Saturday, June 6, 2015

Bikram Yoga

Woohoo hello guys, I'm back with something new! Haha :D

You know how every December which is the end of the year you start to do some reflections about the year and resolutions for the new year? Yea all not for me, I mean I'm too lazy to do and write down. But I will just do all those thoughts in my own head lah. So.... Other than that, I actually started to jot down the main big thing/s that happened in every month. Like perhaps, sth new that I tried, or just any important events. 

Heheh so I can add this Bikram Yoga into my June list! :D I think this thing is pretty good because at the end of the year you get to see what you have achieved or what are the new things you did! And you actually will push yourself to at least do sth new every month? Hehe! 

So I signed up for 4 lessons of this Hot Yoga at Vivo with my elder sis because she kept saying she wants to go for yoga lessons again then ok lo I go try with her. It was my first time but not hers luh. So this Wednesday was the first period! I pictured it to be very relaxing and cool. 

BUT!!!......... Oh gosh!!! It definitely gave us a huge scare lol! My sis said her previous experience wasn't so bad! You know why? Cause this is HOT yoga and we have to do yoga in a super hot room, 40 degrees with I think humidity 45.1? The air was so thick!!! Since it was our first time, our body couldn't adapt well and we constantly feel giddy cause we can't breathe well etc. My sis even went out to vomit gulps!! Haha so it was advised to avoid food like 2-3 hours before lesson but... We are too used to eating breakfast to start the day so... Oops! :P Each lesson lasts for 90 minutes and gosh so long.... :( Kept wanting to give up and for the lesson to end lol!!! Very vigorous and tiring I would say! MIND OVER BODY MAN!! Not forgetting you will sweat like TOOT! Really serious sweat like siao cause it's so hot mah. Whole body wet lol! We kept sat down to rest several times due to giddy spells etc.

We had a traumatizing first lesson!! Hahaha totally not exaggerating. But don't be mistaken, the lesson, the rigour and the instructor are all very good! It's just our body being weak in such an environment for the first time hahaha

After yoga, we got to bathe there greatttt!! And we were very hungry lol!! So we went to this Shabuya Restaurant at Vivo. Oooo steamboat shabu shabu hehe :D Good food all day err day sia :P 

Then, we were encouraged to go back for second lesson within 24-48 hours because in this way our bodies will be able to adapt and won't have to start all over again if the gap between first and second class is too long. So... We were quite scared to go for second lesson HAHHAHA but we still went on Friday! 

YAY IT WAS TOTALLY SO MUCH BETTER THIS TIME ROUND!!! :D no giddy spells, no nauseous feeling, no resting at all and we could stretch more! :P I'm still quite hard LOL. Adding on, the instructor was very encouraging and will check on us to correct us. There are different instructors for different day and time. Previously ours was a female one and friday one was a male one haha. There were many experienced yogis there as well, very pro leh.

26 poses, 2 breathing exercises for 90 minutes! Lol we still wanted the lesson to end asap..... Cause really tiring during all the stretches. Hot yoga is totally different from normal yoga lol!! So if you want to sweat it all out, be more flexible, more vigorous exercise then yea hot yoga is for you hahah!! Glad that every pose that we do, there are different medical benefits and we get to treat and heal the inner our parts of or body like colon, digestive system, etc etc by just doing yoga and breathing the right way. Not bad lah :D 

Just that the third lesson will be next next week since we are going overseas already. So it's quite scary if our body lose the momentum and will have giddy spells all over again... Holy please don't ah! *cross fingers* :P

Bakerzin for lunch!! :P We were so hungry and our class was 9-1030am so when our class ended, it was still not lunch time and some restaurants still haven't open so we had to tahan........ Hehe only look forward to having different food at Vivo after yoga class nia. For yoga, just faster end!! HAHAHA! Need a lot mental strength as well. So actually yoga isn't so easy as it seems unless you go for those relaxing yoga which you can do in normal air luh but hot yoga's air is thick and hot. More jialat. Kekek definitely a new experience :D

What about you guys?
Have y'all done anything new this holiday? :)

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