Saturday, September 6, 2014

What I ate.

Omg can't believe almost 3 weeks have just passed since I last updated, wth? I don't rmb time passing so damn fast, gosh. Dead.....

Well, glad to say that everything has ended! Like my pageant stuffs and all, phew! So, school has been more flexible and relaxed without trainings and all. But still, school is no fun at all :( So many lectures and tutorials piling up and the pile just gets higher and higher, idioticcccc >:( Really want to just clear them asap, but yes you will agree with me, it's easier said than done :(

Oh yes, and I just checked my page views and they have shot up by a ridiculous amount!!! LIKE WHUT? Who the hell are you guys who are reading my blog? LOL!!! I'm really curious. For this, I decided to remove my link from my twitter and instagram, cause it's just getting alil too scary for me.....

So let's get back to the point! What actually happened in the past weeks? Ok let me just post about all the food related dates here and then the rest will be on separate posts! :D

1) X's bday celebration at Pepperoni Pizzeria!

We ordered 2 plates of pasta and 1 21-inch pizza to share among like 4 of us! What the......... totally overestimated our appetite! The pizza was really damn huge! :O But we still managed to finish like most of it gosh...... still can feel the fullness just by looking at the pictures! OH btw, the carbonara was yummyyyyy :) Nonetheless, it is very heartwarming to see us still putting in the effort to plan and celebrate one another's bday :') We must continue this all the way ok? <3 sobsobs!!

2) Dinner with love!
I went to Westgate for my pampering session which turned out very effed up cause I was "forced" to pay some money..... zzz shan't elaborate if not I will get angry again, FREAKER! So he decided to meet me for dinner cause he wanted to try 4 Fingers. I actually told him about it long time ago and wanted to try it tgt but we just didn't go to jurong area so yea... 
He ordered the recommended combo and he ordered 18 drums+wings wth? LOL I still thought of asking him to order the 6 pieces one... but ok lah not very full after that maybe cause we were busy debating/quarreling over what happened during my pampering session, keke!!! :P

3) Breakfast with girls!

That morning we decided to try out the shuttle bus service from cck! It's super awesome to have this service! Cause the ride's damn fast, it's free and most importanty, we dont have to squeeze with other ppl on the public transport!! Argh really hate taking train and bus in the morning or during peak hours, irritating much! So hopefully this shuttle service will be permanent after the testing out period! So yep, we reached school early and had time to have breakfast tgt before our lectures :) Yippee so we went kfc and  I had my yummy bowl of kfc porridge! Hehe have been eating so much of it lately cause I really like it. I rarely like porridge but i like this! :D I'm always pestering and telling my bf that I'm craving for it and have been having it if we are having breakfast tgt in yewtee keke! Everything's good except that the chicken dices can be better. We need to have more of such breakfast time tgt okay, and hopefully my other friends can join too!! <3

So these were the more prominent food dates and cause most of them weren't pictured down so yea. Everyday I'm just eating good food :D & my appetite is huge! I get hungry more easily :( Nvm, let's get fat, BULK BULK BULK LOL, keeds. But the most ridiculous thing is that... even after weeks of eating alot... I think I lost 1kg? What in the freaking world? I hope it's fake because I peed before weighing myself, I will weigh myself again tmr! >:( *cross fingers*

I've got 3 other posts to blogged about, so stay tune :D I'll prolly draft it and schedule it to post on different days to make my blog looks like it is very alive LOL! :P 
Bye guys! Xo, hope you have a great weekend <3

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