Sunday, September 7, 2014

NTU Sports Ball 2014

The theme for this year's Ntu Sports Ball 2014.

Introducing to the the sports camp's pageants and we called ourselves the pigeons or the penguins! :D

Really lovely bunch of friends I've made through this journey! Though I'm not very close to them as they are with one another cause I don't stay hall and don't see them in school often, but I truly enjoyed the times spent with them :)

The girls who are really nice people :')

Us practicing for our dance! Love this dance!

Our pretty pastel gowns!!!! Don't we look like disney princesses? :D I love gowns and practically long dresses!!!! 

Formal attire!

Casual attire!

(Left) was me during fitting and (Right) was me during ball! :( Kinda scared cause my makeup was like screwed up!!!! It made me look like some clown or sth cause the eye shadow and brows were too thick and dark!!! :( Alot of ppl told me that my make up ruined me! I mean I don't care whatever title I get but at least I wanna look pretty on that day mahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :( But nvm, it's OVER :P
The end of our journey tgt!! :( <3

My og mates and gl who were there to support me with banners and flowers!! Thanks so much!!! :') <3 DORY LOVE

On top are the senior pageants from last year, not all of them though. But well, really thankful and grateful for them throughout the whole pageant journey for guiding us, training us, practicing with us, taking care of us, bonding with us and most importantly, making everything possible and memorable for us!!! :D Next year is gonna be our turn and I hope we will be as awesome! :)

The Queen and King for this year!!! :D The King is my partner, woots woots!! Hahha!!

Sports Princess and Prince!!! 

Mr and Miss Popular!!

Miss and Mr Photogenic!!

& Mr and Miss Body Beautiful! Haha yep I got that title lol!

The whole ball was a blast! :D Initially before everything started, we slacked in the preparation room for a lot of hours waiting for our hairstylist and make up artiste and also did our rehearsals and all and it felt like forever for the whole thing to faster start and faster end. But then, once it reached evening time and when everybody reached and all, everything just happened in a blink! Bam bam bam, one by one the catwalk segments went on and soon we were answering our q&a and then receiving our titles!! Wow!! Never would have imagine myself joining this and seriously I was still telling my senior that I dont want to join pageant on the day of the revelation of the pageants :( But well, glad that I went through everything with the other pigeons! They made everything more fun, funny and bearable! Luckily we are none of the competitive type haha!! AWESOME PIGEONS!!! :) WE DID IT :D

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