Monday, June 1, 2015

Bangkok Day 3 & 4

I'm back with Day 3 & 4 of my bkk trip :) 


Brought them over to Siam Paragon to have After You!!!!!!! Oh i have missed you so.

Mom and Dad with their own cup of coffee. We had our drinks as well.

LOL my parents at the back!!!!! :P They always give pretty good funny poses one hahahahah

All time classic Shibuya Honey Toast. It's because it was my parents and sis first time eating so I just recommended them to go for the all time fav. Next time they can try others. Mmm mm, super delicious :D Glad they like it as much as I do :)

Us tucking in!!!! WOO YEAHHHH!! I want some right now :(

The busy street of Bkk! 
After that we went to MBK but there was really nothing much. Last time it used to be quite popular but now with more and more new shopping malls, it becomes like an older mall already. 

Then we head over to BIG C Supermarket to get some goods since it was still early. Got like bags and bags of stuff and went back to hotel to put them down and to take a short nap before meeting up again hahah, I just fall asleep straight on the bed.

Wheeeee we met up and took BTS to ThongLor station for Purr Cat Cafe Club! :) Thonglor is like a more modern/youngster place so there are a lot of cafes there.

There is an entrance fee of 200baht each which is S$8 but it can be waived off by ordering food and drinks so yup, our table full of desserts and drinks :) All so cute and not bad tasting!

Look at my action mom haha! She is scared of anything furry, like cats dogs etc. But look at her, touching SIAAAAAAAAA!!!! HAHA She wanted to take pictures but is afraid tsk. After taking photos she just stayed in her seat all day lol and when the cats move then she scared liao. For my dad, he lovessss cat! He had a pet cat last time when he was young.

Me with the kitties :)

The cat on the left kept looking outside cause there was a bird haha! It was in that position for a pretty long time ahaah so cute standing up! And then if you stroke the cat in a scratching way (gently), their fur will like stand up LOL damn funny one.

CUTIE!!!! You love me? I love you :D Most of the cats there have this like flat face and it makes them cuter?!??! Like not the usual stray cats type, so ke ai!!! :D Not forgetting their fur are sooooo freaking smooth wow! Can just touch and stroke them all day err day.

Then, the lady called out something in Thai, perhaps saying "Treats time" or sth like that, and all the cats just went towards her, even those that were sleeping soundly. Like black magic all woke up and walked towards her lol. It was a pretty nice sight to see.

Super many kitties!! More than 20.

A few of my fav kitties there. The left one just stays in that position and it's so chubby and qt!!! The right one is like the royal one, so poised so elegant, see it's posture lol. Somemore it's white!

This one the colour so nice! Grey and white.

THE KING CAT! It's super huge as compared to the rest gosh!! And it's face is really like lion lehhhh scary ok. When it walked around got the aura one but most of the time it's like lying on top of a cabinet overlooking the rest.

SO KAWAII RIGHT!!!! <3 Definitely had a splendid 2 hours + there heheh!! Wanted to visit the Husky Cafe but due to time constraint.... :( Next time then....

So, we took a boat ride across the sea to Asiatique!! :) IT WAS RAINING HEAVILY WHILE WAITING FOR THE BOAT GOSHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe cause it's nearing the raining season. Almost gave up on giving this place a visit but I'm glad we went.

 It's like one of the tourist attraction and there are many things there. Food and shopping and the shopping is surprisingly not very ex. It's said to be a mini chatuchak! We definitely bought some nice bottoms there yay!

Super pretty when we come at evening time. Look at the view :)

Had our dinner, chicken rice :P

Explored the place for awhile and then off we go~ HOME. 
For the whole trip, we got so many praises lol! Like people coming up to say hi to us, saying us cute, pretty, etc. Eeew to myself, thank you to them. HAHA
Had supper in our hotel that night :>

Boohoo, last day already!! :( Sad but missing home as well. It's funny that I'm overseas with my family but I'm still missing home hahah my bed lah aura too strong :P Actually I miss sg's air as well, cause the air in bkk is very bad plus very heaty. I was having sorethroat the moment I get off the plane and had blocked nose/runny nose. Oh yah I kept ah choo-ing many many times throughout the trip lol super rare of me ok.

So we had our own schedule as cousin's and aunt's flight were earlier than ours. Since it was the last day and we were quite tired from all the walking past few days, we decided to make it a more chill day. We went to eat Wanton mee again, it's just beside our hotel what haha! :D  Oh before that, dad and I had a longer sleep while sis and mom woke up earlier for the Morning market again tsktsk.

After that, we went to Platinum to shop awhile and then ate at the Food court again. We ordered lots of food and desserts as well.

Then, dad and mom went for massage all those while sis and I went to walk around ourselves. 

Naish photos heheh :D 
Then that's the end, we went to collect our luggages and took tuktuk to Airport there. Home sweet home at around 1am Singapore time! <3

Till next time, Bangkok, a place where nobody will get bored of haha <3
Overall, my sis and I just spent S$300 on all our shopping loots and we got a lot of items for that amount! So many new clothes now that I don't know how to start wearing them lol also got my sis's korea loots as well. Wow wow wow, but I'm so pleased with my bkk loots cause we refrained ourselves from buying what we usually buy and buy things that we do not have in our closet. Like trying out another style or more daring clothes, great! Feel accomplished as well, cause of my itinerary woo woo if not we will feel so lost heheheh bleh.

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