery :D

Ate at pitchstop which we call bitchstop with Neeyen & Jayne. Pasta all day err day!! Nacho cheese all day err day!! :P

Bumped into Begum for the 2nd time in 2 weeks as well. Like wow, we suddenly get to bump into her so many times when we didn't even see her during our year 1 lol. Hoping our JB trip will be a success this time??? :')

Selfie moments. 
Sometimes I think my face in pictures quite fake haha! Not the bad kind of fake but the good kind of fake. Aiya dont think you all know what I'm talking about but not self-praising here. I just like my face more in photos than in real? Cause in real it's mostly unglam hahah

Went to watch Inside Out with sisters and it was sooooo good!! :D Love it so much :) Love it when animations/cartoons turn out nice cause normally don't know what to expect out of it haha. But usually they make me cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy so it's good! :P

Then night time had dinner with my jc clique!!! WOOOOO :) So long since I last met them heheh! Marjorie's always giving us heart attacks everytime we met up.... tsktsk she has to maintain lol! Can't wait for our play day next weekend :D

Went for a flea at bukit batok with my family! It is just a booth outside some clinic near a coffee shop. It's really those neighbourhood market place but the sales turned out to be so awesome!!!! The peak period was 8+-11am and then it will stop. But just 3 hours, it was enough! :O Super surprised at the sales lol!! LOVE IT :D 

Then, due to the 7th month, my big family has a lot of praying to do and we will go to one another's house to have our lunch + dinner on the day they pray. Hard to explain but yah. Hehe so it's like chinese new year all year round lol. Not forgetting good food always. I cannot believe if I'm not born having this big family man, I will lose out on so much good food which makes me have high standard for food. 

After that at night, the cousins had some bonding time haha!! Beer again cause it's healthier than vodka which we almost played with since my cousin has lots of it... zzz..... BUT beer is still damn smelly and very fast will be sick of it argh... disgusting. Well, the stacko was fun though, there are rules and punishment on the bricks for us to follow so just keep drinking only... I drank like a lot of shots.... I almost vomited cause so bloated and so sick of the smell & taste?!?!?! Not that I'm drunk but yucks! One of my cousin was tipsy though, damn funny!! HAHAHA

Had the annual 7th month buffet for the RC below my house. My grandpa was the person in charge so yea we had to contribute most of the food and my auntie will be the one cooking a storm in my kitchen. LOVE the tapioca thingy (above) and the dong fen (below)!

Our whole big family loves it!! YUMYUMYUMYUMYUM!!! :P

Also asked my love to join so that I can have good food plus have him around though I got to spend time with him on saturday alrdy but who will say no to spending more time???? :) Keke glad that he ate a lot, played with my nephews and zz..... slept on my bed.... tsk he can sleep anywhere on bed lah....
(oops the bolster and him quite unglam in the photos hahhaa) Oh yeah, my Nike air max Thea arrived as well, pretty leh not bad lah!! :D 

After that, cousin jio-ed to play mahjong haha then ok lo, me + bf + sis + cousin played 2 rounds of mahjong and wooo good speed we have! :P Hehe my luck and skills not bad siaaaa, in the end I got win keke :P

So this week, I had a fair share of friends, family and love yay! <3

New week again, week 5 already :O 
However, this week's gonna be a short one cause only Mon, Wed(for floorball), Thurs. 
woo woo woo woo woo
Looking forward to more activities during the weekend, hope they don't get cancelled :)

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