Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tom Yum Kung Fu Mookata

Woohoo I'm back to this space again! I've got so much free time haha!! :D 
So yesterday my sisters and I went out again :) This time with an agenda, to try to settle our Christmas exchange gifts.

First, we settled our lunch at home and then went to Holland Village to get Churrosity :D

We got the large cup to share and by the time I whipped out my phone to take this photo, there were only 3 left haha oops!

Next, we went to shop around town and we got nothing!!!! Nowadays nothing much really seem to catch our eyes man, we can shop and buy more things online cause there are really so many more variety!

We rested awhile and then we decided to try one last shop before we proceeded for dinner and wow!!!! I got everything there! Muaahahhah :D For my sec sch clique exchange gift, for my jc clique exchange gift and also for my younger sis! I was damn happy due to sth that helped me to get those 3 gifts wahaha! :P I really like each and every one of the 3 gifts that I picked out and I hope they will like it! I mean it's my taste of stuff so the colour will be more bold in a sense as compared to who I'm buying for. Whatever it is, I just hope they will like it cause I love it! TEEHEE :D And now, I'm only left with the gift for cousins' exchange, for my parents, for my elder sis and for my lover.

For my sec sch clique, our exchange gift budget is $30, for my jc clique our budget is $25 and I'm so thrilled because the gifts I got is like near the budget's price :) So 1 item for each and I'm done! Then for cousins, because each and every one of us have so many other people to buy for so for our cousins' exchange gift our budget is only $20 every year. It's very reasonable considering the number of other people who have to buy for haha. Moreover, it's the thought that counts :)

So elated us (actually just me) went for our dinz @ Tomyum Kungfu Mookata at Clarke Quay:)

Awesome ambience and decorations :) So vintage and old school.

Good food everytime we are out :P

Our set which consisted of that tray above + vegetable bowl + another plate of ingredients. Total everything, we spent like around $60.

Never say no to delicious food right? :D

People don't even say we are sisters when we were shopping, they just skipped to friends.... Hmmm...... either my younger sis looks mature or my elder sis & I look childish. HAHA

Tadah had yet another wonderful day :) Hehehe!!! Gotta go get the remaining presents soon, who wanna go out hunting for gifts with me? 

Haha so sad... now all my friends are like gone. I feel like I have no friends, ok sounds pathetic but everybody is either still studying, working or having some school related stuffs. I wanted to ask them out but I know they won't be free so.... yea. Furthermore, wanting to meet up with the whole clique will only be possible for like once every month? That's why I'm mostly seen with my family and if not, my boyfriend cause they really are the only ones available for me? How can I not get used to the idea of just spending my time with my family and my boyfriend when the others are so occupied with their own life? Life's hard so actually I shouldn't be too bothered by it and just be happy. Spending time with people who make effort to spend time with you is the most important. So thank you my family and my boyfriend :) I am so glad to have you guys in my life <3 

ooolalalala enjoy your holiday peeps! :)

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