Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Before 2014 ends....

It's just approximately 6 more hours to 2015! Can't believe that another year just gone by like that. Sooooo many people have complained that 2014 has been a very very bad year for them. For me, I kinda forget all the bad things that have happened to me this year. I think I had gone through some bad stuffs but I can't remember haha! While there is a saying that goes, "God will not give you a problem that you can't solve." - not the exact quote but it's sth along that line. And it's true, whatever problems and obstacles there are, we somehow managed to get past them and a few months later we would be looking back and feeling thankful that bad times are gone. There's another quote that goes like this, "Whatever bad day it is, there are only 24 hours of it." ISIT? Haha again, not the exact one cause I'm lazy to go find the exact one but yah you get my point!!!! Just chill and go through every shitty obstacles and tadah!! OVERRRRR!!!!! What I can remember is that 2014 hasn't been very happening? and I'm not very happy most of the time? like more thoughts than other years. Which is bad! So may 2015 be better though I'm afraid of 2015 cause it means new beginning, new goals, new expectations and everything new! Gosh.... sounds stressful.

Talking about 2014 being a very bad year, it indeed is for the world, especially Malaysia with 3 plane accidents! MH370, MH17 and now QZ8501. Sigh... what's happening to the airplanes?? :( It really instill fear in me and makes me really paranoid about taking planes already. I remembered explaining the word hijack to my pri2 tutee and I explained it by giving him a scenario of baddies trying to take over the plane, etc. And he was very scared and worried as he often fly to Philippines and he kept asking me if the planes to Philippines are safe. I was quite guilty for quoting such a scary example to him, oops! But yea, an explanation about a plane being hijacked can cause fear in a p2 kid, let alone a real plane disaster that really happened.

I admit I have not been very updated with all the world news and I barely know any. Yes, ignorant, living in my own world. Sigh it's bad considering that I thought my own problems are bad enough when there are obviously much more to worry about for the world. Damnit! My problems are like insignificant as compared to the world's. After watching the videos of how the family members of the QZ8501 victims reacted to the bad news, I can feel the ache in my heart like ouch! I really couldn't imagine the immense agony and pain they are going through. The accident happened on 28th Dec, flying towards Singapore somemore. Can you imagine? Some passengers may be flying to Singapore, wanting to spend the last few days of 2014 or even countdown to a brand new year with their loved ones? Or idk what. But just suddenly, they died just like that. I cannot. I also cannot imagine how the passengers were reacting when the plane was experiencing abnormalities. That helplessness, that anxiousness, that shitty feeling of death approaching! ARGH! I genuinely feel sorry for them and I really hope that the family members will stay strong!

I, myself, experienced that pain of losing someone so suddenly so I know exactly how much pain and shock they are going through. But I think for them, the pain are tripled or even worse... 2014 hasn't been very good after recalling all the disasters that had happened. It may not be bad to me individually but when it's bad for the world, you will also feel that it's a bad year for you. May 2015 be much better, safer, happier! Oh yes, one resolution for myself this coming 2015 is to TRY to be updated with the world news? Like at least try to read the news everyday on my phone? Instead of scrolling through twitter and instagram to read about ppl's life, haha. It's easier said than done but I hope I try! :) Jiayou.

Belated Christmas Celebration!

WOOHOO so had belated Christmas celebration with my sec sch clique girls!! :) 

It was the 4th time celebrating xmas with these girls, always a sense of coziness and familiarity. Though this year's celebration was very different from the past few cause this year's one doesn't have the xmas and jolly mood haha but still it's the company that matter most! 

We had mookalicious at Bukit Timah! Not bad I would say but the portion weren't very sufficient for all of us.

So we headed for Udders icecream which is just a few shops beside mookalicious :D YUMZ

All my pretty girls <3

Though we are all in different places in our lives right now, like all different school schools, etc, I'm glad we still find time for one another and keep the clique going on. We've come a long way together and we feel like family. Some 5 years and some 7 years of friendship already :) 

Even though we may have some quiet and silent moments due to lack of common topics now but whenever we talk about common topics, we will be noisy and chatty all over again haha! Usually are nonsense hilarious stuffs lah haha! Glad to have them even after so long :)

Hope everybody will try to suggest places/outings more instead of just the same old usual ones giving ideas and planning cause it will definitely be very "tiring" for the same old people.

Before (bottom pic) and after which is currently (top pic)! Hahhaha not very huge different except for W! Lol!! Alright, though it was a short meet up but it was enough to catch up :) Short and sweet! Also, we did the gift exchange and I'm so glad X loves the bag I got her!! Haha she even complemented it as the perfect bag for her haha! It's always so easy to buy for her cause I know she likes my trust and will like whatever I choose for her :P KEKE!! 

& then S's bf came to gave us a ride home and woohoo we got to play!!!! HAHA! I randomly requested for the top window to be opened as I wanted to try and he opened it without hesitation LOL! It was freaking exciting and scary for a first timer ok!!! I screamed like mad gosh!!! 

Yes this explains the excitement and scariness ok!! HAHA! He speed while we were up there and the breeze was mad!! My ears hurt a lil and saliva was like flying out of my mouth lol but ofc I controlled it lah!

