Monday, June 29, 2015

Happening week

Wow, it's the start of another new week again. Time is flying by too fast ok, I do not want to get near the date of school reopening >;( The thought of it just sucks.

So, I've been very busy last week, like everyday I've sth on. It's was exhausting though fun :D

Well, like the usual, Mon, Tues, Wed I have my tutoring to do which now has become Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri due to their end of holiday. Yea yucks, just want to squeeze all my tutoring classes to as few days as possible zzz if not it's like waste of time haha oops. 

Then on last Thursday, finally met up with my sec sch clique for Weiling's belated bday celebration. It's been really really really long since we last met up I think? I forgot when was the last time lol.

Went to Tanuki Raw @ Orchard Central for the dinner! We all ordered the same bowl of Truffle Yakiniku haha, it was yummy!!! :D Not a really big fan of beef but their beef's texture was really good, kinda like the abalone texture haha.

We then went all the way up up up up up to the Roof Garden. The escalators up there are really steep like the roller coasters track :O

HPBD WL :) <3

After all those, we went to have dessert at O'ma Spoon @ Somerset 313, not bad I would say but not very the wowzzzz. Chill awhile and then back home :)

2 piece white overall for that day. 
It's quite rare that I'm dressed like that, but I'm really liking it.
More mature and hmm.. sth different, abit of boho-ish feel with my sandals and bag.
Hehe showed my bf and asked him whether it's nice and he said I looked like an angel :P #cheapthrills hahaha!! <3

Then the following day, which was Friday, I woke up early to pack my bag for Staycation with my Food Gurus (jc clique)!!! <3 It was our 2nd staycation tgt and we went for Studio M this time! It was actually a get tgt cum welcome back party for Marjorie who is back from Manchester for her school break!! :) So happy that it was full strength! <3 

Went earlier with Amelia and Steph to go prep up the room before the rest arrived. Our clique always have very good planning skills hahaha!! Our wa chat when planning.... chaotic but efficient :D
Studio M is actually quite hard to locate for the first time you are there so we took quite a long while before we reached the hotel. We were admiring Singapore River & Clarke Quay in the day time cause normally we will only visit these places when the sky's dark so it was a new sight.

Tadah our room!! We booked the Loft Room. It was actually small and the toilets were very small as well but the design is still nice. Space efficient with the 2 storeys. Quite cosy I would say :)

Hehe enjoying the room, snacking on my aussie snack and blowing up the balloons with pictures.

Top from Korea and Shorts from Bangkok :)

& the rest arrived!!! YAY!!!!! <3 <3 <3 Everytime when we meet up, sure break into never-ending chaos and noise! Hahaha how do we even have to many things to talk about and shout about? LOL!!!! I feel like I'm always damn noisy, retarded and disgusting with all-sorts of accents whenever I'm with them haha that's because they also the same what! Actually only Marjorie will be retarded with me and then Esther will be shouting with me LOL! The rest will be like laughing and watching our show.

Staircase shots!! <3 Love them! :)

Bed shots!! But lousy quality cause we self time through the glass pane upstairs :')

& IT WAS SWIMMING TIMEEEE at about 5.30pm~~ hehehe always having pool time when we have our staycation!! I mean.... that's sth not to be missed!! :D And their pool is quite nice with the floats around. 

4 of us went down and the other 4 didnt cause some lazy bring swimming costumes/cant find/don't have extra clothes/menses :( But after awhile they saw us having so much fun and us persuading them to just go inside the pool with their clothes.... HAHA Huimin & Ruiying went up to change and got into the pool with us :D

Public nuisance <3

Though I'm not a strong swimmer but I still miss being in the pool, yay!

Didn't swim still cant take such beautiful shots BY THE POOL... haha captured by yours truly ofc.

& we went back to bathe and chill for awhile before heading out for dinner at about 8pm. SUPER HUNGRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

The place near our hotel is actually very nice! But the food there are so pricey and we ended up at TCC, prolly the cheapest food there lol.

All thanks to Huimin's Membership, we get to try out the 1-for-1 and yesh look at our sumptuous spread of foody!! :) 

My scallop and crayfish baked rice with my bounbon beef and a complimentary tea. Yumyum!! :P

After that 6 of us headed back to our hotel while 2 of them went home cause they cant stayover and we had a really long, deep and good heart to heart session <3 Like so deep and exciting and sad and just great.

Can't believe that I'm going for most of my staycations with this clique and trying out different hotel each other. Hehe 4 years of friendship and definitely going on strong <3

Weekends are all spent on work but it definitely ain't so bad as I'm working with my bae <3 Haha I get to see him on a compulsory basis kekek, cause if not for this job, I wont even see him for both saturday and sunday cause I will definitely have family activities going on so yeaaaaaaaa :P

He is my boss so I get to slack kekekkekeke! So glad to be working this with him so it's not ultra tiring for me and I get to skive hehe. 8 hours of working and standing ok, no joke >:( 

We just have to give out coupons, explain to them what's going on and promote/sell the healthier drinks. Hehe there are so many kind souls so far! We are alrdy friends with a lot of aunties and managers haha and we can just slack openly infront of them cause..... they are not the ones who give us our pay lol! So many ppl offered to treat us food and drinks, the stall aunties giving us discounts for food and even treat us desserts when we buy from them, ppl chitchatting and joke with us. So many so many <3 :) And I think generally ppl like him more than me, tsktsk everywhere he goes sure very well-liked by ppl (both guys and females). No wonder I love yo more and more each day as well :P

But actually the job is very tiring luh, legs so sore everyday and just tireddddddddd but since he is the boss, we always go for our break early and end work early LOL! :P

These 3 photos taken some time ago.... hehe yes always sleeping. But ok lah admit his bed really will make ppl just s l e e p whole day long. Love it when he snuggles up to me and sleep like a big baby. Really my precious big boyyyy <3

Matchy army top hahah! :P Oh and Mac's spicy nuggets so yummeh :P

These were taken last Saturday after work. Went to overnight at his hse cause I was exhausted and his hse is nearer to the workplace than mine.....!! My exhaustion was accumulated from the week and cause I had so lil hours of sleep the previous night during staycation with my girls. So yes 3 days 2 nights away from home. But ofc permission granted by my parents duhhhh. My mother always allows haha cause she knows what it's like to be in love and want to be with your love one blahblahblah as for my dad.... he actually dont allow one, still protective but I grew wings and I kept flying. LOL if you even know what I'm talking about 

There are bound to be good and bad times and I am very happy to say that we have passed another bad time and now onto happy times again, too sweet :P muakmuakmuak

Well by bad time I don't mean we quarrel or what cause we don't really quarrel. It just mean like mundane times due to each schedule and can't see each other for prolonged time... etc.... yup! :D


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