It will be x10 cooler if we were on a road trip overseas and doing this! But well, I guess this is good enough for now! :D Totally cool and enjoyed it lol! :P

Different friends coming up to try hahah! Yay :)

The car ride was the highlight of the night lol!! :D Hope there will be more to come? But quite scared also cause dad said a lot of accidents are due to this as well, oops!!! Only can speed and do this on safer road and when there is less cars.

Here's to many more memories together! :)

The next day, I went for belated xmas celebration with my uni camp friends!! Sentinel friends!!! It has been so long since I last joined them, oops sorry lah. Schedules always clash and the fact that I don't stay hall means even lesser time with them. So yep, glad I went for the celebration to at least catch up with them :D

Senti friends and seniors :) All the yummy foody!!!

Though some moments quite awkward but ok lah I still managed to talk to a few of them and join in the conversation etc! But damn funny cause they always put me in such good light, like think I'm very demure, very nice, etc. 

Thanks X for getting the assorted chocolates that I wished for! WOOHOO :)

The M&N storage box is so cute and just nice to store my small chocolates :)

I gave WX and X gave me :) 

Glad to see everyone that night haha!! :D & not forgetting they are all so smart with good gpas..... gulps...... 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Went out with my beloved on 26th! Cause he was still sick so we couldn't head out on xmas day plus I wanted him to rest for the whole day of 25th!!!! So on 25th, I didn't do anything special but to follow my parents to grandparents hse and then dinner at my cousin's hse :)

So the boy pestered me to tell him what I want for my xmas gift cause he didn't had time to buy me one as most of his time was spent inside army. I gave him present when I told him I didn't haha! :P So he was rather guilty. Actually, we don't really give each other xmas presents, like not necessary. We prefer to go out to eat and spend time tgt. That's how we do it and I guess most couples are also like that unless for those new couples? 

YUP SO I SUGGESTED THAT HE TREAT ME TO YOOGANE :D! FOOODDDDDDDD MAKES THE WORLD GOES ROUND!!! :P Gifts are not very necessary since we've got everything alrdy so food treat is always the best choice :P

It was our first time trying it!! Yoogane is a newly opened korean restaurant in Singapore and it has a lot of good reviews saying that it has almost the same taste as the original store in Korea! Ooooo promising :) 

This is located in Bugis Junction where NYDC used to be. There are a lot of seats in the restaurant so say bye to long waiting time even if the queue is long. We got seated within 10 minutes or less. Oh yah, there is a complimentary phone charging service for iphones and andriod phones! GOOD LEH! :P

We ordered the Chicken Galbi set with fried rice and mozzarella heese toppings :) For all the set, the minimum order is for 2 pax so too bad if you and your friend want to order different set, haha!! But heard that in korea the minimum order is for 4 pax, so I guess Singapore Yoogane is considered better alrdy? 

There are aprons for you to wear also haha which he wore! Also, there is a complimentary salad counter for you to take your side dishes :)

There are staffs around to help you cook your meal so you can just sit back and relax haha!! But ofc, cooking it yourself will be much more fun :D

YAY our big plate of vege, chicken and Ddeokbokki! I like ddokbokki cause it's so chewy!!! And their chicken comes in so large chunks, definitely worth it, YUMS! :)

Keke big baby with his bib, ready to tuck in :P

After awhile, the staff came to fry the rice for us :) He added the mozzarella at the bottom and then fry fry fry!!

WALA!!!! Cheesy goodness, I love the cheese so much :) He even separated the fried rice and the chicken into 2 portions for us! Talk about good service :)

Ooooo mmmhmmmm!!! :P Are you drooling already? :P

TADAH ALL IN OUR TUMMY!! :) burps!! At first when the food came, the boy still said it was too little and wanted to order more HAHA! in the end, we were super full!!! Never underestimate food :P

Thanks for making me genuinely happy all the time :) Giving me piggy backs whenever I request for it haha but I don't request it very frequently lah, only on times when I remember hahaha :P Also, sorry for making your sorethroat worse cause the korean food was considered spicy for you :( Hate seeing you coughing so badly. I still can take care of you when you are at home but right now you are in camp and it sucks not being able to be there for you, to pat you to sleep at night! You are gonna have sleepless nights cause of your cough, piaks!!! >:( Nvm, tmr you are booking out for your new year leave again teehehe!! <3

Love you plenty my king! <3

Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas Eve Celebration!

Back from the slight hiatus! Everybody's enjoying the christmas season and no one got time to use the computer and update the space haha!! Had so much fun with my christmas celebrations :)

So as usual, my Christmas Eve was spent with my beloved big family! Christmas eve will not feel like one if it wasn't spent with them! For the previous years when my cousins and I were still young, we would put up lots of performances for the adults like example dancing kpop dances, damn awesome!! Put up some comedy/ shows for them and prepare rounds of games for the adults to enjoy. However, since age has caught up with us and we are no long that young to dance hahaha and also not so free to practice the dances, we only organise games for the adults. Furthermore, it's a good time to let them have all the attention :) 

So, here are the photos :)

Each family brought their contribution of presents and 1 dish over to my cousin's hse :)

Pot luck style for dinner!! YUMMY!!! Though I didn't get to try every dish cause most were gone damn quickly lol, but still yummy! YAY :) We had satay, sushi, pizza, kimchi fried rice, beehoon, curry and fried finger food! :P

Christmas tree and crazy amount of presents!! Then those kids are my nephews haha still got some not in the picture. So young and I'm an auntie of 5 nephews and 1 niece :) 

Haha relaxing before activities started!

OOPSY HEHE <3 Kelian boy who was running a slight fever and sorethroat that day but still came for the party. Whole day he wasn't really enjoying cause he was sick but I'm glad cause at least he spent this countdown with my family and me :) Also, this year was the first time that we brought our bfs along haha other years we wouldn't let them join cause so paiseh to let them see us dance oops :P And also cause their friends didn't organise countdown celebration this year thus they could join us.

So after a long wait, the activities began!! at 9+ I think. First up was a dance performance by my nephew haha!! This time we all ask the kids to perform alrdy :D It's time for us to retire!

He danced the Gummy Bear song haha so cute!! Then first round of game! Which is to scissors paper stone with the opponent and whoever lost have to quickly grab the shield while the winner has to smack the loser with the newspaper in order to gain one point!

HAHA look at all their funny faces!! They sure had hell lots of fun and laughed till mad cause their reaction slow then kept grabbing the wrong weapon HAHA!! :P

Then followed by magic tricks by my another nephew!!! He performed card, coins magic tricks!! Not bad ok, even I don't know how he did it.

Then it was the group charades! THIS IS THE MOST HILARIOUS PART OF THE WHOLE GAMES THINGYYYYY!!! GOSH! Let me show you an example that's being captured down. Though there were funnier ones but not captured.

So first we will give the first person a word to act out and in this case it was PEE. Damn easy right, but guess what it became along the way. First picture: The first person doing it easily! 2nd picture: My godma kept laughing non stop hahahha contagious sia!!! Then see how she passed it on LOL

Right picture: My mom just passing it on and look at my godma behind, STILL LAUGHING HAHAHA!! Every year during christmas game time she will be laughing non stop heheh that's good :D

Left picture vs Right picture. The ladies doing it with legs somehow closed and then to the guys, legs opened LOL WTH!!! 

YOU SEE!! From pee become like give birth like that LMAO HAHAHAHA!!!

Then the last person, not my bf, had to guess the word HAHA! JOKE TTM :P Luckily the guesser was my sister so ofc correct!

The blue team proceeding with their charades game! The blue team was friggin funny I tell you! Cause of my brother-in-law who always exaggerate actions! HAHA. ok they got GIVING BIRTH as the word. My cousin did it nicely for him with the pregnant action followed by the baby coming out from the below. Then he went to add on breast feeding HAHA and then the emphasis was on the breast feeding along the way DAMN FUGGIN FUNNY, everyone burst out laughing like no tmr!!!!! DAMN EPIC !!! *thumbs up* :D

Next up, each team to send up 4 representatives to act! For the blue team, they were given a bite of peanut butter bread and only 1 of them got the one with chilli! So they had to act and prevent the white team from guessing the correct person LOL!!! Look at all the actors!!! Tell me how to guess hahha so the white team got it wrong!

Then the white team got to drink water with only 1 cup that's lemon juice. HAHA! & the blue team guessed it wrongly also! 

Teeheeeeeeee :) Not everyone though, forgot to take a one big family shot :(

Me with my baby nephew, aww love his cheeks!!! HUGGIESSSSS. Told my boyfriend that he looked like him, cause both botak haha!!

Then it was the last game where everybody got to play and would have a gift each. This game's presents were sponsored by my grandpa! With $100, we just shopped for the usual household items cause that's what suited the adults more and more practical!

This game was inspired by the Sheng Xiong show with the board and the numbers. We will generate the players from a random phone app and generate the game they will play. There are a total of 22 players and 4 different games!

Winner will get to choose the number for their gift and loser had to stay on to challenge another player HAHA!! Can see that I lost :P

HAHA household items as presents! But creative right? A game that includes the adults and gifts that are practical for them :) Everyone gets sth but I didn't put all the photos up if not spammage alrdy! AWESOME :P Oh yah there are cash and ntuc vouchers to be won. And for the cash, you will get to choose from 圣诞快乐 these four words. There are x1, x2, x3, x4 behind so see your luck :P My boyfriend got x3, so he won $6 while my dad got x1 so he won $2 HAHA!! COOL HOR? :P 

So after everything, the white team won and they got to draw on blue team's faces!! TEEHEE

HAHA THAT'S ALL FOR THE ACTIVITIES!!! Just nice everything ended at like 11.55pm and we got ready to countdown hehe! Counted down and had the presents ceremony wooooohhoooo!! :)

Always look forward to such simple yet hilarious Christmas eve celebration with my big family every year <3 Nothing can beat it!!!! I'm so proud to have them and enjoy all these joy and laughter with them! It's a type of feeling and bond that money can never buy! <3 :)

Hope you guys had an awesome celebration with your family as well!